>Got no big new releases in January
>PS4 and X1 get MHW and DBFZ
>Still sold the most despite it
What the fuck? How are people buying this thing?
Got no big new releases in January
With cash, a debit card, or accepted credit cards.
It’s almost march
Fuck you that's how.
Most MH fans know to ignore the first game and get the redux. DBFZ is a garbage game from a garbage franchise, no surprise its sales fell off a cliff one week in.
Kill your self fucking soyboy Cry baby
It still has BOTW and SMO, not to mention a ton of indies. People buy not only for new releases, but older games.
people buying it dont like video games
Switch doesn't really do anything BUT play video games though.
I wish soyboy nintenbaby shit gets ban
Stop liking what I don't like.
Every fucking week with this shit. Can't you fags deal with the fact that the Switch is a success and that people like it?
Both MHW and DBFZ are great games, but neither could ever be called a system seller in the West, and both of them are eventually going to be multiplat anyway.
>Most MH fans know to ignore the first game and get the redux
this does not apply cause World is supposed to be for the new audiences or shit
The world is thirsty for hybrid consoles
Nintendo games actually sell after release window, a lot of people seem to fail to realize that Mario Kart Wii sold 30 million more units outside of it's launch year.
Too porfag to buy monhun 2 times, first the ps4 version them the pc version for complete content, too salty that the switch didnt get dbz
Says you
The switch had a ton of Indie releases
Also celeste but apparently Indie and third parties don’t count
Every game post tri has been for New audiences
OP here, i'm quite aware of the Switch's success and i needed to see what people would say about this shit
Throwing in a sage for OP's "attempt" to bump the thread
who's the crybaby here, again?
>sold the most
No it fucking didn't.
I'm not saying its not successful but it's certainly not selling the most
Inb4 >hur dur Vgcharts is le shit
>Defending VGChartz
Just accept that while the Switch is doing well, it's still getting outsold by a 5 year old console.
Why does this fact make Nintensoyboys cry so much? Should they be happy that their console is doing well?
I miss when posting VGC would get you banned
>unironically using Nintensoyboys
I wonder who could be behind this post
I bought a ps4 pro just for those games
>trusting VGChartz over NPD
I have both consoles and a great PC.
All I see is the American console getting raped in the ass by Japanese consoles, ensuring that this is truly the best generation in gaming since the PS2/Gamecube gen.
NPD is a way more reliable source though..
>tfw buy a switch and realize outside of first party support the system is boring because of the endless waves of indie garbage and shitty ports from phones.
Does it ever end Sup Forums?
hur dur Vgsharts is le fucking shit