Unpopular Opinions

Fallout 4 wasn't bad. Also settlement building is fun.

It wasn't bad it just wasn't a Fallout game either.

yeah it feels more like a shooter with RPG elements. it still wasnt complete ass like the soyboys say


I liked it too. Don't listen to New Vegas autists who can't fathom liking something other than their sacred cow.

>Wrong Opinions

>Settlement building is fun

It wasn't bad, but it was so shallow and empty. Lots of wasted pontential with cool locations where they gave up and just plopped some raiders down.
Also, settlement building sucks ass.

Howah To-du?

That said, I found a combat shotgun with explosive pellets and played like 20 more hours just because that OP gib-o-matic was so funny.

427 in Fallout New Vegas and 183 in Fallout 4
I think New Vegas does much better in the RPG aspect by allowing you to not be forced into any certain faction (Yes Man), and kill anyone.
On the other hand, Fallout 4 has MUCH better shooting than Vegas without even having to install mods.
I personally think Fallout 4 would stump New Vegas easily if it had as many mods as New Vegas did.

I didn't hate Fallout 4 as a shootan game. I just hate it as a Fallout game. Also I really fucking love the visual direction they took.


I can sorta kinda accept someone liking F4, but
>settlement building is fun.

Playing it in VR right now having a blast. Seriously doubt I'd play the vanilla version though.

Yeah. People really blow it being bad out of proportion. Like yeah it wasn't great, it was weaker than 3 and new Vegas. But it did some stuff right. The shooting for example. Also everyone hates the settlement building, which again maybe i can understand. But I can't fault Bethesda for adding more features/things to do in the game, So I don't understand why people just want it to not exsist. It's something they can maybe try to improve on.

I liked the voiced protagonist. Lots of snark

Thank you for your opinion. You've encouraged great discussion.


I liked it, despite the ridiculously huge flaws, but it really should have been better. Bethesda has the resources to make a really great game but they choose not to (or their employees are incapable of it). It's quite disheartening.

I like settlement building but it could have been better. Like I remember people saying that the mobile game was more indepth (no, that's not saying much) and i generally agree. Would have been cool to have individuals with stats and being able to give them names.

Also, it did get redundant with how many settlements there were. Especially when most of them weren't really uniqe at all. Should have just done like 5-10 really good, varied settlements.

I wouldn't say it was good either. It was just mediocrity to me. Granted relatively playable mediocrity. Partially because it was the time of mediocre that was like that because it did some things pretty badly but made up for it in other areas, par for the course for bethesda games. But it felt the least bethesda. Good enough that I feel I got my money's worth and had fun with it and will go back later with more mods eventually and have more fun like most Beth games, but I won't be sucking it's dick anytime soon.

Also yeah settlement building was neat, only really bothered with it heavily on my first run and a later raider run.

>boot game up first time
>oh boy this is pretty
>why isn't there an option for toggle aim
>why are they still using this retarded engine
>why do i get power armor and a minigun not even an hour into the game
>quit after 16 hours
>hear good shit about survival mode few months later
>boot it up again
>mfw survival mode
Game was made for this shit, suddenly base building becomes useful.

I want to talk about video games on Sup Forums

You don't even get meaningful amounts of ammo for the minimum for a good portion and the power armour chews through fusion cores

Secret of Mana (SNES) is a great game but nowhere near the masterpiece that people make it out to be. The combat is clunky at times and the story is too mininal compared to other jrpgs at the time (namely chrono trigger, ffvi, ect). Im not saying its bad, but im also not sure if I would consider it to be one of the greatest games in the genre like some people do

I prefer Fallout 3 to NV, also think 4 is shite, and Fallout 1 is the best.


It is. It's also completely voluntary.

settlement building does seem cool, and my girlfriend is super into it. but I come to fallout for writing and characters and fallout 4 is probably the weakest of the games in those respects

Just go to the silly threads user, that's where you find the best discussions. Everything else is shit post

No major towns.
Bad, bad, BAD main quest.
Side quests mostly are about fetching/killing or fetching and killing.
Your character fucking speaks.
Settlement building was boring.
Melee was awful.


I did like the power armor.
Guns felt good.

I think Beth will learn from the majority of the mistakes they made with FO4. I mean there was quite a bit of backlash, And I would say the game failed considering all the hype behind it. So I think even they realize they can fuck up. Plus with TW3 coming along and BTFO of every Bethesda game in basically every way imaginable should motivate them.

I like some QTE's. Dying light made me upset, but MGR Revengeance was awesome

>toggle aim

Stimpacks and Radaway fucking up your thirst and hunger killed it for me. I like the concept I just need to find mods to balance it out.

oh, nevermind you mean aiming down sights. I thought you meant auto-aim

>oh god i just love to hold down the right mouse button while aiming it makes the whole shooting experience so much better


>Fallout 4 would stump New Vegas easily if it had as many mods as New Vegas did
Mods can not account for what 4 lacks, improved shooting is the only improvement, and combat should not be the focus of an RPG.

After +900 hours played. I'm still playing because settlement building is fun and I like walking around the wasteland killing things.
*Most the Skryim/GMOD played hours are when I was a teenager so ignore them.
FO4 came out when I was 18 yo close to my birthday and it's my second favorite game after GTAV and MGSV (including GZ and Survive).

I hope they don't can it in the next installment. I mean they already have a great framework for settlement building which is amazing with mods. As long as they tweak it a bit in the next game, it'll be great.

The voice was fine, but it was literally base of almost all the problem with Fallout 4. It reduced the amount of choice, decreased immersion, and could be annoying and a turn off for many players.

>that entire fucking post
You should be ashamed

SWTOR is a good MMO

You are stupid

literally a Bethesda Drone you're terrible and evil

Put me in the screencap

I think it needs to get a bit more replies before we post it to reddit

Fallout 4 isn’t a bad game in the context of a vacuum. Like, if it’s the first Fallout game you’ve ever played, you’ll probably love it. Same with Skyrim. However, if you’ve played the games before either of them, you’ll likely form the impression that it’s a watered down casualization that brings hardly anything new to the series.

I had actually played Morrowind and Oblivion before I played Skyrim, so I ended up disliking Skyrim, but FO4 was the first Fallout game I played so I liked it. Of course Settlement building was a huge part of that, so there’s a chance I might have still liked FO4 anyway even if I had played FO3 and New Vegas first.


Although I disagree, your opinion is valid and don't let these soyboys bring you down.

Bad MMO. Good RPG

Out of curiosity, what order did you play the Fallout games in?

what mods shouls I install? it's starting to get stale for me after a week playing

depends. what are you looking for?

Halo 5>Halo 4

i agree

>being so insecure you have to throw in every post the fact you have a gf

Kek check out this cuck

Turn on survival mode. Get a camping a mod. Get an overhaul mod for whatever faction youre playing. Get True Storms mod with Darker Nights. And if you hate settlement building, then get Sim Settlements.

>getting this butthurt over user mentioning his gf
Kek check out this cuck

being a basic bitch it's ok as long as i play videmans, how does it feel to eat your own placenta gringo?


>not having a gf
>in 2018
grow up or leave basement ha ha

Post your sex mod load order.

>I think Beth will learn from the majority of the mistakes they made with FO4.

You have a lot more confidence in Bethesda than I do. Western Devs are really bad about this. They’ll probably think that because progressively casualizing their games has ended up financially beneficial to them so far, they’ll assume that they can continue to do that without diminishing returns.

If Beth is smart, they should realize they’ve already captured the peak audience who could possibly be interested in their games, and begin readding complexity and depth to appeal to the audience they already have instead of testing the limit of how far they can water them down before they risk pissing off their existing audience. FO4 received a pretty vocal backlash, but it was still ultimately successful from a financial standpoint, so it remains to be seen whether they’ll listen to their customers criticisms or listen to the money.

Fallout 4 has ~22k mods on the Nexus, while New Vegas has ~18.
Granted, while there are a lot of mods that add gameplay/functionality to Fallout 4, you can only polish a turd so much.

Fallout is terrible. All of it.

this is not a wrong opinions thread

I don't like that kind of mods.

not terrible

FO4, New Vegas, then FO3. Haven’t played the first 2.

Liked both FO4 and New Vegas for different reasons, FO3 didn’t do much for me.

Share all your mods please :3
I wanna do another playthrough.

199 and 166 installed :)

I played the opposite order, FO3, FNV, and FO4. My favorite is Fallout 3. I guess it's just a matter of what you played first. People tend to prefer what they're familiar with.

I played fo3 first and I find NV to be far superior

ENB? How your game looks?

I agree New Vegas is far superior. But I have fond memories of playing FO3. It was one of my first RPGs and I had a blast playing it.

Anyone have the fallout 4 random roll picture?

Be careful mate or you are going to fall from Sup Forums bandwagon, I suggest that you re-read this board mantras and guidelines.

I played FO3, NV, then FO4
FO3 was the worst to me but I still had over 100 hours into it.
NV had an incredible story and some characters, but I disliked everything else about it, including the soundtrack. Wish there was an enb to remove all the yellow
FO4 I'm still enjoying because there are still new mods, Sim Settlement makes it fulfilling to see people rebuilding and I like having companions along to hear their dialogue. I avoid the main plot

You Fallout niggas need to play Wasteland 2

Like this but for 4

Rudy ENB.
I'm busy right now to make before and after but I have this picture I posted long ago but my load order it's almost the same.
I tried to keep Skyrim Vanilla as posible in terms of gameplay just adding survival elements.

It was pretty bad. But the settlement building should have been fleshed out more and allowed you to build more shit.

Rudy ENB for SSE looks like crap lol
Have you tried SSE?

I'm glad you enjoy games user, keep making these anons butt mad for me.

At least you played a lot, unlike most here.

>settlement building
>adding stuff to do in the game
No. Because instead of towns, there are only empty patches of land for you to build your own towns. However these towns have nothing to do in them. No unique NPCs and no unique quests. You think there's more content but in reality there's a new feature so you don't notice there's only Diamond City and Goodneighbor

>unpopular opinions

all fallout games are shit, yet equally enjoyable

user says he was 18 years old when F4 came out that user is more younger than the average Sup Forums shitposter and probably has friends to play with because GTAV so the spark of illusion for the games still exist on him.

what shooters have you been playing? It was pure soycore that only soy sucking babbies would like.

I think they intentionally kept the Settlement building very basic because there’s a bit of a learning curve before you really start to enjoy it. I hope they add more flesh to it the the next game now that people are familiar with the function.

This is how I always saw it. You broaden the game to see how many people you can net.. And once you have peaked out start adding back features, making the game more complex

Unpopular opinion: Soy isn't as bad as you faggots like to pretend it is.

Ultimate hot take:
FFXV wasn't that bad

The base game is okay but hardcore mods make the game super fun. I couldn't put the thing down for like a month when I installed a mod that made all damage realistic with insta kill headshots and certain enemies like super mutants a lot more difficult to fight than humans.

whats your hardcore mod list?

>it's now unpopular to like a game that sold a lot of copies, made a ton of money, has a generally positive reaction from buyers, and a robust modding community

lol wut?

Unpopular opinion: Soy literally gives you tits and is inferior to animal protein in every way

normies. thats why