Bravo Konami!
Bravo Konami!
>bad developers/publishers don't exi....
Not the first time something like this has happened.
I see they haven't gotten tired of fucking their customers over.
Didn't they do the same thing with MGS4?
Businesses have been pushing the boundaries of selling absolutely fucking nothing for years. This medium gives them a unique oppurtunity to exploit the consumer in previously unthinkable ways. When you think about why Konami is attempting this bullshit, stop and ask yourself "Have I, at some point spent actual money on literally fucking nothing?" Even if you can say no honestly, there is still some sad turd that did. That is why the industry looks as ugly as it does. The only cure is to pull its life support. Don't buy the shit. I can't even imagine what made Konami think this was a good idea. Put this bullshit in a spinoff game that nobody should care about? But didn't they do paid character slots in MGS4 online? Fuck Jews. And fuck horse armor.
> and fuck horse armor
Stopped reading there.
Or you can just play 10~ MP games and unlock the save slot that way.
Fucking retards.
That doesn't make it ok
>> and fuck horse armor
>Stopped reading there
Stopped reading there.
Dead on arrival
no one ever says this
Of course you did, because it was the end of the reply.
but it does. it's how DLC and loot boxes started. A little at a time.
Yeah, no.
Like a MMO when you run out of character slots? Nothing new.
Except that this isnt an mmo and unlike mmos you have 1 character slot where as mmos tend to give you at least 2 slots free.
I do not bother enough to have a single savefile for that game. Why would I need more?
I can't think of a single retail MMO that gives you one single character slot before you have to buy more.
It's... not an MMO.
I love Metal Gear. I've played everyone.
But I'm not getting this one. I'm not going to pay for a game that I need to pay additional money for extra save files.
Games back back in 1990 gave you that for free.
mostly f2p mmo
In MMO's limited character slots make sense because you can use mules to give yourself significantly more inventory. Selling character slots is still retarded though. I think in that case the only excuse might be to prevent name selling abuse but that in itself is pretty stupid too.
It had a normal save system.
Is there a way to get coins in game?
>>> and fuck horse armor
>>Stopped reading there
>Stopped reading there.
Stopped reading there.
From what I see, no. Coins needed for this option is a separate currency from the one earned by playing, and can only be purchased.
You can thank Valve for this, but everyone will continue to give them a pass.
It's a bad thing certainly but why do you want a second save file? just use a different account if it's that important
>contrarians will support this just because it's popular to shit on Konami
I've played twelve hours of the game so far and can't think of any reason to have more than one character. I guess if you think you spent your skill points badly you might want to reroll but that's like starting completely over anyway so you'd might as well delete your character. As far as I can tell nothing is account-wide so I don't think there's a reason to have alts at all.
>B-b-b-but you can just d-d-do X!
Oh wow thank you based Konami for allowing this humble peon to toil in the salt mines for my save slot, praise be to Konami and their generosity.
double faggot
FFXI only gave you 1 slot, you could have up to 20 but you had to pay for each.
Metal Gear Survive is the best Metal Gear game I've played since 3. Fight me. :^)
MGO2 did this funny no one remembers
I should add that it's the only other metal gear game i've played
I don't fight disabled kids
Or maybe because you want to try a different build? Face it, this is bullshit and you know it. You're buying a few kilobytes of server space for ten fucking dollars.
Yet you have opinions on games that you've never played? Good to know.
I've played and 100% them all in European Extreme. 14 years later and Survive scratches the itch.
Did I mention Survive has the same Producer as the guy who did Metal Gear Rising?
Oh I should also add that i'm a compulsive liar.
Why would you need to create a new one? Doesn't the game just like.. go on indefinitely after the story?
You unlock entirely separate skill trees post-game.
Makes me happy knowing that I irate your pee-brain with my opinions. :^)
Even if you're thinking of MGSV, no they didn't
Pokemon has one save.
i'm a girl btw
>there are people in this world that will unironically defend Konami.
Supporting a purge, a little more with each passing day.
I haven't played a Metal Gear game since the PS1 days. Does this have a story or is it an attempt to cash in on the battle royale shit?
It's an attempt to cash in on the survival crafting simulator hype from 5 years ago
This game is literally a $40 mobile game. Did you forget that the most greedy Japs this side of Nanking made this thing? MGSV was fuckin expensive so some Minato district fuckwit figured they could squeeze some money out of it by throwing the scraps at code monkeys and screaming at them to tie the pieces together so it looks like the trash that gets popular on Steam.
Did everyone forget that this is the same company that fucked MGSV in the ass for months after release with a continuous stream absolute fucking garbage microtransactions? The company that decided it was out of the games business and into the Pachinko and soccer business?
The laziness on display here is flagrant and there are still people that are shocked at the pure greed on display with these micros?
This isn't a fucking game. They're just trying to trick us. It's fucking Pearl Harbor all over again. Send the delegation over to talk peace, all the meanwhile tossing bombs down King Kamehameha's anus.
They just want to bamboozle enough people into buying this at $40, and then bamboozle just enough of those retards into purchasing L I T E R A L L Y NOTHING via in-game currency to make a small profit, and given the likely dev cost of this turd, they've probably already done that.
The absolute state of this fucking industry.
I see Konami's on the ball like always.
The suits at Konami are so far behind they're trying to cash in on minecraft and fucking H1Z1. Have to wait until 2025 for Metal Gear: Battle Royale.
FF14 standard subscription is a single character per server. Dunno if its data cluster, or individual server.
If Metal Gear Survive fails, you're just letting the Kockjima riding SJWs win. Vote with your wallet, buy this fucking game, and show everyone we're not gonna stand for cinematic garbage anymore.
No, that's the entry subscription. Standard is 8 per server, 40 per account. Entry, I believe, is 1 per server, 8 per account.
right, forgot about the Entry sub option. It's the one I use, since I only need my one catgirl on Exodus
First time I've ever heard about it...Seriously what others game do this??
Probably it'll be like in gatcha mobage. As in rewards from events.
Realm of the Mad God. Yes a freemium browser game.
But you don't pay $60 for that game. Browser games rarely have save slots at all.
Except this is the first time anybody's ever released such a game without jank
girl (male)
This is what you guys get for betraying Kojimbo.
I refuse to believe this is actually real.
Missed an opportunity to have a credit "Featuring the 'Skulls' Parasite Unit."
>MGSV was fuckin expensive so some Minato district fuckwit figured they could squeeze some money out of it by throwing the scraps at code monkeys and screaming at them to tie the pieces together so it looks like the trash that gets popular on Steam.
But MGSV made back shitloads of money.
I'm sure Sup Forums will continue to pretend it's a good game despite this.
MGSV took almost 5 years of dev time and the creation of a robust new game engine. I bet you it did make money. But they wanted to get more from that investment than one game. Instead of actually putting any effort into it they decided to cash in and try to trick people by using the name of a beloved franchise that's been around since 1985.
It actually does have a complete single player campaign, with a lot of cutscenes, enemies designed by the lead monster designer from Silent Hill, and a big name star voiceactor (Larry Fishbourne)
I don't understand why video games sell. They've turned into a P2W freemium-style gatcha parody. I don't understand how this industry hasn't collapsed yet.
The whole point of the game is persistent character development across both SP and MP, it makes sense that you only unlock more character slots as you progress.
Over 30 hours already in the game. Haven't needed a new save it's purely cosmetic as you share things between characters. They won't tell you this though. Gotta fuel that hatred fire.
Why are you complaining? That is literally a good deal. Buying 10 save slots gets you 1 for free, most games today don't even give you the ability for more than one. Ratchet and clank ps4 ring a bell?
Fuck off, kojimacucks. Stop shit talking this good game.
>a second holocaust is okay because it wouldn't be the first time
>applauding have to pay for save slots
The absolute state of Sup Forumstrarians
MGS4's online did the same shit.
>a second holocaust is okay because we half assed it the first time
>replying to such effortless bait
Are you retarded or do you just like pretending as much as him?
but it would be the first time user
>Stop complaining goy and give us your shekels!
>all this misinformation
>It's an attempt to cash in on the survival crafting simulator hype from 5 years ago
Only, it's a completely different fucking game to literally everything that's been done in the last half a decade.
It's basically an open world survival horror game with an extreme fucking emphasis on both survival and horror.
>I was just pretending to be retarded!
It was 1 dollar the character slot for a month.
This is an actual shill
original poster here, yes it was bait, and yes you fell for it.
MGO did the same thing with part 4.
I just got some SV coins as a login reward.
So I guess over time I'll have enough coins to buy a second character slot for whatever reason, though I can't imagine WHY I'd want a second character save.
thanks for answering honestly
It's a full game, story and everything.
GW2 if I remember correctly
>m-m-merely pretending
Nvm, thought you mean buying slots in general
The game doesn't even mention micro-transactions on on the store page wtf.
BnS retard, and with every class release they gave one more for free
Good lord. The amount of shit in this game just keeps piling up.
It was money well spent