>Name your fetish
>Then how you would subtle put that into your game
Let see those game dev skills in good use
>Name your fetish
>Then how you would subtle put that into your game
Let see those game dev skills in good use
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Everyone's a futa and they all fuck all the time.
I'm not very creative.
>you get to fuck people in the ass
Girls in that position taking a shit
The shit is an essential craft item
>the game servers fuck you in the ass
A game where you stick your penis inside girls
>Breast veins
Doesn't sound hard.
>Transparent clothes that allow you to see the bra
Already a thing in some games.
fuck you degenerates your game would be shit anyway
>Big Tits
>Wow so hard
>there's a "bug" where the underarms of certain character's clothes don't render correctly, or "clip" inside of the model itself.
Also this
girl taller that me
i introduce a race of onis in the history and make them waifu material
>He only has one fetish
You need to leave
>you have 4 other teammates that constantly fuck you over
shame the idea was stolen by LoL, CS:GO, DotA, and Siege
>women reacting and lusting for big cocks
>penis size is a stat in game that you can level up and it effects all female entities in various ways
You can alter the ages of females you encounter.
Everyone besides you is a female, with other males off screen.
Sweaters and PJs.
Pretty easy to subtly fit in.
>eat enemies
>hot moms cosplaying as vidya characters
I guess: make hot mom vidya characters cosplay as other vidya characters. Huh
You can impregnate all the women in the game.
I will buy your game.
your mom
shes hot
fuck, I dunno, i'm not a creative boy
Doesn't that game already exist?
make it a thing ala dead rising style, no one is the wiser
> 2 people sharing 1 set of clothes
uhhh, clipping glitch? idk how to not either make it comedic and wrong like kids going to the movies on each others shoulders or obviously sexual and weird
>anal vore
>PS4 exclusive
>Fuckbox trap character is the protag and their NPC buddy is a domineering woman who is both older and taller than they are.
automata almost got it, but 2b's character was not enough of an implied dom
Underrated post
You play as a female character and you have to bully and rape all the males in the game. Even makes more female main characters in video games, everyone wins.
>girls molesting each other
It's an open world RPG set in a mad max esque setting. If you lose an engagement to a group of raiders they can kidnap you and steal your groups. If one of the raiders is a female than there's a chance they might take advantage of you.
>gender role reversal
Tomboys. Tomboys everywhere.
I'd buy it bud
i don't need to because this is a common trope in media, degenerate or not
make a trap character you can romance. you don't know they're a trap until it's time to fuck.
Sounds like my kind of game.
>it is now time to fuck~! \^o^/
Female character starts as your rival/enemy and slowy turns into your ally
twins characters designed to be stronger when they buff each other
>mother/daughter threesomes
Romance one and the other joins your party in a totally-not-a-romance sidequest. Same with the twins you reach the full character potential when they bot fight together with the MC
>Weight gain
>You play as a female MC, and you could fatten her up depending on how much you feed to her/how much she eats, but it wouldn’t be a prominent mechanic. The fat limit would be very large, and would be depicted in an attractive manner. In addition, the game would also feature other female fatties.
>It's a stealth game with exclusively girls
>The main plot is about saving girls who got captured and tied up
>All the traps and enemies give you different defeat scenes where they tie you up in different ways
>There are periodic chapters where you get captured unavoidably
>In these chapters you have to escape by interacting with a tied up version of the mc
>Bad ending is you go to a mental institution after being driven insane. Lots of straight jackets included
>Normal ending is you freeing all your comrades and femdoming the bad guys
>Best ending has the MC establish a bondage Harem with the other Girls as her fuck dolls
Milsurp Schoolgirls
P easy
Have trannies alter their bodies with Magic rather than surgery, that plus romance options make it so everybody's happy.
>fetishes above degenerate
Lmaoing at you
Incoming agony due to what it is and no way to do it subtle
A powerup that causes girl to expand so they can float or whatever. A power that expands sexy enemies and you can roll them to an objective
... Armor that makes you resistant to water element?
condom skirts or as hair accessories
I don't need to be subtle about it, lots of games have nonhuman races. Although they're almost never playable.
I like how subtle your image is that nobody who doesn't already know would guess what fetish your image is. Very clever, now post the other one.
By making a separate model of the same clothes for the other character follows the same design. so it's still the same clothes.
Also there are clipping tests you can do on any software you can animate 3d models. you make the naked/default model spin it's head in every angle it can like it's neck was an analog stick doing 720s for a grab in a fighting game, same thing for the arms,legs and waist, turn that into an animation then load all different models that use the same skeleton and run the animation on them and see if anything clips.
How's it going Dobson?
so where's your kickstarter/indigogo?
Chibi/Super deformed
Just make the game for the 3ds.
>Tfw when you don't need to because you already have games that fulfill your fetish needs
Go play Fable.
I wanted to kill the children I made, sadly it wouldn't let me
>hair fetish
>use hair in attacks (ie. Milia Rage, Filia, Bayonetta, etc)
If only Bayonetta was hot
Furry, Futa and nipple fucking aren't even degenerate
>hire the dude who made the character designs in Nier:A
The Sims did it on my behalf.
There is a rape mechanic where you can kidnap, tie up and rape any female in the game, including children in VR
>breast expansion / large breasts
A female character goes through puberty throughout the course of the game and gets stacked. She keeps a hidden diary where she first starts by complaining about being "boyish", then "budding", then "fitting in", then "standing out". However, she also loses female friends and becomes shy. Depending on your character interactions, she can stay that way or even get them reduced, or become proud and flaunt her assets more.
bbw mom/son incest.
Cannot see it fitting into a game.
>wipes it on her face
>Chibi/Super deformed
I question why I have this fetish. It's not even a loli thing, but fucking something small just is a huge turn on for some reason.
How is futa degenerate? It's normie level stuff these days.
Gender Bender
There are enemies in the game who can change your sex against your will.
that chart is fucked up
>tfw only a creep.
>Make the skirts/clothes all open on the sides while a shadow is covering if you try to spy
This way it can get past the ESRB rating
It's an older image
>Game allows you to create a cute boy, have them crossdress, and romance them with other men unknowing of your protag's gender
No seriously what fucking games allow me to do this?
>Cuntboys and furry in there
Well I'm safe then
>hex with other pokegirls
This is rare.
Solid attempt, would buy.
The best taste.
Got any good material for me, my man? Preferably something where the son's not hung like a horse?
The villian releases a gas that infects all the women
if they have even a small amount of bodyfat, its not effective
but otherwise they need regular injections of hot cum to not die in screaming agony, and forcibly give birth to the villians demon spawn
The demons are immensely strong and fast, and crave female bodyfat, so even if the gas doesn't kill them, the demons will
basically its a game about how much I hate fat women
Doll joints and dolls in general
Custom robo clone, just think about those joints and qt dolls fighting.
>bosses have various effects on death
>some disintegrate, some crumble, some seize up and explode
>the token hot villainess melts
literally what got me into this stupid fetish desu
What exactly does this mean by monsters?
>Loud women
I'd make a game about a woman in dangerous situations that gets beaten up/knocked around a lot and makes a lot of loud moans as it happens.
so Rondo duo?
Irredeemable here, what's the easiest way to move up to ascended?
I want to see a game twith prolapse and urethra sounding
Psst. Metal Slug.
Do you have a patreon?
My dick appreciates this.
Survival horror tinged with sexy girls maybe? Fear boners are fine with me.
>not being into floor tiles
Don't need a game, I get my fill from Sup Forums
>Add powerup that makes your character bigger
>Make sure there are hot female PCs
I fixed it
Just give me a huge height slider or some big spell or something. It would be pretty easy
How is futa degenerate, but Shemales is creep? It's literally the same thing. Also, how the hell is Amputee not degenerate? And should I even ask what Floor Tiles, Ohio and Mexican Sugar Dancing are?
Sounds good to me
Chubby futa RPG by Uno Makoto
>lifting your own fetishes up to feel better about yourself.
Just accept it.