Prepare your boipucci.
Your days are finally numbered, Sup Forums
Drumpfkins btfo!
isn't that what Sup Forums wants? nobody plays video games here
epic meme my dude
Actually if you watch the video he doesn't say anything about it. It's just more fake news.
Why can't you make good threads?
obvious scapegoat. pretty disappointing.
>tfw not american
stop shooting eachother you crazy fucks
you do not know de way
wtf i hate drumpf now
>guns don't kill people. video games kill people.
*nra clapping intensifies*
Hillary actually introduced a bill to censor games though.
As soon as you stop causing world wars
>"I’m hearing more and more people saying the level of violence in video games is really shaping young people’s thoughts. And then you go the further step, and that’s the movies."
>"The fact is that you are having movies come out, that are so violent, the killing and everything else, and we may have to think about that."
nice try kike
Good. I don't really like videogames anyways.
>when he finally bans vidya
>"he's only the president, there's no way he could've stopped it... he probably fought against the ban if anything"
Why should we listen to a traitor like Trump?
you're not the boss of me
>be american
>somehow make it through whole life without getting shot
>now doing better than people in every other country
wow so hard
I am neither the illuminati nor those guys who assassinated that other guy causing ww1.
also america funded germany in ww2, you nuked the wrong country. you missed yourself.
Only after you guys stop getting hit by trucks
>trump caving on gun rights
>trump also blasting anti vida shilling
what a dumb fucking nigger i hope there is a coup d'etat and all necons and libshits get the bullet
When did we get Jack Thompson as a president?
>be eurotrash
>ban guns
>meanwhile ahmed just drives a truck through a crowd killing hundreds
>no one armed to stop him
contrary to what you believe, you don't need to shit on games in order to protect guns.
He was like this the whole time.
I aint french either.