It's a masterpiece.
Yes, it is.
Its pretty good.
only flaw is you get some weapons too late.
Yeah it's pretty good.
Good thread, guy.
Great game.
It's the Persona 5 of Soulsborne games.
It needs a PC port.
I would agree with you, but there's this guy who destroyed the legacy of it, my favorite game. his name was 10daysanon and his sacrifice must never be forgotten by us peons.
This. It's so close to perfection, but the progression is just a LITTLE too staggered. Still Top 10 games ever.
tfw can be up to the nightmare of mensis in 3 hours
The only weapon I can think of that you get really late is the bloodletter. I do think it should've had some of the Dark Souls progression breaking but it's still easily one of the best games.
cant lie, one of the best games ive ever played. good thread op
Yes. I CAN do this too, but you shoudn't have to rush end game just to be able to use a weapon or play a class.
oh and i guess the burial blade.
Theres hacked Chalices now which mean you can get any base game weapon (no DLC) right after beating Blood Starved Beast.
Burial Blade playthroughs are now possible, as well as getting stuff like Chikage, Wheel, Claws etc... without having to beat the entire game.
Only truly annoying weapons to get and use are Kos Parasite, Bloodletter and Rakuyo.
Post yer favourite weapon before someone steals it, Sup Forums.
End game: Rakuyo, BB, BoM, Bowblade, Bloodletter
Mid to end game: W H E E L, Chikage, Reiterpallasch, Claws, Church Pick, Kos Parasite
Good game. The environment variety is terrible though at least in the base game. Thematically it makes sense for everything to be dark all the time but as a game all the cathedrals and lordly courtyards start to run together after a while. Which is why I'm glad the DLC switched it up with the fishing village and even though half of it was a rehash of Cathedral Ward I'm glad we got more weird shit like the Hunter's Nightmare.
You can get the wheel and chikage very early. at the very least you can get the wheel the second you meet alfred which is right before old yharnam
How can one weapon feel so good to use?
I really don't understand all the praise this gets, it was a garbage game. No depth or variety in the combat whatsoever, just dodge and slash.
I'll spin for sony fanboys.
You just don't get it.
I can't agree there. Everything has a similar aesthetic, that's true, but I can't agree at all that the environments run together. The levels are my favorite part of BB (and every other Souls game.)
You can kill before the woods that's the second time. He drops the wheel badge there.
Not even consistent 30fps on the Pro (never released a patch for it).
ironically bloodborne has the most weapon variety in all the souls games.
Your comments are hard to refute. It's like saying "Mario 3 is a garbage game. There's no depth or variety in the gamplay whatsoever, just run and jump." If you don't like video games, you won't enjoy the video game.
in fact this would easily be solved by getting rid of the retarded badge system and just spreading the weapons around like dark souls
My only other complaint would be that they reused the beginning enemies too often.
Only flaws I can think of are
- Some charge attacks have bullshit hitboxes
- Not being able to travel directly from one lamp to another
- Consumables don't refill automatically
- Evelyn
>can be easily platinum'd in under 10 days
>can be easily platinum'd in under 10 days
What's wrong with that?
it means that it hardly qualifies as a difficult or worthwhile game.
>platunum'd it in 10 days
yeah how about no
I know everything runs on a theme and as far as world consistency goes it's pretty okay. But looking back at my memories of my first playthrough the world felt like Yharnam, burning Yharnam, and high class Yharnam. I get it it's all one city but because the entire game is so dark the color palette started to run together for me. Maybe if I went back to it I'd feel different. But that was broken up by 2 different forests which also started to run together for me. Which is why my favorite levels were Cainhurst, Nightmare Frontier, and Fishing Hamlet. Cainhurst might have been another castle but because of the snow the color palette was a bit brighter which helped it stick out. Nightmare Frontier is just a much brighter area with paths that jut out in crazy ass angles. And the Fishing Hamlet was a totally different area than anywhere else in the game.
I'm not shitting on the game because I'll play it over a lot of other areas but other than those couple the areas didn't stand out for me.
i know this a meme but who the fuck gives a shit about plats
Was the fakeout of Bloodborne the single greatest Video Gaming bait and switch of all time?
This is no vampire werewolf game. This is an eldritch game!
I still remember open mouth dumbfounded staring at the game after umlocking the ability to see the amygdala everywhere.
Amazing 10/10 perfect gaming experience.
limited replayability
I actually really liked this. In Yahargul, it's the same babby-tier enemies you knew before, but now they're a serious threat until you find the Pthumerian making this shit go down. I understand the annoyance with re-used assets, but it totally worked for me.
I just thought it was annoying seeing them again in the woods but this time they're wearing white couches.
Don't know why you'd wanna do that if you're just gonna rush through the game you're not even having fun.
10 days (240 hours, though you probably mean far less) is enough time to platinum 95% of games.
20 years ago the point of videogames was to succeed, not "enjoy" the "experience" with popcorn and beer like a flick.
Agreed. Anyone know where I can buy the comic?
I'd recommend re-visiting it. You may feel the same, but I've found on repeat playthroughs a great appreciation for each area. To me, Yharnam, Old Yharnam, and the Cathedral Ward are all very distinct. Give it another shot, I'd say.
Who knows? People rave about DS3, and to me, that whole game feels like an unpolished shit mess, and I gave that game every chance in the world. You might feel BB is all too same-y, but I say give it one more go before committing to that opinion.
>buying the comic
>when the movie's already out
what are you, a hipster?
i tried using this but kept getting hit in-between attacks. how do you effectively use the two-handed mode?
Like any other weapon in BB, use R2 during combos to effectively combo into the big hits. Transform attacks are huge in this game.
Dodge then punish. Don't just swing into them, enemies in this game usually can trade stronger and faster than you, especially if they're the medium size enemies. Once you break their poise you make enemies you're bitch.
It's fucking bullshit that Hunter enemies get access to weapon moves you don't like how Gascoigne can cancel a forward step r1 into a blunderbuss shot
L2 is your best attack, it's fast wide and strong.
Charged R2 follow up is amazing.
Transformation attacks hits super hard and have ton of hyperamor.
Dash R1 is fast and has shockwave.
On PvP, you can make people walk right into your followups by feinting.
On PvE, abuse the charged R2 stun potential, tho for PvE the kirkhammer is not that good.
Well as much as you can call a shiny turd a masterpiece.
you're thinking 30 years ago, when graphics weren't so lush and story was almost non-existent outside of rpgs
Gascoigne is a hunter sized boss enemy so of course he can do shit a regular hunter can't. Gascoigne is not an NPC enemy and NPCs never do anything players can't except get boosted health pools and unlimited bullets.
generally, if it's bigger than you, dodge and charge
thiswas for this user
>The idiots who said cleric beast was optional
went in with high expectations because people ride this games dick like crazy and was disappointed
darks souls 1 and 3 were far better, if not for the good setting the game would be dark souls 2 tier boring
Problem with Church Hammer is the dead zones. 9/10 time you get half damage out of it because you were slightly too close to the enemy. And in a game as quick as Bloodborne it's too fiddly to try and get your spacing as absolutely perfect as the game wants.
10 days is completely reasonable though.
I like the hammer because my favorite play style in every souls game is to crush things with symbolic phalluses.
>when you pancake the enemy just right
Wheel is better.
at least the ps4 can swap out the default HDD for an SSD and lower the load times.
>second R1 is that left side swing
>catches Orphan of Kos perfectly when he sidesteps left after one of his phase one attacks
Having him get hit by what was effectively the wind-up of my swing, staggering and cancelling his attack, was incredibly satisfying.
I know what you mean, but you can get used to it. The splash damage is great against packs because it still staggers them.
There are so many phallic objects to crush enemies with it's hard to choose.
>Thor's hammer
>wheel of fortune
>exploding hammer
>extendo dragon bone
>alien drumstick
>classic axe on a stick
>Papa John's pizza cutter
>Ludwig's blunt object
>Tesla bopper
>sudoku mace
>magic claymore
How do dexfags even compete? Most of their best shit is dual wielding knives and weaboo shit.
The weeaboo shit is dope as fuck though.
>extendo dragon bone
Which one is that?
It has some flaws, therefore, it's no mastahpiece.... therefore, no one is allowed to like it without being outed as a drone, therefore, it's a BAD BAD game which even puts the likes of Superman 64 and ME Andromeda to shame.
He wasted his NEETbux in something that didn't let him forget about his pathetic existence for a little longer, which means that the game is bad somehow.
The blunt heavy object version of the cane
Not a single boss in the vanilla game was difficult in the slightest
Father Gascamignon was a good starter boss.
Good > difficult
>he hasn't played defiled chalice
I got it on sale for the PS4pro.
Still had a shit frame rate at the start and I havent bothered much since them :/