Will you get yourself the Dark Souls of rhythm games once it comes out?
DJMax Respect
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What does that make IIDX?
Imagine if these retards tried to play IIDX
>Dark Souls of rhythm games
Fuck damn
What's your favourite DJMax Sup Forums?
Black Square here
Trilogy. I always liked playing with the keyboard.
clazziquai all the way
Clazziquai because it has the comfiest music and because it's the easiest
>ps4 only
So rhythm games are the hardest games to master right?
im not good at djmax or most rhythm games but im still picking this up, have they mentioned a price yet?
I've been playing it since fucking last year.
What's the dark souls of TV shows?
What's the dark souls of porn?
Is it digital only? I used to love playing the DJ Max games on PSP
Respect might not reach the same highs of difficulty that IIDX does but it's not easy either. It's definitely the hardest rhythm game on PS4.
Yeah no physical on this one. It's also big as fuck so clear up some hard drive space.
how big are we talking about
I do too remember off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure it's over 40GB. The base game has like 142 songs or something with HD background videos.
>What's the dark souls of TV shows?
Dr. House
>What's the dark souls of porn?
well shit,have they said anything about a price?
>That timing
>MAX 100%
This is another combo-based scoring game, isn't it?
I wish we got Respect and Superbeat Xonic (especially this one since it's on every platform now) on PC. I have Superbeat on Vita but honestly it's really shitty having to play without proper audio. Can't even enjoy the music since the Vita can't drive my headphones.
If it's the same as the HK price, 50 bucks.
No,he's just Korean. The combo counter is fluff, it's more to show how well you chain fever. Scoring is 100% precision based, chains/fever don't factor into it at all.
>tfw bought xonic on both vita and ps4 and was thinking about getting it on switch
>Scoring is 100% precision based, chains/fever don't factor into it at all.
Oh, thank god then
It's a really good game, didn't enjoy it as much as DJMax Technika Tune but still good. If I get a Switch in the future I'll end up buying it there as well. Not sure about buying it on PS4, though.
PC version never
Was the last DJMax game on PS4 barebones as fuck with a shitload of paid DLC?
but this is the only djmax on ps4
Yeah, it's the same one. Half of the game is DLC.
But there is, user.. It uses a subscription system though so you're likely better off using KShoot + converts.
Not true. Activating fever makes notes worth up to 20% more. You can play with fever disabled but then you're not getting any high scores.
It's not quite half yet but it'll get there. It's eventually going to have every song that's ever been in DJMAX and more since they're doing crossovers and new original songs.
To be fair the base game is 120 songs, split between new songs, every Portable 1 song and every Portable 2 song. Each DLC pack is an entire games worth of songs as well so it's an actual expansion rather than micro transaction bullshit.
>But there is, user.. It uses a subscription system though so you're likely better off using KShoot + converts.
Dang, I had no idea. Shame about the subscription system, I'd splurge on a controller + $60 (with optional DLC), but paying an ongoing fee is a pain, especially since it probably involves jumping through Japanese hoops.
>Activating fever makes notes worth up to 20% more.
The base game is actually over 140 songs. The DLC collectively adds about 50 as of now.
Does the MUSE-ON controller work with this?
someone please tell me blythe is in this game i dont care if it's dlc
Well on the plus side there's an auto fever effector you can use that doesn't penalize you at all so you can basically ignore it for everything besides Mission Mode where it'll rarely be a factor anyways because Mission Mode is more about crazy bullshit challenges than fever activation.
No. Only the DS4 or a Virgoo can play it because you need 10 buttons and 2 turntables/analog sticks to play it.
It's in the base game.
>It's in the base game.
oh my dick i have to get this now cause it's my favorite djmax song
Dao controllers work with a special firmware + adapter if you have one already. The MUSE-ON controller was shit anyways from what I've heard.
>The Dark Souls of [anything]
good job drones
Well shit. I mean, I didn't expect it to work, and using the controller is fine, but I kinda hoped.
If you don't mind setting up a Hong Kong PSN just buy it now.
Unless you have the full DAO 2 player controller it won't work, and even then you'd be limited to 6 button mode at best. To actually be able to play everything in the game you need either the DS4 or a specialized controller.
no point now really i can wait a few weeks,plus i dont want to have to go out of my way to get the dlc
I want physical, which version should I buy?
Japanese limited edition, otherwise lmao there isn't one.
>a slow and clunky RHYTHM game
play-asia has one with english and chinese subs
I’m guessing it’s hong kong and I need to have HK PSN for DLC?
Yes. It's good to have an HK account anyways.
Yes. You can buy HK PSN cards on Play Asia and they'll email you the codes, for buying the DLC.
It's not slow or clunky, it's just brutally unforgiving
The dumbest shit out of all this however is the fact that the blog probably dosen't tell the people reading that you actually learn the game faster and sooner begin to master the gameplay when you increase the speed of the notes despite conventional wisdom telling you that slowing down would be best.
Newcommers should know this.
Wait for the western release if you haven't bought already, its a pain in the ass and expensive buying asia dlc if you're not from there
black square too here senpai, kinda digging the new Respect songs especially the UAD one.
i wanna pick up the claz dlc but its too damn expensive, fuck those chink jews
It's $20, that's pretty reasonable for what you get. Especially for rhythm game DLC.
>Dr. House
No, but I think the videos in it are cute