What's the worst aspect of A Link to the Past? When you replay the game, are there any parts that you dread doing? Required, optional, doesn't matter.
What's the worst aspect of A Link to the Past? When you replay the game, are there any parts that you dread doing...
he repetitive dungeon music
The fact that I already beaten the game a dozen times now.
fair point. in hindsight maybe nintendo should've waited a year or two for bigger rom carts to fit more themes for dungeons.
Oh and on top of this, this cane isn't effective against the boss in which the tool was found.
some people see that as a good thing
Nobody agrees with me but the controls suck. Its weird swinging the sword in 4 directions but Link can move diagonally as well. I feel like I often couldnt get the intended angle of my attacks and this is really apparent with that boss that knocks you off the edge
Ice palace, Misery Mire and Turtle Rock
To be fair, that wasn't the concept of the game or anything, which I appreciate. That came after, with Ocarina of Time.
The motherfucking Ice Palace. I remember the hell I had to go through when I lose my save for the first time.
that never bothered me. it would've been nice to be able to toggle items with L and R but i believe there's a rom hack with that.
The only weak parts of the games are the puzzles, which are kind Zelda standard and a bit obvious, not to mention don't use the items as much as they could. I also felt caves were a bit lacking, its usually just a room with an item. Also the pond of happiness is just annoying.
Other than that great game, great dungeons, great bosses, great music, great atmosphere, great exploration, great overworld, and manages to have a good deal of non linearity with the Dark World dungeons.
1,3,4,6,7,5,2 is my favorite order.
>Ice Palace
Only thing I hate because the layout is fucking terrible. I often try to save it for as late as possible.
the portion of the game where you don't have the pegasus boots. traversing hyrule feels so slow without them
So I assume the Golden Sword is still the most powerful sword in the series?
>not the concept of the game
>The only weak parts of the games are the puzzles
which zelda game do you think has the best puzzles?
>Also the pond of happiness is just annoying.
true. it would've been better if there were multiple caves scattered around hyrule for ammo upgrades
>1,3,4,6,7,5,2 is my favorite order.
don't you need the hookshot to get to 3 and onwards? or do you just go back to finish the dungeon later? i usually try to beat 5 asap because dark world enemies hit like a truck.
I'd say either it or the Fierce Deity Sword
I wonder how the Fierce Deity Sword would affect Ganon
Moldorm and that one set of stairs in the Ice Palace. You know the ones.
Because they are long, tedious and annoying to slog through, Ice Palace and Turtle Rock in particular.
Fierce Deity Sword is in line with the Red Master Sword and the Biggoron's Sword, though.
>don't you need the hookshot to get to 3 and onwards?
If you go back to the light world after getting the hammer, you can go to Kakariko and find the warp tile pictured to get back into the dark world to be near dungeons 3 and 4.
>which zelda game do you think has the best puzzles?
Ages, it really makes the best use out of every item.
playing this for the first time on n3ds.
literally finished this dungeon about an hour ago and that didn't bother me in the slightest.
haven't had any troubles with that and that's saying something since i'm playing it on 3ds.
the only thing i disliked about ice palace was the sliding on ice parts which wasn't that big a deal. misery mire was piss easy.
>comparing different games to one another when they all have their own relative measurements
You can double that because the sword attacks with an energy blast at the same time, thus doubling damage
>Nobody agrees with me but the controls suck
But I do.
In fact they are so fucking shit, cumbersome and irritating they don't even fit the game and its world. Absolutely fucking horrid choice for directional input
That stupid monkey that you always have to pay up just to get into the first dark world dungeon.
As an aside, I really wish 3d Zeldas would stop wanking all over the Master Sword
Especially after SS ruined it's origin story by giving it a shit one instead of leaving it vague
yeah he's a faggot. plus you have to pay him the initial 10 rupees when you come back or if you get hit with him following you.
Just charge your attack and use the poke.
what's the best strategy with that boss?
bomb his ass
You can cheese it if you just constantly charge your sword and always hold away from the ledge when pushed back.
the rupee wallet should've been bigger. nothing is more soul crushing than opening those 300 rupee chests near the thieve's hideout with a full wallet.
The fact that you get the mirror before you're sent into the Dark World. The Dark World would have been much more intimidating if the mirror were a reward for beating the first dungeon or something.
It's a bit too floaty. If there's one thing the N64 games have over ALTTP, it's that they are very weighty by comparison.
>which zelda game do you think has the best puzzles?
Breath of the Wild
Also, the only part I ever dread on replays is maxing out arrows and bombs, it's so tedious
Having finished the game several times I've come to term with all its quirks and even all the passages one would consider bullshit. All except one.
The fairy pond in the middle of Lake Hylia where you buy more inventory space for arrows and bombs. I get that it's a neat thing, it was kinda magical the first time I sacrificed 100 rupees as a kid and it's also neat that you can do this stuff a little faster from then on but it still feels like a huge chore to stand there and click through the dialog twice before getting the fairy to appear and then skipping through her dialog to get the meager increase of 5 arrows/bombs. It feels like they wanted it to be a nice place to return to every once in a while or something but there really should have been an option to skip to the point. Hell, in the time it took me to type all of this I wouldn't even have gotten halfway through this chore.
No warp points in Dark World. Not having duck to fly you around until 1/3 of the game. Bee slowdown. Having to power up evils bane two more times after pulling from the rock. Ice Temple. Turtle Rock. Mmmmmm.... that's about it.
I agree, but I also wish 3D Zeldas would move away from Link/Zelda/Ganon/Triforce wankery too.
>play ALTTP for the first time
>get bombs
>bomb some walls that look bombable
>the blow up
>do it on some more walls
>find another bombable-looking texture
>bomb it
>it doesn't break
>try again
>still doesn't break
>"meh whatever"
>find that texture on a wall again
>try to blow it up several times again
>still doesn't break again
>repeat that cycle half a dozen times over the course of the game
>they never break
>"i guess that particular texture is just regular"
>decide to stop bombing those walls and only bomb other cracked walls
>cut to dark palace
>been wandering around for 30+ plus minutes
>double-checked every room 3 or 4 times now
>"what do i doooooooo"
>give up and look up a guide
>you blow up a wall
>it has *the* texture
How dare I be observant. Thanks, game.
>Also the pond of happiness is just annoying.
It's tedious, but at least rupees have actual value, unlike OOT. It's frustrating to constantly walk around with a full wallet, with nothing to spend it all on.
charge the spin attack and poke at the wall. bombable walls have a distinct sound.
Why are there bombable walls in the secret exit from Hyrule castle when you don't have bombs and can't go back when you do get bombs?
because this
The dark palace was a bitch with all of its fake bombable textures. Then again I was a geeky kid who studied the instruction manual that told me to bump into the walls with my sword drawn and listen whether it makes a hollow sound. Which doesn't work in the overworld for some reason
you can go back. they have rupees.
You can get back there by pushing a tombstone in the graveyard
that's some zelda 1 shit
On randomizer if you have the hammer it kills him the fastest.
I think the only 3d game that didn't revolve around those 3 was MM
2d we have Link's Awakening, Minish Cap, Four Swords Adventure, Phantom Hourglass, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, Spirit Tracks
But 3d sticks to Hyrule
It's nice to see Link just being an adventurer instead of a destined hero
Running out of magic in a dungeon that requires magic to get to the end.
That is about it. Otherwise it really is one of the greats, and I'm normally hard on Nintendo.
I’ve played LttP so many times that I have most of the maps memorized. The only dungeons I ever really use the map in are Turtle Rock and Ganon’s Tower because I occasionally get mixed up in the beginning. I remember streaming the game in one sitting years ago when mogulus was a thing. I kinda miss those days.
those cheeky nips
Only Turtle Rock really requires it and they warn you to bring a potion of magic before you go in there. It’s your own fault.
To be fair, LttP is Zelda 3. It’s the closest game to TLoZ in the series
Just get a bottle of Blue Goo from the witch. Having 1 bottle is already over kill
kill yourself
The beginning I guess
Its not bad but I always just want to get it over with
I'm a completionist so the part that really annoys me is constantly tossing rupees into the fairy fountain to max out bombs and arrows.
Starting from your house or the old man's cave when you restart.
>Middle of nowhere
>Two caves worth of trips before you can even get back to Hyrule
In Ocarina this isn't really a problem starting from Kokiri Forest or the ToT but in alttp they literally could not have chosen two shittier areas to be forced to start from.
i guess the magic cape was filler. not quite useless but they clearly ran out of ideas to fill in that final slot.
You need it to get the heart piece above the cave leading to death-mountain
Well yea. I'm talking about my first play through as a little kid. Sure now I can do it in my sleep.
With bombs its not hard because its hard to fuck that up. The walls are obvious and the monsters you need them for are slow. If you fuck up a magic puzzle or enemy by missing or being too slow it a bit more of a possibility.
I don't like the moth boss, he's a faggot. Pretty much a DPS race.
You can run into those walls to knock them down, if a bomb doesn't work.
it would've been awesome if bombos could kill him instantly but it doesn't even hurt him.
This fucked me over when I was attempted a minimum-item run. I suppose that technically I should be able to kill Trinexx without any bottles or upgrades, but I always seemed to be one sword swing short on the second head I tried to kill. I'm not sure if it's actually impossible or if I just wasn't good enough with getting my hits in, but requiring me to get 1/2 magic or a bottle seems kind of annoying.
>he needs the hookshot
The beginning's a little grating. Especially if you've played through multiple times.
The dark world makes it worth it thought.
It would've been awesome for the medallions to have neat practical uses in the first place. The only time I ever used them outside the designated ground plates was to freeze all the green penguin fucks in the ice palace because I knew that smashing them with the hammer would guarantee mana refills. Even with the extended mana bar they seemed too costly/inefficient. Though this might also be my inner hoarder talking.
I love this game but this may be my least favorite part. There's a glitch (presumably, I can't see why they would ever do this on purpose) where if you hit the boss and knock it back into the spikes (which surround the room and are flying around in all directions), he won't take damage... you have to try to time all your attacks so he doesn't hit the spikes when recoiling. I wouldn't mind this so much if it made any sense at all.
he meant for getting to dungeon 3 and 4 faggot
One thing that's always bothered me is there are a lot of rooms in the game, especially in the later dungeons, that just have a gauntlet of projectiles coming at you from all sides. I swear it's impossible to get through some areas without tanking through some unavoidable damage.
I think they made up for this by giving you both of the armor upgrades almost one after the other towards the end of the game.
I wouldn't say I 'dread' anything in this game but some places make me mildly anxious, or did when I was much younger. Palace of Darkness, Misery Mire, Ice Palace, and Death Mountain in general. Those boulders man...
Going to the Dark World for the first time, when you turn into the rabbit, also used to scare me. It's just so... bizarre and wrong. The weird and circus like music but the frightening scenery.
This. Fuck Moldorm. Only boss in the game that ever gives me any amount of trouble.
Once I realized the hookshot makes you invincible, it made dodging obstacles like this much easier. Something about to hit you? No problem, just use your hookshot and it'll go right through you! That along with the cape and cane of byrna make it easy to dodge big onslaughts of projectiles
This and Also I hate minigames but that apply to pretty much all Zelda games
This zelda has the most boss fight compare to the rest of the series, right?
The crack in the wall just turns bombs into yet another key that you use without thinking. It's good that the game uses the crack on walls that aren't bombable so that you don't just place bombs willy-nilly without thought.
Flute makes that completely irrelevant.
It would have to be the big square rooms in 4 and 6, with the catwalks. You can't see the doors because they're covered by catwalks.
Last year I played it again, and made good use of the cape for that very reason. But there were a couple times where I'd have to leave an area and come back because I ran out of magic.
Like one of the final rooms of Ganon's tower requires you to light 4 torches, but I caped away all my magic in the preceeding rooms so I couldn't use the fire rod.
Learn to dodge, holy shit.
Learn. To. Dodge.
Light World dungeon music was GOAT
It's Dark World dungeons that have shit repetition
GBC titles have more bossfights since each dungeon has a mini-boss as well. They're also nice since most of them have a gimmick. I felt like too many ALttP bosses were more about dealing out damage and dodging mildly annoying bullet purgatories. I like how the series moved on to make the boss fights more puzzle-like from this entry on.
>It's frustrating to constantly walk around with a full wallet, with nothing to spend it all on.
TP did this best I think with the rupee armor.
>Chastises others for needing the hookshot when he gets the Cane of Byrna
I really dislike the fact that the sword swings. TLoZ and AoL feel much better with their punchy sword attack.
>Also the pond of happiness is just annoying
This alone is probably the thing I hate the most about replaying LttP, tbhfam.
Sadly this list doesn't factor in the strength stat of AoL with the magical sword.
>I like how the series moved on to make the boss fights more puzzle-like from this entry on.
Kill yourself. You're why the series went to shit.
>worst aspect
honestly the visuals. The game is horribly ugly by SNES standards, awful sprites, horrid color palette, just really bad looking and makes the system itself look weak.
All the Zelda clones on the system like Brain Lord and Terranigma have way better visuals.
>he doesn't like puzzles his puzzle-adventure games
Zelda isn't about puzzles and shouldn't be about puzzles, you cocksucker. It's about exploration, survival, and character growth. Puzzles have no replay value.
Honestly I'm fine with both types, as long as there's variety and there's some surprises. Maybe you have to use the dungeon item AND the items from previous dungeons at the same time, maybe the dungeon item makes it easier but it's not required, etc etc. When it's too easy to predict then it gets boring.
>It's about exploration, survival, and character growth.
And puzzles.