>tfw bilingual
>tfw you realize translation errors in in-game dialogue that completely change the meaning of it
It's easily the worst.
Tfw bilingual
>oldfags unironically think their memes were better
Go to bed old man. You're time has passed.
>tfw bilingual
>tfw you realize that English translations have always had to punch up Japanese because it's such a shitty bland language.
Jokes on me.
>tfw weeb who has seen half a thousand anime
>tfw can understand some phrases and words but obviously don't know the language
>tfw can often tell when subs have literally nothing to do with the actual dialogue but can't tell what the actual dialogue is
I speak four languages and never has this annoyed me.
or when you're not even bilingual but you can hear the japanese and it's like 'nicu catchu, lucky! wari wari wa pinchi dai yo!' and then the english is like "Hark friends! We have extricated ourselves from a dire situation!"
>"did you hurt yourself, Protagonist?"
This is the worst feeling. Had to play Xenoblade 2 dubbed because the subtitles where way too different from the spoken dialogue.
>get tired of cringing my ass off with dubbing
>start trying to reverse engineer the language
>find it so fun turning arcane over complicated cryptic moonroons into to something legible that i just start learning thr language
I always told myself I should learn spanish first, as Im a fucking Floridian with like 8 years of shitty spanish classes that only enabled me to get rid of my gringo pronunciation. At this point thinking about learning that language is like looking at a bunch of tangled christmas lights you need to untangle.
With Nip, nothing carries over its so different but its interesting. I feel like Indiana fucking Jones deciphering ancient runes made by some asshole aristocrats to keep the plebs illiterate.
>be bilingual
>absolutely no content of any worth in Swedish
Fucking useless language. No wonder nobody wants to learn it.
>tfw between N5 and N4 Japanese fluency
I can just understand basic things, but it's something. I can even understand somewhat what the characters say... Maybe not the whole sentence structure, but I can pick up words and figure out what they're talking about.
Why are there a bunch of weebs blogging about their anime japanese on Sup Forums?
yeah swedish is useless and uninteresting but some swedish childrens books are better in swedish imo
t. fennoswede
>implying hearing about how Japan is a suicidal corporate distopia didn't make me actually want to learn the language even more
>implying using anime for vocab review with its clearly enunciated words and contrived dialog is any worse that doing the same with an aaron sorkin movie
Honestly, this website is cancer nowadays, a bunch of nihilistic "look at this fag, he's doing something productive" cocks around here.
>not bilingual
>always use dubs since even if the original VA is better, I have no way of knowing why or appreciating it properly
>never trust subtitles to be proofread since they're so easy to make, poorly or otherwise
O might be missing out on good stuff, but I'm not learning a language in the hopes that a bunch of japs have written something so good it literally cannot be translated into another language
You're not productive you're a lazy weeaboo who just got mad at my question.
Now I miss being children.
Hush child.
Name a better philosopher
are you me
You aren't very fluent I guess. I would say this with a manyougana pun but it would be wasted effort.
john locke
>be autistic
>play games twice in both languages
>can't understand figures of speech, idioms, and localized denotative meaning like a normal non-autist
>think the meanings of things are changed
Oh yeah? Wait till you see my mangekyo sharingan
The biggest issue with translations usually is that a lot of jokes get completely butchered or replaced.
oh no how terrible
Nice for you, user. I feel the same when studying german, though its more about finding the similarities with english.
Plus, Sweden will speak arabic in 15 years so no point wasting time learning swedish.