This will be your white mage for tonight. Any objections?
This will be your white mage for tonight. Any objections?
Absolutely not. I've been going through FF9 again and I'm finding Eiko just ridiculously funny; especially on Bran Bal, she's super fun.
The answer will always be no because better characters cannot exist.
I want to TOUCH her cute little H O R N!
Doesn't look white to me
nope. she won't ever be alone as long as i'm around. still got that flute she can blow on too
Why is she so perfect? Perfectly cute, perfectly adorable, perfect white mage, perfect angel.
Because she canonically wants you and don't know any other vidya lolis that are like her.
The looks on the guys' faces are priceless.
You may be right; I can't think of too many kids in games that are as precocious and intelligent as her.
I don't want a horny 8 year old in my party
She also shit talks so much, it’s hilarious
>She is far more competent than someone her age should ever be. She organizes a band of moogles, regularly raids food from a nearby village, escapes from savage monsters on her own, is familiar enough with classic literature to quote it, is extremely versed in summoner history, customs, and lore, is disciplined enough to maintain a daily religious ritual, is a damned good summoner in her own right, and if she's one of the party members that stays behind in the Desert Palace during That One Level, she instantly takes control and leads them out of danger. Even more improbably, she's surprisingly knowledgeable about romance. Her attempts to woo Zidane include cooking him dinner, quoting literature, writing poetry, showing interest in his life, attempting to rescue him, outright asking him about his feelings for Garnet, and finally, attempting to hook Zidane up with his true love when all else fails. Let's face it, folks — if she were older, we'd be all looking at Zidane like he's crazy for turning her down. In disc 3, when Garnet and Steiner go into a combined Heroic B.S.O.D., Zidane puts Eiko in charge.
>we will never get that FFX-2-like game pitched in last night's thread
It hurts bros.
So which FF loli -is- your guys' favorite? You can only pick one.
She formulates the plan to escape he collapsing Pandemonium and Terra too, using the Invincible and leading all of the characters sans Dagger and Zidane out. She's super underrated.
So we make it ourselves! Preferably with a better artist than me.
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Said absolutely nobody ever.
Ollie boy?!
Whiter than your bony ass, meatbeat.
Does the entire summoner race in FF9 have a predisposition to its girls having great asses in their genes?
They were too good for this world.
More like wife mage.
I just got her in my party. After spending half of disc 1 with no White Mage, it's rather fucking insulting that the game suddenly foists two on you.It doesn't help that my characters are actually a decent level now to clear mobs without having to chug potions after every encounter. I have a hefty stockpile of Ethers, too. Is there some upcoming wall I'm not foreseeing?
At least they have a chance to breed and repopulate. Two females should be enough to get the species rolling again.
As much as I like the idea, how would we even make it?
RPG maker or some such?
Nah you never need 2 in your party, very slow to kill stuff if party consists of Zidane, Vivi, Dagger and Eiko example because weak physical attacks. I also have always a lot of Ethers. The game is like one of the easiest FFs. Auto-Regen makes the healers mostly irrelevant too, but you get that pretty late for other characters.
That'd work. Easy enough to use that anyone can contribute something to the project, and still flexible enough to do what we need.
Building interest is going to be hard without decent looking custom assets and pictures though.
Lewd little bitch
Stop that, Eiko is not a bitch.
Sure seems like one with how uppity she gets Garnet's ass.
Eiko is 100% lewd and has been the bitch to many monsters.
Not as lewd as Garnet, who just has that orange bodysuit covering her soft ass from the world.
And Eiko has that tight pink bodysuit and you know that she sometimes goes without it just so she can bend over and give the monsters easy access without having to take off anything else.
Of course she sometimes doesn't wear it but she would never let anyone else except Zidane do her.
Before she met Zidane was an entirely different story though.
And after she wanted nothing more than his space monkey dick. There's probably been instances of her collaborating with Garnet to get a taste after he returns to everyone.
I don't believe that though.
>tfw a little girl has a bigger horn than you.
Don't worry son, you'll understand why men like Eiko too when you grow up.
because of the shit colours on my crt at the time, it looked like eiko was running around with her cooch exposed
A lot of people questioned the design of her outfit even without wondering if they had monitor/tv issues.
Garnet is a summoner/white mage
Eiko is a white mage/summoner
Know the difference
It doesn't really look like that in-game because they unfortunately used a different color than on her CG art where it's a lot more pink vs red in-game. At least in cutscenes it's pink.
I was a low class single parent family, shitty crt with a lot of colour bleed. But yeah the guide book certainly didn't help either
Didn't PSM have a caption that questioned the way her outfit looked? I swear some rag back in the day pointed out how questionable it looked.