So how does Samus returns hold up as a technical sequel to Zero mission?
I think it does pretty well.
So how does Samus returns hold up as a technical sequel to Zero mission?
I think it does pretty well.
you gonna trigger the am2r autists
You're just mad cause it's bad by comparison. AM2R was so much better
It does well but I can't wait for the Fusion sequel.
We will get that Super Remake and the Fusion remake before we get a proper sequel.
Not really, AM2R was great, but it's really just a more refined Metroid II than an actual remake, the only things of note it adds is a new area and a few bosses. SR took more liberties and added more stuff and did it well. Overall they're both great for different reasons, and only retards would say one is objectively better than the other.
No, we won't, Sakamoto on two occasions confirmed he's done with remakes and wants to work on a new 2D Metroid games with a new story.
I enjoyed SR more but I think ZM is a fair bit better.
Samus Returns is garbage especially when compared to zero mission. You fight the same 4 enemies and 4 bosses through the entire game, which isn't unlike Metroid 2, but it really shows the age of the source material.
The Melee Counter is absolutely fucking busted and makes the game nearly effortless if you use it, as well as the buttfuckingly retarded Aeion abilities which make the game retardedly easy as well if you choose to use them.
Overall the game suffers from a lack of creativity and they force a Ridley fight in at the end just because it's a metroid game. Enjoy.
Counters are fucking shit. Now imagine if MS had "creative freedom"
>So how does Samus returns hold up as a technical sequel to Zero mission?
It doesn't because it's not related to Zero Mission at all. That said, it's still a good Metroid game. Too much countering gimmick, but otherwise good. The original Metroid II is still my favorite Metroid though. The remake didn't surpass it.
I really hope they never get to make another Metroid game. With Samus Returns they at least had a decent base, but I’d be seriously terrified to see what they shit out without something to go off of.
I can't wait for them to make Metroid 5, game is going to be good.
The idea for counters and stuff wasn't done by Mercury Stream. I swear, Metroid fans are the most ignorant of their own games.
Anyone else think Other M isn't that fucking bad in some parts?
I feel like there's a good game underneath all of the dumb shit and awful design decisions. Kind of makes me wish we'd get another attempt at a 3D Metroid, but I know Other M basically killed that.
>Metroid fans are the most ignorant of their own games
Halo fans too
Gameplay is decent. If Team Ninja had their way, it would have had nunchuck support and a ton of other features. I also don't think the "linear" progression was that bad. Not ideal, but it didn't kill that specific game. And of course it had good graphics for a Wii game.
But everything else from pixel hunts, voice acting, story and cutscenes were just downright terrible. Would have been considered a weak game even without the Metroid name attached.
I was honestly surprised with how good it looks emulated. It's also got some pretty seamless transitions between gameplay and cutscenes that probably wouldn't be noticeable at all on actual hardware.
Samus feels really fun to control as well. She's acrobatic as fuck. I wish it wasn't so dumbed down because of the fucking Wiimote.
I didn't mind the linear progression much either. The game is basically Fusion 3D. Just kind of disappointing when you factor in all the "Where's Waldo?" and slow-ass over-the-shoulder segments, story, etc.
Don't you dare compare Fusion to this garbage
>more emphasis on story than other games in the series
>bottle ship is essentially the federation ship from Fusion
>muh Adam
>Don't you dare compare Fusion to this garbage
How can you not? Playing Fusion after OM made me see just how much they blatantly took from that game. Off the top of my head, Large amount of G-Fed, being in a science ship that has artificial zones for researching monsters, both involving secret metroid breeding and raising, Adam, Nightmare, being hunted by something (SA-X in Fusion the "Deleter" in OM).
Other M clearly was trying to copy the Fusion formula. It just put more emphasis on cutscenes. And by giving Samus a voice, it crossed a line that text dialogue didn't.
I'd also like to point out that, before Other M came out, Fusion was the game Sup Forums loved to complain about. For many of the same reasons they complain about Other M. "Wah it's linear!" "Wah Samus talks!" "Wah no sequence breaking!" "Wah its not like Metroid Prime/Super!" "Wah Adam is a bossy prick!" Them Other M comes out and suddenly it was "You know, Fusion wasn't such a bad game. In fact, I kind of liked it!"
but the SA-X is a major plot point of the game, the Deleter was sub-plot,
I always loved Fusion, not as much as the first three games but I still loved it all the same.
SA-X is vastly more important to the plot, but it's still the concept that's there. Samus is being hunted down by something, rather than being the hunter herself. She is not the proactive one on this mission, nor was she in Fusion, she is instead the reactive element.
Now this "something" as a whole fucking lot less threatening than the SA-X, especially that Samus has all her powers when in Fusion she has nothing and will instantly die to the SA-X's ice beam.
The forced ridley fight at the end is the setup for super dumb shit
Agreed, as bad as the forced bullshit after Mother Brain in Zero Mission.
I thought it said the forced Ridley fight was super dumb.
That's because by the time Other M came out, the people who were starting a mass migration to Sup Forums were young enough that Fusion was their first game.
Kind of like the massive opinion shift on third gen Pokemon or Wind Waker.
Did Sakamoto fuck it up like he did Zero Mission? I haven't played it, nor do I intend to unless it comes to Switch, but if it's anything like ZM rather than Fusion or Super, it's automatically better.
No forced Zero Suit section but Ridley is a forced final boss.
Pretty good I'd say. Not as much sequence breaking available, but still a damn good Metroid game. Loved the environmental puzzles and the fact that it was challenging. One of the most challenging Metra games I've ever played.
That's called the cycle. And it happens to pretty much every game. Or movie or TV show or music.