Why did it fail? I can't believe it was really because of muh alt right
Why did it fail? I can't believe it was really because of muh alt right
The story wouldn't have irked me as much if it wasn't a stealth shooter for some fucking reason.
They pandered to people who don't buy games. The short as fuck campaign surely didn't help either.
The first game had a nice story but the stealth part make most of the game boring, it wasn't worth more than 10$.
No surprise people didn't buy the 2nd for 50$
I don't give two fucks about Sup Forums shit, and the agenda pushing was enough to turn me off completely. It was so fucking obvious, and my tolerance after living in SF for 7 years is pretty damn high.
Narrative took precedence over fun/gameplay, this is why Doom was a success, it did what it was supposed to do, just be fun
I don't think the first was as well received as people seem to think. I think the general public just wasn't that interested in playing a sequel.
It was set in US instead of european castles, ruins and nazis sicrit bases.
All of these are valid reasons.
Also, the faggy looking protagonist fighting "da evil nazis" (who only do hilariously over-portrayed typical EEVVUHLL in cutscenes). If I wanted to see a faggy dressing blondie fighting da evil nazis in shitty rundown American cities I'd go to an Antifa rally.
They went over-the-top SJW and honestly it's not even enjoyable at this point.
Pilot to see if politicsfags buy and play games.
Turns out they don't.
Fellow SFbro, where are you at now? 650 reporting in.
>the new Colossus
>there is no boss
The protagonist is a tall, strong, blonde hair/blue eyed aryan straight from nazi propaganda, the irony is that he's the american hero actually killing the nazis. You're an idiot for not understanding that.
what where they """"thinking""""
I never played Wolfenstein growing up so there wasn't that sense of nostalgia that made me really want to play the game.
it sold about as well as the first game, I somehow doubt Bethesda was expeting this to be the next big thing; they released it when Odyssey and every other major game of the year came out ffs.
The only people saying it's a failure are the Kingdgom Cum fags who wasted $60. Their trying to convince themselves that KCD outselling Wolfenstein somehow makes it a good game.
I actually enjoyed the pulp aspect of the story until Blazkowicz linked up with the commies and invited him onto his ship. Did anything real conflict come of that? I quit playing around that point. Not because of the story, but because the gameplay was shit.
>Why did it fail?
Initial sales were actually better than TNO but Wolfenstein has always been a third rate franchise in terms of popularity.
Lifetime sales will depend on the steam sale price.
are all those rumors about the homeless people and what they do on the streets true?
>da evil nazis
fuck off nazi faggot
I'm not a Sup Forumsyp and I still didn't like the political preaching. Not against the Nazis but for the Marxists. Marxists are almost as bad as Nazis.
Remember in the first one where you could overhear Nazis having humanising conversations about common every day problems? Wasn't that a good idea?
Marxists are objectively worse. If we go by kill count, they are worse. If we go by oppression, they are worse. If we go by longterm damage to countries, they are worse. Worse in every single way, but they won WW2 thus they control the narrative.
Most gamers are pro gamer gate and hate commies.
Any whiff of SJWness in a game these days will ward off a large chunk of potential customers.
On the flip side look at kingdom come. That game is average at best. Yet has over a million sales now. A large percent of that was due in part to the anti sjw stance it took and vocal gamers leading the charge bringing in more casuals.
Also wolfenstein just plain sucked. It was like 1 hour of actual gameplay in the whole game
Released the same day as Mario and Ass creed
Mediocre gameplay
Buggy af on PC launch
Really just a rehash gameplay wise of the last
It still sold like 1.5 million copies. But no, it wasn't because "le gamers are Trump voter conservatives and were offended" Only retards who desperately wish to believe they are part of some majority believe this
>Most gamers are pro gamer gate and hate commies.
>Any whiff of SJWness in a game these days will ward off a large chunk of potential customers.
You enjoy developers choosing diversity over a quality product like we've seen in recent years?