Who are the best villains in vidya? Which ones have the best motives? Which ones did nothing wrong?
Who are the best villains in vidya? Which ones have the best motives? Which ones did nothing wrong?
>the villain is you
I wish a video game would make a villain group as intestine as my gaming group was from a dungeons and dragons game a few years back.
>The villain of GAME 2 is the protagonist of GAME
Elder god tier and shit tier must be switched places. I hate this "he's not ebil, just misunderstood" bullshit.
but high tier is where misunderstood villains are. elder god tier usually aren't.
I feel like misunderstood/sympathetic villains are overrated.
There's a lot of catharsis to be found in beating down someone who's undeniably, outright evil.
>Le pure evil and power fags
Snore, they're boring as fuck.
>i-i dindu nuthin wrong i'm just fighting back against a corrupt society..!
Equally as boring.
Then what makes him villain, if he's so perfect with good motives? This is unreasonable. I've never seen a good villain written that way.
At that point it's better to just call him an antagonist rather than a villain. Both words carry distinct meanings separate from one another, after all.
Other than Prototype I have no idea which game would fit this.
Real life villains are all about powermongering, but you don't call them boring.
villain in the sense that he's in conflict with the protagonist's ideals/values
>the protagonist of game 2 is the villain of game 1
Deus Ex Invisible Wars
>because of the situation they're in
>Mr Freeze
nah any normal nigger would've just let their wife die
Hello neoresetgafera. Did you get b& for not rimming enough disabled black trannys?
Eh I like villains who are pure evil
Nigger i'm pro-Trump as fuck
Go the fuck back to Sup Forums
You don't even get a (you)
>the deuteragonist of game IIIIIIIIIIIIII is the shopkeeper in game IIIIIIIIIIII
Why would lavos evolve humans and shit to where they become a threat to it?
Is this bait? The Archdemon was nothing but a creature following it's instincts it was literally it's nature and should be on mid-tier.
To top it off the Architect on Awakening was devising a way to make so Darkspawn were free from the madness that the curse caused and even offered to help the Warden become resistance to The Calling.
> I’m pro-tvcelbrity running our country
> Not realising that the presidumb literally does nothing but act as a puppet for idiots like you to worship
The real Sup Forumsitics are done by the supporting party, and simply use a presidumb as a scapegoat to take or receive negetive or positive criticism for that party’s actions; so that they can continue to make said actions without politic obsessed manchildren like you annoying them.
It’s a good thing that America has a presidency system; you fucking idiots will worship anything that has been on tv, or allowed to run for president.
the word you're looking for is antagonist, user
Both Origins and Awakening were alright though, not even really good, but passable and enjoyable, acknowledging the truth doesn't make me a drone.
switch meh and shit tier
ganondorf > joker
Good villains: clearly evil, actions not justified by any possible rationalization, but charismatic and entertaining nonetheless
Bad villains: boring
Not villains: characters which do not fulfill the definition of a villain
if this ain't the most brainlet post i've seen this week
Does ganon really belong there? Given his motives were revealed in Ocarina of Time and his origins from Skyward Sword
derp I meant wind waker. Not OoT.
actually this. god tier in OP's image is just antagonistic, not villainous
>elder god tier is not even an example out of video games
Arguably Felix from Golden Sun.
>villains who are part of a society who created the situation you are stuck in and hired you to clean up and make their mess worse in order to profit
Illuminati best villains
>Villain that conquer/takes shit left and right because of his lust for [X]
>end up doing good by mere chanc e
Most of the "did nothing wrong" are just a combination of edginess and , most importantly, the fact that a villain is shown worse than he actually is
Some people see this "injustice" and kinda like create a good opinion of the character to compensate somehow
>there's a problem that will cause total or massive destruction to the world
>villain comes with way to solve the problem that involves lots of deaths and destruction, which is better than what would happen if no one does nothing
>hero thinks this is not the right way to do things and there must be a better way
>hero stops the villain
>hero has no plan B to solve the problem
thats the worst hero you can get
Nearly half the list isn't of vidya origins and you're gonna cry about Ozymandias?
>villain is not really that evil but people from your side/area you live like overreacting
>by the time you kill the villain you discover you will be the villain to the people on his side
The outcome justifies the means.
>The heroes were actually anti-villains all along
>There never was a villian
>Hey guys so our planet is way too overpopulated
>we could stop having 20 kids before is too late
>ok guys we keep getting 20 kids and no bread for all what now?
>how about we go to war?
>The villain is really just a bumbling hero on an optomistic quest for glory
You're forgetting that once he got the Triforce he abandoned the Gerudo and ruined the world. He did nothing to achieve his goal and help his people, thus his motives are devoid of any merit.
As for the Skyward Sword part, wouldn't that alone put him back into shit tier?
Consider the following
They really need to make more games where you play as a villian or anti-hero.
Or atleast have a morality spectrum of good and evil with different outcomes and results with the world reacting differently to you depending on your choices.
He's more an antagonist than a villain if anything. A solid Mid Tier on that list.
fun fact sephiroth would easily belong on the list but SE milked him and changed him to teen angst soo much that peoples memories of him got fucked over. congrats se on whoring out your most unique characters like a disgusting pimp.
>Ganon in lowest tier.
$10 bucks and my left nut says you never played Wind Waker.
While that's fair, keep in mind they retconned the EVER LOVING SHIT out of him in Skyward Sword (Jesus in Heaven I hate that game).
Ganon from OoT through TP deserves several tiers higher.
Antagonist =/= Villain.
Also there is nothing wrong with a villain that's evil just for the sake of being evil. Not everything is a character study.
Better list.
>the antagonist is the narrator
I love this
>defending ganon
He's literally an ugly pigman who "wants power" because he's bad and ugly.
Nintendo doesn't do depth.
I fucking hate this list, I always have, great villainy is about execution not how much some angsty faggot ass emo teenager can identify with the villain.
Good pic save Ganon. Go actually play the series and reevaluate that pic... or don't. w/e.
Great Tier.
In 7 he was a supersoldier who was lead to believe the thing was his mother and then when he died his massive ego hijacked the thing while he bullshitted the planets reincarnation system to instead reform his body all while scheming to jump to godhood by wounding the planet and absorbing the power it would use to heal
>in AC he gives everyone space aids from within the reincarnation system of the planet, comes back and decides he wants to follow in his ""mothers"" footsteps and use the planet as a spaceship to go fuck up other planets but first has to wipe out life on it because
Always thought it was odd he never found out the truth of his parents within the lifestream
The few games that do this always seem to do it right.
Putting villains in Elder God Tier because you agree with their motives is like dating a girl because you two agree on politics.
Well, I mean, that has to be part of the reason. It's not a deal breaker but it would influence my decision.
As someone who's never played FF7 past the first hour... What the fuck is anything from this post. God damn.
Jenova and life stream is FF7's equivalent of MGS' Nano machines son.
>dating a girl because you two agree on politics.
I did this. But i'm a literal nazi,and my politics define a lot of other areas of my life.
What? Jenova is an elder God, and the lifestream is just gaia theory.
What I'm saying it is an excuse for the story to happen, complete with ass pulls.
Ganon's motivations in the majority of games are that he wants the other triforces (Wisdom moreso than courage) so he can control his own power fully, he has no deeper motivation beyond that explained in the games, anything further in to his motivations is headcanon and need not apply.
I've never played BotW but if we're talking about the series as a whole, in every game featuring Ganondorf his motivation is purely self serving.
I knew this post would happen eventually.
>an excuse for the story to happen
No...it IS the story. Jenova is the villain of the game, and the lifestream is the whole damn point of it.
Torchlight 2 if you played Alchemist in 1
I want to fuck Velmas ass
In BOTW he's a big angry monster who wants to kill you. That's literally it.
Mumkhar from XC1 is probably the worst vidya villain I know
The only brainlets here are people who think their pseudo philosophy makes them smart like you.
Literally the shittiest tastes in this thread right now
>Ctrl+F Kane
>0 hits
Should've let you all go extinct from huffing green alien rocks.
Reimu was the villain, Byakuren was the hero.
Ganon quotes from the Wind Waker.
>"Do you sleep still? Wait! Do not be so hasty, boy... I can see this girl's dreams... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans as far as the eye can see. They are vast seas... None can swim across them... They yield no fish to catch... What did the King of Hyrule say?... That the gods sealed Hyrule away? And they left behind people who would one day awaken Hyrule? How ridiculous... So many pathetic creatures, scattered across a handful of islands, drifting on this sea like fallen leaves on a forgotten pool... What they can possibly hope to achieve? Don't you see? All of you... Your gods destroyed you!"... "My country lay within a vast desert. When the sun rose into the sky, a burning wind punished my lands, searing the world. And when the moon climbed into the dark of night, a frigid gale pierced our homes. No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing... Death. But the winds that blew across the green fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin. I coveted that wind, I suppose."
The dude thought the gods had a hand in things for better or worse... till things got worse. Then he decided to dictate his own path. Just because his role played out the same mechanically doesn't mean it was with the same motive.
Like I said before, go actually play the series.
The only people who like Ozymandias are pseudo intellectuals who think they've "solved" morality.
............ who ITT brought up BotW as a good example?
pic related.
>implying Kane isn't the hero
Nigga let me blow up the Eiffel tower.
He cut the gordian knot, user. Can't find fault with that.
opps. this was meant for
The previous poster mentioned he hadn't played it, so he wasn't sure. I told him.
Uh isnt ww the only one where ganon has a decent motive?
WW Ganon was the most human and ""realistically"" evil (double air quotes there), I'd say.
This, Dio is great and he's just evil by nature.