The big winner at the D.I.C.E. awards.
It's settled. Even other devs agree that it was the superior game of the year 2017.
You can't change this Sup Forums. No matter how much you cry.
The big winner at the D.I.C.E. awards
Other urls found in this thread:
Picking this up tommorow. Any tips?
Out of 10, how necessary is a Pro controller for this?
0/10 if you have decent sized hands.
>Any tips?
leave the thread before you see spoilers, take the game at your own pace and remember to keep an attentive eye and keep exploring. imo it's best played in portable mode anyway, so no on the pro.
Pro controller is necessary if you're playing it primarily in docked/ console mode imo. Playing with the joycons in the controller shell just feels awkward to me. I'd rather just play with them in each hand.
>inb4 sonybros trying to cope
Been contrarian against the entire industry for near a decade now
>saved me the trouble of being scammed by EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft, and especially sony, who loves to throw around their PS4 sales
>now suddenly I'm supposed to listen to these hacks when they praise a Zelda game
Terraria is still the better game.
Doug Harris AKA ACfag, contrarianism is not a substitute for taste.
>for zelda
dude link kills ganon lmao
Good thing I have plenty of taste as a PC gamer.
>taste depends on platform of choice
Doug, don't start with the faulty logic so soon, remember what happened last time.
I recommend the pro controller... if you're tight on cash skip it, if you're ok get it yadda yadda yadda...
expect a very well made game with 10/10 controls with a SHIT story, characters, and voice acting.
I meant for the overworld, even things like dragons were a mystery for people playing at launch
Fell for the hype. This game is a solid 8/10 at best.
>Nu males game is praised by nu males
I'm so fucking shocked.
And it still makes a mockery of every other open world game in existence, oh my, is this how you cope?
Reminder that Sup Forums literally uses that argument all the time when talking about other franchises, like PubG or Overwatch. But for no logical explanation whatsoever, it's suddenly not allowed when discussing a Nintendo game.
>can't build your own houses
>can't kill every single NPC in the game
>can't reshape the world to your heart's desires
>can't even run at 60 FPS, struggled to run at 30 FPS without massive patches
I wonder if ACfag goes to bed crying into his pillow every night.
I can smell the desperation from here.
Reminder that Doug Harris AKA ACfag is mentally ill and all he can do is say b-b-b-but others do it too when shown how much of a chronic shitposter he is.
nice false dichotomy, Doug
>BOTW is cinematic move game
>literally 1 hour of cutscenes for 100 hours of gameplay
You will find riddle quests, they're fun.
The DLC is very worth it if you're just getting the game now.
>crying about shitposting while shitposting himself
Shaking my head right now senpai.
>Monster Hunter has 50 hours of gameplay and 1 hour of cutscenes
>called a "fucking movie game" because it's a multiplat on the Ps4, and apparently anything sony touches instantly becomes a movie
>One of the most shilled games in existence
You Zelda fans REALLY need to stop playing the victim
Good game. Not the best Zelda game or the game of the century like the media is making it out to be. But it feels like such a big event because of how low the bar was set for Zelda over the last 15 years. Also, the media thinks games like Skyrim are GOTY. So it's not hard for a game that felt like Skyrim with 100 mods added is hyped as much as Skyrim was.
You nintenkiddies are going to be crying this November
Doug, your faulty logic prevents your shitposts from being engaged with logically. You're not speaking from logic and make up definitions for words as they suit your argument. It's pointless to argue with you.
How will the GOTY 2018 change in any way the GOTY 2017, user?
It's a Zelda game. Who gives a damn?
It is piss easy gameplay, the same story told every time, and simplistic takes on previously established mechanics so people who don't usually play open world games can get their fix.
It isn't bad, it isn't great, but it is damn good for a Nintendo game.
Okami was a better Zelda game, but it didn't do anywhere near as well because it highlights the fact that Zelda games just aren't very good on the whole.
If you like it, play it. Have fun. On the whole, compared to other games it is pretty bland these days.
>You're not speaking from logic and make up definitions for words as they suit your argument.
Big talk. How about some examples of this happening?
Even Kamiya disagrees with you. Oh my, it turns out shitposts don't rewrite history, let alone ones filled with unsubstantiated opinions
Oh well.
Cinematic Experience, Doug. We've had this conversation already. Cinematic experience can be anything from a game running at 30 fps to a game with QTEs to a game with scripted takedowns to whatever suits your non arguments.
Those all fit the definition of a cinematic experience. Where's the inconsistency or goalpost changing?
Not really, since Dragon Quest XI is on both a Nintendo and Sony system. But I don't doubt western journalists will pick RDR2 as their GOTY. Thankfully I don't let journalists dictate my tastes.
But I'm still looking forward to RDR2 as well.
None of them are the definition of a cinematic experience, which is a game with little to no agency that puts scripted sequences over multiplicative design or player choice. You just proved that you make up the definitions of words when it suits you.
And it's perfectly playable on PC at 4K 60fps :^)
Helloooooo Reddit!
>which is a game with little to no agency that puts scripted sequences over multiplicative design or player choice
And pray tell, which games supposedly fall under this definition, according to you? I sure hope you don't succumb to the same sins that you accuse me of.
The Order 1886
Who gives a shit what Kamiya thinks
>shitposts don't rewrite history
Tell that to Martin Luthur
I do.
>and voice acting.
Speak for yourself burger, the Spanish dub is God tier.
BoTW is nu-zelda. its not even a zelda game. i was truly disappointed that it was a launch title
>Still having this western journalists are biased against Japan narrative boiled in your head even after the year Japan has had
lmao you weebs will always look for a reason to cry
>ay dios mio Linko, necesitas mas korok semillas, ay yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
If it's a cinematic experience, why didn't game journalists like it? Furthermore, aren't you leaving some other examples out? Every time I ever asked for cinematic experiences, I was always told that TLOU and Uncharted fit the bill as well. Do you agree with that notion?
Game of the gen easily.
>game journalists like all cinematic experiences because otherwise my strawman argument won't work
Yup, that's Doug Harris alright.
>>called a "fucking movie game" because it's a multiplat on the Ps4, and apparently anything sony touches instantly becomes a movie
I've literally never heard this about MHW. Are you sure you aren't making this up? I mean, other games sure, but Monster Hunter?
Who has that narrative? I'm pointing out that Dragon Quest is overlooked in the west because SquareEnix doesn't market it. Of course Mario and Zelda are hyped by western media. Because they're hyped by Nintendo.
>normal gamer: oh gosh, 2017 was such a great year for vidya
>Sup Forumsirgin: reeeeee stop enjoying games from [platform I don't like]
but they're fucking meaningless anyway, literally just background fluff
*blocks your path*
pika pika bitch
Strawman? Yeah, okay, because Sup Forums hasn't been hating on Sony and it shigh metacritic score titles for years. Gotcha
More specifically, Monster Hunter World, which sony pushed as a timed exclusive (even though it really wasn't, all that mattered was that sony wanted you to think that).
Even Sup Forums considers it a cinematic experience.
Nintendo had a really great 2017. Now lets see if they can keep the momentum going in 2018. What do they have aside from a few WiiU ports? Will they reveal more stuff at E3? Will they continue courting the Indies?
>Gen VI Version 4.0
>will look like a GameCube game with 5 FPS
My hopes are all on Fire Emblem at this point.
And hopefully DQ.
Who are you quoting? If you can't handle discussion on a case to case basis on an imageboard of all places why are you here, Doug?
Nobody considers MHW a cinematic experience, there you go again making up shit to suit your non arguments. People were saying it had been casualized, which is true.
>Nobody considers MHW a cinematic experience,
Not even a few days after it came out, people used the exact words "cinematic experience" to describe it. I even keep an archive of the thread for naysayers.
>it had been casualized
all because it had a high metacritic score. But it's wrong for me to do that?
I really can't handle arguing with this mentally ill fuck, you can't make heads or tails of his posts, his circular logic and making up meanings for words to suit his arguments. I want Doug Harris to die.
You mean actually thought out takes on previously established mechanics.
Stop justifying your stupid irrational behavior on others, Doug, I still don't understand why you need to bring up Sony and other irrelevant tangential shit when you're reminded that you MAKE UP THE DEFINITIONS OF THE WORDS YOU USE.
how can BOTW even comete
I haven't made up a single definition. I'm using the one we all agree with.
>a game with little to no agency that puts scripted sequences over multiplicative design or player choice.
Scripted take-downs, QTEs, and gameplay running at 30 FPS so as to not be too videogamey sure fits the bill here, don't you think m80?
No it doesn't. Neither does having a high cutscene to gameplay ratio. None of those things make a cinematic experience. This is why people hate you, Doug, people explain why you're wrong and you just reply with "so I'm right, right? We agree, right?"
fair enough, I have no idea what you beaners have. The burger edition sucks nuts. I legit hope you have a better version, spic.
It got RPG of the year and nobody went to the stage to receive it. Not even the automata devs believed in automata. Such a shame, easily my second favorite game of 2017.
he sounds like a jew
>Neither does having a high cutscene to gameplay ratio.
Oh, this is rich. So going back to your example, why is the Order 1886 a "cinematic experience"?
Because it fits the definition I already gave you you mentally ill fuck.
>Need validation this badly from other people on your opinion of a game.
Nintendo soyboys everyone.
Lack of player agency means that when you mash your retard palm on the controller it makes little difference as to what is happening on your screen.
At this point, ACfag should just stand for “Autistic Contrarian”
Except it doesn't. You can shoot enemies, and they can kill you in different ways. So by your logic, that's not a cinematic experience. The fact that you can die even in the scripted sequences means that you have alot of agency.
You seem like the autistic one for thinking everyone who disagrees with you is that one person. You need to seek help.
Have fun with your cardboard soyboy.
>you have a lot of agency if you can die in a QTE
ACfag has such severe problems that he can be picked out while posting anonymously. It’s sad but fun to witness.
Remember, a previous user said that the presence of QTEs does not make a cinematic experience, so it's out of my hands.
See Doug, your autism partially manifests itself in the fact that you can only think in absolutes. Let’s push the example to the extreme: If a game has a single (ONE (1)) QTE then it would be a cinematic experience?
Let's flip the question on its side: if The Order 1886 only had one QTE, would it be a cinematic experience?
Nothing funnier than autism that shines through anonymity like a blazing lighthouse.
Retarded question, but a QTE (while unideal) doesn’t change the rest of the game, so 1886 would still be a cinematic experience with or without QTEs
Exploring 100% of the game can easily take 150+ hours, but the mechanics don't really hold up that long. You can do as much or as little of the game as you like and beat it basically whenever you want, but personally I'd recommend doing at least one dungeon every 20/30 hours so you keep up a decent pace that doesn't burn you out. If you're hungry for more you can always do a new game.
But what makes it a cinematic experience? It's still a shooter where you shoot bad guys, and you can die.
They patched the game so you can play with subs.
Holy shit that’s a great screencap
Empty clone assasisns creed
Because its design is restricting.
Here’s my answer: examine the difference between Rez and Order 1886
Restricting? How so?
Aside from genre, I don't see the difference you speak of.
>Aside from genre, I don't see the difference you speak of
I’m not going to spoonfeed you. Sometime in your life you’ll have to attempt critical thinking. Christ, do you need people to explain movie plot nuances to you too?