My Switch got a dead pixel. Is this a common issue or should I call Nintendo?
My Switch got a dead pixel. Is this a common issue or should I call Nintendo?
send it in, no other way to get it fixed
I wouldn't even notice that unless I was specifically looking for it or it was a dark game.
Nintendo cheaped the fuck out on the LCDs for the system. So yeah, it's normal. They may take care of you though.
I heard Nintendo don't even give a fuck unless you have more than 3 dead pixels on the screen.
Believe me. You would.
T. Had an old dead pixel 3DS.
OP send that thing right away.
So I need to fuck up my switch a little more then nintendo will fix it?
Not worth it. At most I'd say talk to their customer support and say it's a gift for your dying son and he keeps asking what it is or some shit.
Nintendo does not consider dead pixels to a flaw worthy of repair under warranty given how common it is with LCD screens. They might still replace it for money though.
I've got a cluster of dead pixels on the upper-right corner of my N3DSXL, I literally do not notice it unless I'm going out of my way to notice it. Too busy playing a video game.
once you notice it though it's all you see.
My 3ds came with dust under the screen and it was unbearable to me
Dead pixels are a standard, it's so common in the screen manufacturing that you can't get a replacement unless there are more then a certain ammount of them. If they replaced screens for every single dead pixel no one could even run the business without losing money.
Also this is valid for pretty much all screens and not only the switch one.
it's a feature OP.
720P screens should not have dead pixels since there are so few of them in the first place.
1080p+ sure a couple is luck of the draw
Either get a new switch or find a replacement LCD somewhere.
Unless a company specifically advertises no dead pixels they never replace or repair for them, even wacom's cintiq tablets which are basically just a screen and a massive profit margin are real stingy with dead pixels
OP, I would think twice before frivolously sending my Switch in for repair. There is no way for you, personally, to back up your save data without an additional Nintendo Switch to transfer your profile to. They have lost save data repairing stupid cosmetic shit, so there's no piece of mind there. If you've invested any serious playtime into your games I would try to live with it unless you literally cannot.
>720P screens should not have dead pixels since there are so few of them in the first place.
Lol, like 25% of the DS lites I ever saw had a dead or stuck pixel.
It’s joke
Come on, man, that's not fair. You really can't help it if this shit bothers you.
>not restarting all your games intermittently to get better
Breath of the Wild is a timesink. As someone who found all the shrines just to get a colorable version of Link's stupid hat the thought of having to start over honestly makes me nauseous.
OP here, I had an idea. Should I just keep my Switch the way it is until the inevitable revision is releasef, get that, and then transfer everything over from my old, busted Switch to the new Switch, which will most likely not have this issue.
If you actually don't want to risk losing your saves this is a solid plan to be honest. There's no guarantee the new Switch won't also have dead pixel problems though.
it's a feature