So we all agree that Mass Effect 1 was the best game in the series right?
So we all agree that Mass Effect 1 was the best game in the series right?
Who cares
It was better than 2 and I never played 3.
your mom lmao
My mom doesn't like or play video games.
ME2 was the best game of the series.
ME1 probably had the most issue besides Andromeda of the entire series. No clue why people give it a pass for all its flaws?
Boobs don't work like that.
Honestly, Mass effect 3 has the better combat and with extended ending has the better story. It's not insane to say it's the best game in the series
My dick doesn't care.
ME1 had superior gameplay to ME2, was the original space opera being a new IP, and had far more content than 2 or 3.
I don't speak for everyone, but I enjoyed the mako segments and found the normal combat gameplay far better. Can use all skills with each on an independent timer, actual crosshairs/gunplay was a big plus as well. Don't even get me fucking started on the idiocy of the "universal" heat-sinks. Armor and such was actually unique, belonged to different sets, affected gameplay in a noticeable way. Weapons had different stats, had deeper customization, didn't feel gimmicky.
Not to mention that ME1 did better at the "your crewmates can die" aspect, at least IMHO. Losing Wrex and Nu-Carth/Ash in ME1 happens halfway through, altering your game for real (no longer squadmate dialogues, have to change squad composition if you were using any of them), they actually die in a meaningful and tragic way. in ME2, you get different cutscenes where the unlucky ones don't get back up and are later seen in "futuristic coffins". Nothing actually changes gameplay wise, maybe the last 20 minutes of the game are a little bit harder or easier, but it's not fulfilling in any way. First playthrough lost 1 guy. 2nd playthrough lost 3. 3rd lost nobody. Didn't feel like it was drastically different, plus most people (other than faggot guide-users) are going to lose at least 1, so there isn't a big dramatic difference.
In summary ME1>>>>>>>>ME2, debate me faggots. Also ME3 was complete and total trash the entire time, fuck this "the last 5 minutes were the only bad part" garbage. The ONLY redeemable thing about 3 was multiplayer. 2 did have patrician Samara titties tho
1 has actual RPG skill/talent points system, wherein you invest from 1-16 points into an ability or trait to get bonuses or unlock new trees. Even some trees unlock later in the story as it progresses.
2 has 3 points then a split between 2 arbitrary and dumb bonuses, i.e. fire ammo 1, 2, 3 give you more damage. 4 gives you the choice of adding a damage over time or giving you higher single-hit damage.
Wow that's a high-brow level of gameplay that's gonna require a lot of forethought to see which works better with your strategies.
Yes that's right
>Didn't feel like it was drastically different, plus most people (other than faggot guide-users) are going to lose at least 1
i honestly don't understand how people had a hard time keeping their crew alive. if you just do every sidequest and aren't a total retard in picking who does what, everyone survives. i never looked at a guide and had no problem keeping everyone alive my first time through.
This user gets it. Fucking ME1 was ridden with bugs, most of which were game-breaking requiring ALT+F4. Story is top-notch across the series, so that aside battle system in ME1 was absolutely atrocious. When I picked up ME2 I was happy to see they improved it.
Mako exploration was nice and comfy, but fucking tedious because planet maps were hugenormous.
ME3 was good, on par with ME2 I'd say but the ending fucked it up. Never played DLCs because fuck EA.
They could've done the heatsinks better if they really wanted to add them in, like not automatically reloading when they overheat and the heat generated dissipating over time so that you're not required to reload.
Do you always lose secretary buttslut or can she actually be saved?
Convection. Read upon it, because you slept through physics class.
Everything you said is accurate imo. I also liked that combat could take place at any time, it wasn't like 2 and 3 where you were in "combat mode" with your gun out and were playing a level. You could be exploring the citadel then all of a sudden there are assassins on you! It's neat.
Yeah it was lazy shit dev's who wanted to appeal to the shooter audience because using an assault rifle in bursts is SO BORING MOOOMMM!!!!
plus reloading LOOKS SO COOOOOLL
ME1 has atmosphere, something 2 also has, but it doesn't feel as genuine. ME1 is far from a perfect game, but the nostalgia factor is high. it was the first of its kind sci-fi RPG for the modern generation, it built a fantastic, intriguing world that was filled to the brim with lore that I WANTED to learn, it wasn't just shoved into your face, it was in the codex and everything but I WANTED to read it all, it was never forced on me but the world was just that interesting, the aliens that neat, the environments and ships and the guns left me wanting to know more about the universe the game was set in. The characters and VA was great, and it has the best overall story arc of any of the games, with a good villain with decent motivations for what he does. The mystery elements of the Reapers are fresh, and because we don't know what they want or what they're doing it's very intimidating. ME3 turned the reapers into comic book villains that were boring as fuck, and not scary when you're killing them left and right.
Then you have all the lore stuff with the Protheans and all that buildup, it was just so fucking neat and I wanted to understand it all badly as I played through it.
Also, the soundtrack is still the most atmospheric / best in the series. ME2 also has a good sountrack, but not as good as 1, and 3's OST is utter trash, generic as fuck. What the fuck happened with that shit?
That said, ME3 isn't all that bad. Citadel was a fun DLC to play through, and some of the story elements before the ending were alright, not great but felt on the same level as ME2 for the most part. Shame the story was utter trash outside of a few decent moments.
I didn't say that, cock suck. I wasn't intentionally implying that the time for the heatsinks to go back to room temperature had to be better than reloading in the middle of a fire fight, but as an option that can be done once your murder spree is finished. And yes I did sleep through physics, but convection, conduction, and radiation is basic bitch shit that they teach in high school, so I'll go so far as to say that how fast the heat sinks cooled down could be dependent on the environment that you're in, cooling far quicker in below freezing atmospheres and having a significantly longer cool down in the vacuum of space.
Jesus fuck this place is full of underage braindead shitheads. Did you know heat dissipates very slowly? What, did CoD teach you that machineguns overheat and are back in action in two seconds? That's not how it works in real life you doofus. For fucks sake go boil some water in a kettle and see how long it takes to cool down.
Heatsinks are just this: they are made to absorb heat and disperse it, but if there is way too much heat it takes longer to dissipate hence the mechanism of heatsink exchange in ME2. Weapons in ME2 are essentially handcannons in their respective categories.
I always remembered ME1 as being better than 2 so I reinstalled 1 on the PC, only to find out that it ran like ass, was full of bugs, and was fucking boring to boot.
So don't replay it on PC because they must have patched it to be awful.
Yes. Mass Effect 2 was disappointing. It switched from killer Science Fiction to a melodrama mess in a Sci Fi universe. Well, it's an EA game so..
Alright, you are not as stupid as you seemed.
> how fast the heat sinks cooled down could be dependent on the environment that you're in, cooling far quicker in below freezing atmospheres and having a significantly longer cool down in the vacuum of space.
You have a good idea, but then again how many fights in ME2 were in space (I mean the vacuum) or somewhere very cold?
Shut the fuck up retard
I bet you don't even understand why the concept of a "universal" heat sink that can work with any gun but-you-can-still-run-out-of-ammo-for-a-specific-gun is so silly.
Also I am quite educated on heat transfer concepts but besides ANY of that entire field of study, the very idea of a delicate heat sink being ejected out of a weapon used in war is beyond laughable which just makes your attempt to seem serious and intelligent on the topic all the more hilarious, you twat.
>heat dissipates very slowly
yeah boss sure thing
I spent more time and had more fun in multiplayer, so I'm going to say 3 was my favorite.
Yeah, shame that Bioware died soon after and they never made a sequel.
My mom died when I was 8.
tfw I autisticly did ng+ again and again on one character in ME1 so I could max paragon and renegade skills without actually investing points in to the skills
You can't have Tali in first
That's the point we're making, retard.
Dev's could've implemented any of those features, could've had battles in different environments affect your guns, could've had quite a few different fun solutions, or even just stuck with how it worked fine in 1.
Instead they decided to code lame gay shit and animate blue stripper aliens. Cool.
>tfw an RPG this good will never be made again
Yep, my all time fav. 2 is garbage, 3 is meh, Andromeda is absolute garbage.
Because in 1 she's pure, an adventurer. 2 and 3 she's just a bitch.
>That intro sound when you first boot up the game
I'll never forget starting ME1 on my xbox back in 2007, got it for Christmas that year. The way it just instantly draws you in with atmosphere of the music, and then the kick ass character creation where you get background on the alliance and Shepard, it's just all so well done.
>2 and 3 she's just a bitch.
Excuse me?
fuck the other games in the series
>You have a good idea, but then again how many fights in ME2 were in space (I mean the vacuum) or somewhere very cold?
I was just saying that to prove that I do have the basic knowledge as to how that shit works.
How fast it cools down is dependent on not only the temperature of the surrounding medium or fluid in contact with it, but also how well that fluid circulates, if it's ice water than it will cool down quick enough to damage the kettle, if it's room temperature air then it will cool down slower than the ice water.
Blue stripper aliens were a hold over from ME1
>Riding in elevators to transition between areas with canned NPC dialogue: the game
no thanks
>Corridor shooter for brainlets: The Game.
no thanks
Not really. ME1 was terrible at basically everything. It's a 4/10
>muh elevator rides!!! waah :,( make it stop mom I wanna play cowa doody again!
He's just thinking that initial shyness=purity and that she wasn't always a bitch.
Enemy variation.
>Can use all skills with each on an independent timer
Sure, but this comes at the cost of skill cooldowns being long. Each skill starts with a cooldown of 60 seconds, so especially when starting out, it hardly matters that you can use them right after each other since you'll be waiting ages afterwards. This gets a bit better once you upgrade them (40s cooldown at max, 34s-36s with your class talent maxed) and once you get some CD reducing armor, but you can actually use skills more often in ME2 despite the universal CD. It also helps that the skills in ME2 are simply more fun. There's no skill as fun as Charge in ME.
>actual gunplay
Enemies are hp sponges on harder difficulties. It feels like you're shooting wet noodles at the enemies because there's no impact. Sniper rifles are extremely annoying to use until you upgrade them/get better ones because it sways like a motherfucker, and there being basically no hit confirmation makes it a lot less satisfying.
>Armor and such was actually unique, belonged to different sets, affected gameplay in a noticeable way.
Just 3 numbers, and you picked the ones with the highest ones. The game just gave you a shitton of them with minor differences, making it seem like there was a good amount of customization. But barely any of it matters. The upgrades had a bit more variance, but none of them really altered your gameplay much.
>Weapons had different stats, had deeper customization
Another case of give the player a million guns with only differences in numbers. Weapons in ME2 actually behaved in different ways even though there were fewer of them. In ME the differences boiled down to "this one has +2 points of accuracy while the other one has +2 points of damage, so I will be able to deal 1% extra damage with this one to enemies that are far away".
I love exploration in games but holy shit the mako stuff is tedious.
right off the bat she's garbage
>muh geth killed my peepol
>after we made them then tried to exterminate them
>they left without killing all of us, even though if we won the war we would've killed them to the last man
>we got BTFO by AI so we live in a fucking flotilla
She's like a kike and a gypsy put together, obsessed with her shit people, utterly useless in combat and frankly annoying to listen to. wish I could've shot her on Vermire tbqh
>muh dumbed down games
It's more about quality over quantity. ME2 trimmed down on a lot of things to actually increase the variation. Instead of having 20 guns that basically do the same thing, you have 2 guns that are completely different, etc.
What's "bitch" about that?
>about halfway through 3
>feeling the urge to restart from 1
What do?
>Mass Effect 1
>literally unlimited ammo, probably because
>bullets fly everywhere when shooting
>Mass Effect 2
>limited ammo
>bullets go where they should
>b-but gameplay doesn't matter b-because Mass Effect 1 is less popular and therefore it's the one I like because I'm a contrarian brainlet!
Which is a damming indictment on how shit the series was.
You have to go there asap, it was completely retarded.
Yeah, it's like the first game is some kind of RPG where accuracy is a stat you have to develop or something.
What were they thinking?
There's a counter. 2 or 3. It goes down every time you leave the ship. So you can 2-3 missions or hub exploring before crew is killed.
This is literally the only ranking for anyone who does not have complete shit taste.
I normally would regard this as bait and while I doubt anyone outside of the trade thinks we know shit about shit as an HVAC tech I'm honestly angry at your lack of knowledge on basic physics. This game is bs from the get go, thermal transfer in a vacuum requires extremely specialized equipment but designing something that could transfer off the heat from a magical heat gun could honestly be done pretty easily using the games physics assuming you're in atmosphere. The problem is that even here on earth things change by altitude and humidity but in most of the situations in mass effect 1 outside of the borderline vacuum segments it would be super easy to bleed thermal locally.
God this is such a dumb argument though because this universe makes no sense if we apply our actual physics to it in any regard.
Mass Effect was really rough around the edges, but it was a great jumping off point to make improvements and general refinements in its systems with future games. Take a look into streamlining the skill system while still actually allowing some level of real customization, make terrain generation a little less terrible for vehicular exploration, and probably a few quality improvements to combat design. Also worldbuilding and lore were already excellent
Then ME2 threw fucking everything out the window that didn't already work perfectly and made the games a hell of a lot more generic. I think the only time I've been more disappointed with a game was Resistance 2
>Actually defending making the games more generic shooters instead of actual RPGs
Get out
Vanguard or Soldier
ME1 > ME:A > ME3:MP >>>>>>>>>>>>> ME3/2
Go to bed Shaun
OP Vanguard with Overload as bonus talent
ME1 has the best worldbuilding, the best story, the best characters, the best meaningful choices and the least casual system
ME1 > ME2 > ME3 > ME4
>Actually defending a game when every system ranges from bad to terrible, solely because IT'S AN RPG
Fuck off dumb contrarian.
(You) can all agree, but the consensus on Sup Forums is usually the most terrible and contrarian opinion out there. This board has the worst taste.
Mass Effect 2 is obviously the best.
ME1 was a pain in the ass gameplay wise.
It was great for lore building but the dialogues and most scenes werent that great either except the time you talk with Sovereign.
ME2 was weak storywise but played much better and the characters really hit home.
ME3 was a low effort cash grab and Andromeda just a bad joke, so ME2 is still the king, IMO
How can xenos hope to compete?
Are you me?
Well, if you don't think it had the best OST then I can tell you to go fuck yourself, period.
Or else you're much younger than me and you might figure it out later when you know.
Not him, but I rented 3 from a red box machine and it was shit. I kept it for two weeks and it still felt rushed.
ME1 was exactly what the whole series should have been.
If it was ME1 with the MGS5 engine, it would have been considered a masterpiece. It's always too little, too much, too much this or that, in spite of all the things we know about.
If give highly developed devs suddenly decided to make a great game, it would be insane. Oh, and we would also have to kill like, ten women.
>what if they talked about our iss-
>Enemies are hp sponges on harder difficulties. It feels like you're shooting wet noodles at the enemies because there's no impact.
I don't see how this is a good thing, in fact it's one of my biggest gripes about ME2. Especially considering you have limited ammo.
>The upgrades had a bit more variance, but none of them really altered your gameplay much.
Except they did massively, the difference between having health regeneration and not having it is extremely noticeable because you actually had health and not a strawberry jam screen. Not to mention upgrades that would make your melee combat or your biotic resistance more effective. Even if it wasn't much difference, removing it wholesale means that ME2 has even less variation in that regard.
>Another case of give the player a million guns with only differences in numbers.
This is sophistry at it's finest, the guns themselves were more just a template for mods. Look at it this way, yes, the choice for the best gun is usually obvious, but the mods you put on that gun change the properties massively, things like explosive ammo and high caliber barrels really made a noticeable difference, if you couldn't see that then I can't be held accountable for your ignorance.
People care about the female contribution to society, and it's important to a story. Thing is, it doesn't have to BE THE FUCKING STORY. Fuck off and go away. You annoying, vex fucked gender that can't live a moment without interjection.
>ME3 was good, on par with ME2 I'd say but the ending fucked it up.
When will this meme end. Did people not notice any character interaction in the entire game?
>Resistance 2
The multiplayer alone is the best thing to come from the resistance series.
Doing raids with 15 other dudes all playing in perfect unison was beyond awesome.
The best metal gear character ever was female. She died to make sure that everyone else understood how important it was to live for the whole. Children, now comfortable in their beds don't get it at all. That it takes great human beings, ripping apart their harnesses to make great people who ensure out destiny. You disgrace Big boss.
Playing through Andromeda currently. Yeah the dialogue is fanfic tier but the game itself is pretty good. The gunplay shits on all the others. I'd definitely put it above me3
Personally I like ME2 the most. No it wasn't my first. I remember the hype when ME1 came out, I bought it early played the shit out of it, did several runs with just about every class except engineer, but it still wasn't my favorite.
>Story is top-notch across the series
Eat shit. I'd rather replay 2 than 1, but eat shit. They fucked up the story immensely in 2 and then quickly made it much, much worse in 3 by retconning even more. 1 was the only game approaching good plot and storytelling. 2 was daddy issues and gangs.
Honestly this. There was a minor change in numbers and your gun might turn bright red suddenly, but that was the only real difference in the different types of guns. The mods were interesting but you were always just picking big numbers anyways so what was the point? Every gun in its class was functionally the same. Armor was the same way with the added benefit of also occasionally looking absolutely retarded but giving you extra shields.
It was still a great game but the inventory was a massive cluster fuck.
Get out now. It only gets more and more mediocre as it goes on and caps it all off with a side of terrible.
>I don't see how this is a good thing, in fact it's one of my biggest gripes about ME2
What are you talking about? ME1 is the one with damage sponges, while in ME2 enemies die a lot faster. Just look at this shit. Is this fun?
>Except they did massively
A massive difference in gameplay is, for example, the difference between being able to simply charge to a group of enemies and taking them out from long range. An upgrade giving you +3 hp/second when you have a health pool of 300 is not a massive difference. Increasing melee damage via armor was also possible in ME2 so rather than being outright removed, the upgrades simply changed in form to armor and the one time upgrade purchases/collectibles.
> things like explosive ammo and high caliber barrels really made a noticeable difference
The vast majority of them simply were "deal more damage to x, deal more damage to y". Sure they make a difference in the sense that you kill specific enemies faster, but how many of them actually alter the way you play the game?
It takes choice out of the equation, and becomes pathetic. It's easy when you don't realize chaos as a reality. It compartmentalizes chaos and allows the story to progress.It's very female.
The question of "how" makes women extremely anxious.
You're already interested. The show before the front. "HOW"
It's right in front of you.
>implying becoming a shittier gears of war is an improvement
What's with all the mass effect threads recently? Did something happen?
>Listening to the council