Which one and why?
Which one and why?
what game is this?
The one with higher base damage
Left. I would rather secure at a kill when something has 9 health left
>and why?
roll into overhead zwei strike every time
Zwei all day every day
because it has higher base damage
But if you had the right then it could already be dead before then.
10-20 dmg for PvE
8-22 dmg for PvP
consistent damage is more desirable for PvE but higher burst damage potential is more desirable for PvP
Rapier regardless of stats, fight like a gentleman.
left. statistically it will output more damage
Not different enough to care, whichever one looks cooler
The mean and median for both swords are 15
It literally does not matter which one you pick
First Sword is more consistently average, and probably better
>not using ranged attacks
But WHY higher base damage over higher potential damage?
weird paddle thing because it looks different.
> Katanas are fast
They are awkward clunkers
Right has a level of probability of killing a certain mob with one swing that the left can never accomplish. I know the statistical odds of that being a point of contention is low but the fact that it still remains a probability makes the higher base damage sword the better weapon.
Other than that the base average damage would be the same.
So 8-22 Dmg all day err day
It's some kind of obsidian aztec/mayan/whatever shit. Literal special snowflake weapon.
> Sabre is slower than longsword and katana
All Katans should be melt down into scrap metal
They did this in Fable 2 and it pissed me off. Probably because it replaced the cleaver class from the first game but still.
although autsiticing over that now, on that same token there may be a point where a mob takes 3 swings with the 8-22 where it'd only take 2 with the 10-20.
So probably averages out.
Psychologically the best choice would be just pick one and don't question it too much. I like the word "right" more than "left" and instinctively like the higher base damage more. I'd pick that one.
in most games (with armor blocking set number, not percentage) weapon with higher spread is better, so number 2
it's a club, nothing special about it
because my irl LUCK stat is shit
higher base damage, because both average out to the same number. think about it, if you had one that dealt 15 every single time you'd choose that one over both of these.
>sell whichever one the shop will pay more for
>keep and use the other one
They dont average out to the same number retard. They are max and min. You sont add the 10 to 20 to make 30 and the 8 to 22 to make thirty.
Assuming the same attack speed it is irrelevant
What is this and why does the first one come out a bit higher?
its a weapon for maiming without killing, so you have victims for human scarifices
This, never get greedy, the extra 2 damage might mean the difference between life and death and I'd rather have lower variance in my rolls.
I dont know what algorithm you used, but both should average to 15
>They dont average out to the same number retard.
you wanna explain to me how this works you fucking moron
If you fight a swarm of enemies who have 8 or 9 health then you're not guaranteed to kill them in one hit with the sword to the right. Terrible choice.
I want the big dick up my ass
>10 possible results vs 14
left always
keep right for a party member that uses the same weapon in case his starting one is shit, if MMO just sell it
Gotta agree with this, if you assume the damage each sword can do is an integer than the right sword can do the possible damage values 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 which averages out to 15
The left sword is the same if you add on the damage value 8, 9, 21 and 22. So they pretty much have the same average damage.
Macuahuitl is a meme weapon used by a civilization that couldn't invent the wheel. It is barely more useful than a stick that you pick off the ground.
Imagine having to do random samples to try and average two numbers.
It's killed plenty in the past.
Consistency is more important so pick left
Higher top end means more potential burst, so I'll take the right.
Obsidian is razor sharp but brittle. It was made by a civilization that had little knowledge of metal forging.
Left. The less variance the better. Besides, base damage is higher.
I got the left and right sword swapped around there but yeah still the same
All day everyday
All day everyday
It's a macuahiitl.
It's not special snowflake but it's not "just a club" either. It's basically a dual blunt/edged weapon, where you use the flat faces for parrying and bludgeoning , and the edges for cutting.
It's somewhat unique out Eurasia, but not terribly so, and it was pretty ubiquitous inside the region it was used in, so calling it special snowflake is silly.
No, it was definitely designed to be able to kill (collecting captives WAS important, but they still fought battles and wars for real in the vast majority of cases), but that was also a consideration, and part of why you have the flat faces
Left definitely. It's all about increasing the minimum damage you do
>not dual wielding daggers
Y'all ninjas are crazy
That's just a random sample, I assume of 60 attacks. That's a really low n for a simulation. Repeat indefinitely and the average should be 15 for both.
I think I agree with this. You're bound to lose PvP matches anyway but if you have a possibility of hitting 22 sometimes then you could possibly edge out an encounter you otherwise would have lost, which is a nice feeling. If only temporary.
I would always choose the Zooeyhander.
It's basically a zweihander but all stats are raised to maximum with a price:
Everything will turn sugary, cutesy and quirky for as long as you wield the Zooeyhander.
Also, the wielder will also turn as ridiculously cute and quirky as the namesake of the blade for as long as he/she wields the Zooeyhander.
Which ever one looks better in my opinion.
If they both look the same, then I don't care. They're too close to each other that I don't think it'd matter.
Rapier. I like Rapiers.
higher potential because I main luck/crit
I always go with max damage because it gives you higher burst potential
>It was made by a civilization that had little knowledge of metal forging.
This is a meme, the region was smelting gold, silver and copper for hundreds of years before the weapon first appeared, and had plenty of skilled goldsmiths and metallurgists and a number of fairly complex alloying techniuqes. and used metal tools for domesetic purposes, such as tweezers, adzes, and cutlrey.
They just didn't use metals for weaponry, or if they did it was very rare. Bronze was new, having only been produced in the past 200 years or so before the spanish showed up, and they only produced it for aeshetic reasons: the gold color of metals like gold and copper had religious associations with the sun, and was thoughtt to be "sun droppings", and was reliigously valuable: it's liklely that they didn't use bronze or copper weapons both due to not wanting to "waste" it on such purely utilitarian tools that could be damaged, and noboby had metal armor to make it worth it: And they didn't have metal armor likely due too the above, but also speffically because it takes a lot of metal to make it, making it even less likely to be experimented with, and because of the climate: It's hot, and in many places humid, meaning it'd be suspectable to corrsion and the wearer overheating. Many of the spanish, for instance, swapped out their steel armor for native ones, for example: If even people used to metal weapons and armor and their benefits gave it up due to the climate, then that'd obviously be a factor in the development of metal armor there.
Lastly, since the region didn't have horses or other beasts of burden, all supplies on military campaigns needed to be carried by hand: So lighter weapons and equippment would be preferable, and wood and stone weapons would be easier to repair or produce in the field.
I'll take the extra .2 damage thanks
not to mention obsidian is volcanic glass rather then metal.
So metallurgy wouldnt have mattered because its not a fucking metal
A knife is easy to forge, require little material and is an invaluable tool no matter where you live. Any civilization that discovers metallurgy should have knive. A spear is also a very efficient weapon, it is basically a knife on a stick, it as the benefits of requiring a very small amount of metal for a metal that has a durable use. If these people didn't go to war with a spear in their hands and a knife at their side, that is because they were under developed savages. Are you also gonna make excuses for them not noticing that roads and wheels are useful? Jesus christ they had fucking human sacrifice yes it's fine to insult them for being backward barbarians.
>left. statistically it will output more damage
Kill yourselves. I'll pick whatever looks better, or the one I find first.
haha causal faggot hope you enjoy getting wrecked
>doing random samples instead of just (min+max)/2 like a normal human bean.
What enchantments for your sword Sup Forums?
Except they had knives, spears (and a variety of other polearms), roads (proper ones made of stone too), and wheels. Pic related for a spear.
>Human sacrifice
So did the greeks and romans and otther old world ancient cultures in certain circumstances
>b-but the mesoamericans did it way more commonly!
Only the Nahua cultures, and even then, only to prisoners of war who were speffically captured rather then being killed in battle, IE they would have died either way.
Ez 50% chance of making the enemy slow as molasses every hit
primary enchantment
first one for a defensive pvp build for maximum metapod cancer
second one for pve
third one for pvp in general
1. in small scale pvp and single target pve
2. maximum dps meter padding in select pve fight
3. high scale pvp like battlegrounds
metal knives
Higher base damage obviously more reliable
Why would you ever not choose gamble?
left, most games design enemy health to be multiples of 10.
>mexifat pretending they have a culture
Right sword's minimum damage is 20% lower than the left sword's minimum damage, while at max damage the right sword is only a 10% increase over the left sword's max damage
Consistency is preferable in this case, the RNG rewards are not worth it. I pick the left sword
Gif showing roads/causeways built to connect cities/towns around lake texcoco. There were also aquaducts built alongside the roads. (also note the 200k population number is only for the main island tenochtitlan is on, it's not a combined figure of every city in the image)
If their metallurgy skills were advanced enough they wouldn't need the club with pointy bits. You can post one knife, one spear, one tiny bunch of toys, it only means they had a minimum capacity to produce these objects. I'm not sure what you think it shows. They clearly didn't have proper roads and proper carts and properly equipped armies with effective weapons.
>implying Central American ancient civilizations weren't the coolest
>for every 7 points [...]
>not straight up posting percentage
give me one reason to not take dagger and bandana
have fun trying to hit me with my 83% evasion faggot
If the minotaur's belt still lets you punch things or something, it's completely superior to bashy bashy.
And 6 attacks per second is pretty good too
>give me one reason to not take dagger and bandana
Well because it'd make you a dex faggot.
la cuchilla + ring + bandana = over 100% evasion so yeah
user, you get a weapon and an accessory. That combo would give you +480 def (damage reduction of ~68.6%) and +400 atk. Not really sure how damage is calculated off of atk, though. Evasion is a better stat than defense in this scenario, imo.
>If their metallurgy skills were advanced enough they wouldn't need the club with pointy bits.
I already fucking explained why they would be using that instead of metal weapons: mMetal weapons/armor presents chicken or the egg problem in terms of needing each other to justify the other, and the lack of horses meant that lighter, easier to repair weapons and armor were preferable; and the climate also meant that metal armor would have been prohibitively hot, hence conquistadors abandoning theirs.
>You can post one knife, one spear, one tiny bunch of toys, it only means they had a minimum capacity to produce these objects.... They clearly didn't have proper roads and proper carts and properly equipped armies with effective weapons.
Urban cities with roads were the norm throughout the region (the valley of mexico was outright one of the most densely populated places on the planet) as were large organized army that fought in formation, had signalling via flags and standards, displayed complex tactics, and had actual rank structures and hierarchies. In terms of weaponry, maces, spear thowers, bows and arrows, melee spears, axes, macuahuitl (the sword clubs), knives, and weapons that were analgous to halbreds, longswords, and glaives were all used, as were siege towers. You know absolutely fucking nothing about the region and it shows terribly; but if you are actually willing to listen I'd be happy to go into more detail on these points, let me know.
They didn't, however, have carts: They didn't have beasts of burden to use them with, and without beasts of burden, it's actually not more efficient to use carts over back baskets. Wheelbarrows exist, but weren't invented in the old world till 0ad, itself, so that shows it's not exactly an obvious concept, and even if they thought of them, it'd require using strong, light metals to make, and I already explained the logistical, climatic, and cultural barriers for ulitatrian metal use in the region.
You have to look in to it further, what if most of the enemies you will use it on have 21 health? Then you would want the later wep but if they had 9 health you would want the earlier wep
Page from a native book (I'm sure you didn't know they had books either) showing a warrior-priest advancing through the ranks.
so they both have the same average damage(15), in any encounter where it lasts longer than a singe action, it doesn't matter, the dps will be, statistically, the same
What stops me from wearing a belt, a ring, and a bandana all at the same time?
Mace + bandana = 600 dps with high def and evasion
>choosing anything other than zwei
Magnet and flash. I can't miss attacks and I'll always gain speed regardless of being parried. I'll out DPS them in a minute flat.
>large swords are slow and heavy
I hate game tropes.
What if I lose the ghost hammer?
chameleon and moist
>50% chance for both
that's so high I don't know why you wouldn't go with it