*girl joins your discord*
"Dont worry guys, she's cool."
*girl joins your discord*
Other urls found in this thread:
>using Discord
First post. Best post.
off yourself
>Politically obsessed tranny joins the group
>she isn't cool
what's the problem? it's a clear signal that it is time to leave
>depressed emo faggot joins the discord
>"he's cool guys"
>proceeds to spout memes about nothing and make everyone leave
>Using Discord
>Talking about Discord
I want the cancer to leave
She fants to fug.
I quit that shit because the same thing keeps happening.
>Have cozy discord
>Filled with IRL friends
>Friend invites his league friends
>They invite their league friends
>It's now a League of Legends discord.
This happened 3 fucking times with 3 groups of friends. I'm fucking tired of it. You might think "user stop being a faggot and ban those bitches" I did the third time it happened and they bitched and moaned about it so I just ended up leaving.
Came here to post this.
>Guild proceeds to fall apart about a month later
>that one person that constantly complains about their family
>it sounds kind of clear that they're the problem
>literally no one cares about "him" until he's the only one posting in the chat
how about you find better friends who dont cry about you trying to keep the community stable
t. admin on a __Trap__ discord
Not vidya.
I probably should yeah. Some of them are worryingly addicted to League which really sucks. One of them is playing nearly 12 hours straight when he isn't working. It's fucking nuts. The rest don't play as much as that guy but they aren't interested in any other game but League. Definitely time for new friends.
I can find new friends.
>girl joins
>the guy that invites her wants to fuck her
>3 days later
>ever guy wants to fuck her and trying to get with her
>autistic fight happens
>non of them even talk to each other despite knowing each other IRL
Its been 2 fucking years and my 5 friends can't even be in the same room
>he unironically plays vidya
>Girl joins the discord
>She's a cute loli
>guy join's your discord
>"don't worry he's cool"
>never actually speaks or chats
I've had this bullshit happen too. The woman lives thousands of miles away from the guy too and he's still into her.
Based Lazarposter
this is why you only join gay servers if you want a nice community
>guy (female) joins your discord
>I've already ERPed him before you have a chance to say hi
>be gamer gurl
>your group of weeb cosplaying female friends only care about some specific fujobait jrpg so you can't talk about other stuff
>sjw gamer groups only talk about shit i don't like and are filled with "fellow" "female" trannies
>Sup Forums-like groups and comic book store nerds like the stuff i like but they're so fucking frightened about grrrrrls joining them they just shit their pants on sight
I fucking hate you
>thinking Sup Forums is ironic shitposting
*reports your thread*
"Don't worry it's shit and not vidya."
>worse yet she's cutesy uguu crush bait
just dont use vc and dont say youre a girl
Fuck you, you fucking pedophilic manipulating piece of shit. You fuckers are shoved up each others ass that if anyone new comes along to challenge your disgusting degeneracy you throw a bitch fit to top all bitch fits and pretend you are always in the right. Go eat a can of anal beads you fucking cam whore.
how can you be so addicted to a shit game?
t. anons with no friends
how do you challenge someones fetish
>She won't stop talking
*autist joins discord*
*everything he says and types is up for sale for the highest bidder*
this, tb q h
>tight-knit group of dudebros
>girl joins
>whenever she starts shit it turns to community roast hour on her
>she leaves the voice
>comes back 3 days later mellowed out
Just treat them like they aren't important like the rest of you and they'll either leave or be normal.
Get back in the angry dome, Farnsworth.
My brother pulled that shit with our discord of IRL friends. Only one other guy was trying to screw her but until my brother's relationship with the girl fell apart those two couldn't talk to each other. It made our Day&D sessions really tense.
I also had to help my brother go through months of messages to find any "problematic" shit and delete it. The guy actually running the discord was nice enough to make it so she couldn't see our "hentai and sadness" board which was all hentai and bad memes.
>girl joins your discord
>nothing unusual happens because the company you keep is allright
What's wrong with discord? Do you not have friends?
t. user who pretends random internet people are his "friends"
How many of these cunts would give a kidney for you, ey?
I myself prefer to exclusively communicate with my guild through ham radios and smoke signals as well
My discord is run by a woman, I don't have any issues.
>It's a "advertise your "totally new and not like all the other Sup Forums discords" thread"
Literally every discord advertised on any Sup Forums thread on any board is a trash circlejerk at best. I would keep you fucks far away from any discord server I enjoyed.
Not him but my discord is mainly filled with IRL friends.
And one of them already has
>Sup Forums-like groups and comic book store nerds like the stuff i like but they're so fucking frightened about grrrrrls joining them they just shit their pants on sight
This is literally your entire gender's fault, you stupid cunt. You push the undesirable kids away, they never learn how to interact with girls, they immerse themselves in a dorky community filled with other undesirables, they grow bitter with age, and now you're shocked that they're hostile towards women when you come to play.
It's. all. your. fault.
They're called formative years for a reason you fucking moron. Denying people the opportunity to socialize normally and then getting mad at them when they become hateful, anti-social adults is just so fucking retarded.
Found yer problem.
I use it with my IRL friends. I suppose you don't have those?
Ofc you're not the guy I was responding to, he's defending a program that spies on it's users, you're merely using a program to communicate with your existing friends. One program is as good as another.
>not embracing the circlejerk
>not alternatively mowing down the weeds and picking out the few good people that you got
shit taste senpai
>tranny joins the group
>"Haha don't worry guys I'm not like all the other trannies"
>tranny makes fun of blacks, gays, christians, jews etc in your group
>somebody posts a fugly man in a dress
>tranny's face when
On the one hand, I understand and empathise, that being sexually harassed is not cool and that faggots really shouldn't try forcing their stuff on the young or vulnerable.
On the other hand, S E E T H I N G.
Me: Shut the fuck up ill rape that bitch.
If I wanted to babysit retards I would work at a special needs daycare and at least get paid for it.
Extended version:
>girl joins your discord
>"dont worry guys, she's cool"
>girl only plays overwatch
>posts obvious slut pictures
>"hey does this look good on me?"
>everybody hates her besides the person who invited
>she realizes everybody hates her
>"wtf fuck you, none of you even like me"
>person who invited her get's all pissed that he didn't have his chance to flirt
>"wtf all of you are losers! don't invite me back"
>leaves server
This happens on every Discord server.
I have a theory that this shit happens because the people involved have never had actual friends before. So when they get themselves a little online clique the milk it for all it's worth and 'haze' newcomers by ignoring them just to see if they're 'worthy' of being part of the faggot circlejerk. Kinda like that scene in Fight Club. It's a pity, because I've never once been to a Sup Forums related discord or skype group that wasn't like that.
I have seen people playing like this but dota 2. I played metro 2033 again and beat it 2 times, then i feel bad since is a single player game and then i remember that i was like this in the past with single player games. I think that genre catters people with problem or other shit since i played a lot when i was depressed and didnt knew what to do with my life. I heard other people does that to.
never happened
>*Degenerate uses Discord*
Oh don't worry you're a fag
You all out yourselves as infantile little shits if you get caught in high school level social trappings like girls.
>not doing both
>implying irl friends would give a kidney for you
Come on now.
I left a server for this reason
Why do girls are always seeking attention and why is there always a cunt to defend her being an annoying bitch
It's popular so anons are obligated to hate it.
>someone adds a trap
>the trap says it is a trap as soon as it joins
>no one cares
>trap repeatedly keeps mentioning how it is a trap
>no one acknowledging it still
>trap becomes furious, starts spamming the channels as soon as someone writes something
>never contributes anything, just keeps saying how it is a trap
>message the guy who runs it, asking him to ban it
>"eh i dont care, heres mod u do it"
>ban the trap, with the reason "lmao faggo"
>am a hero
I havent had that happen on any server lmao
>someone with a southern accent starts talking
>immediately someone else derails the conversation to be about trump/politics
>2 girls join discord
>they are friends of a friend
>do some M+ dungeons in WoW
>everything goes fine
Well that's the end of my story, thanks for reading my blog.
Never had this problem with my old guild.
The trick is to have a guild matriarch to keep the little sluts in line.
this you're in for a sad, sad surprise
>haven't left my house for 8 years
>chad friend gets me a job at his store
>meanwhile he moves countries
>meet a girl
>can't believe she doesn't think I'm weird or anything
>we even hang out at lunches and she willingly comes and finds me to talk to me
>chad friend comes down to visit for literally just one weekend
>ask her if he knows the girl give description of her, etc
>intending to surprise him by saying I think maybe she likes me
>before I can he recognizes her and posts pictures of her pussy he took during the party he attended last night where he met her for the first ever time and fucked her
>female friend wants to play monster hunter with me
>"cool, you can join me and my friends"
>she suddenly gets anxious and doesn't wanna play
>have to tell her the two guys aren't assholes and wont harass her just to get her to play
>she joins us but doesn't use mic
There's a lot of girls who milk the whole "women in gaming are hated" thing, but there's also girls who are legitimately being put off by bad experiences.
>and he does it for free
Wanna see what happens when you lust over a discord thot?
>join a Discord server
>serverbot: "Everyone, say hello to our newest member!"
>join a discord for a group of friends that know each other IRL
>they have a porn channel
>>X's face when
You ruined the joke. Stop posting anytime.
>its another "Sup Forums hates popular thing that involves having friends because they don't have friends" episode
>girl joins our discord
>quite friendly and talkative
>a few of us start to really fancy her
>exchange pics/videos
>can't see much of her face, but she seems cute
>one year later
>join another server she's in
>some regulars there keep using "him" to address her
>all the pieces start to come together
>realize that "she" is most likely a man all along
At least we've learned our lesson now I think
Same for me, except replace WoW with FFXIV
Fuck off with these threads unless you're going to link to a good straight furry channel
>all these low-tier bait posts about 'lmao no friends'
grow up and use mumble
>baby bop
>tfw want to use discord
>nothing to use it on
Don't tell them you're female
There proceeded to be no significant problems in particular
Thanks for reading my blog. I read your's too. I hope you got a house in FFXIV. I don't know much about that game, but I hear that getting a house is a hard thing to do.
>ugly UI
>not free
I'm good with discord
... and?
Hey, why don't you fuck off before I ruin your face?
Oh wait I don't have to because it's already ruined!
p-please tell me thats one of your members and link pls
Mumble was popular 13 years ago, grandpa.
Introduce the Fujos to Undertale.
Also Sup Forums shits its pants over everything, being a girl isn't special.