Because everyone already bought it once.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because everybody who wanted to play it has done so years ago.
>fifth in the UK chart
Isn't this article only talking about UK sales?
>3rd party games not doing well on a Nintendo console
wow, it's like i'm really living in 1999-2017
For some reason people like to think that UK sales account for the entirety of Europe
Shitposting aside, the reason is simple. Bayonetta 2 is old news. It being a Wii U exclusive didn't help its' case. That was the primary platform, which makes Bayonetta 2 on the Switch just a port with a few upscales. It didn't sell much on the Wii U either, due to the Wii U being a fucking disaster of a console that did fucking poorly and lost to even Vita sales multiple times.
It's pretty obvious Bayo 2 is under Nintendo contract, but it's been so long already. No one wants to just buy a game sequel to a game that USED to be multiplatform and wasn't even that memorable to begin with. As the spiritual successor to Devil May Cry (as it was coined), Bayonetta 1 succeeded in the eyes of the fans of DMC series. It hit all the marks, but it was met with harsh criticism due to poor performance on PS3 (fault of its own for sure) and mediocre performance on the Xbox 360. It was a very short game with insane difficulty moments (instant death jump portions that got you killed due to bad camera angles) and frustrating over all.
tl;dr - Bayonetta 1 was a mediocre game with lukewarm reception.
Bayonetta 2 was released on a dead console, basically with no good PR or hype behind it.
>Switch released
Bayonetta 2 re-release isn't interesting because hardly anyone cares since it has been too many years already.
Basically they need to release Bayonetta 3 already and make it multiplatform (include Switch) and release a triple pack. We all know this isn't going to happen with Kamiyama pulling string and acting retarded, so even informed gamers have stopped caring. I don't want to play the spiritual successor of DMC on a 480p handheld machine.
Because why the fuck am I buying Bayonetta for a third fucking time? Re-releasing for the WiiU was one thing, why the fuck did it need to be for the Switch too? That's like, constantly re-releasing the first fucking Halo for for every XBOX. There isn't even much of a change from the original except for extra fluff shit.
It's not just Bayonetta 2 though. Doom sold poorly on the switch, Skyrim was outsold by Skyrim VR, which need a 300 dollar peripheral, and LA Noire didn't even make the charts.
No one is surprised by this either, not even Nintendo drones. Because the Switch is just Wagglan 2.0, and the main demographic is old people and 12 year olds who want a new Pokemon machine. I mean, we fucking warned you but you're too smug to see the bigger picture because BOTW and Mario doing well. Perhaps later this year you'll get fantastic news of good games for next year, but 2018 is a fucking drought for Switch.
I agree. It won't be long before the Nintendo effect sets in, and all they get is a pokemon game and a handful of indies. Third party just isn't welcome on Nintendo consoles.
if released on pc for 29.99 or less i woulda bought it... or at the very least steam shared it off a friend
It was sold out literally everywhere in my country before friday. Could not order it. They didnt ship much did they?
Do you even read through the articles you're posting?
It's the same thing with Sony too, so let me chime on them since I'm idort and have no brand loyalty. Sony had the same shit happen too with Last of Us paving way to the "walk and talk" movie like games. Those sold insanely well, some much better than BOTW did. Because of this we now have triple AAA developers making similar walk and talk cinematic experiences. Destiny 1 and 2 under Bungie Activision turned out to be disasters with loot boxes and cut content. Only good game that has come out recently is Monster Hunter World if you aren't some kind of regressed neanderthal elitist MonHun fan (I am) who hates anything new and compares high rank titles to G rank ones (I don't) then the game isn't up to your snuff. But it's an amazing game. Last year we had great games too like Yakuza Zero and Nioh to name just two, and those came on the side of the usual movie games like Uncharted. So at least on Sony you have options now and generally for every movie game there's a game that fills that nice void.
On PC you got nothing but fucking mobas, e-sports, f2p MMO's and counter strike / pubg and of course NO VALVE GAMES EVER NEVER!! NO LEFT 4 DEAD 3. NO HALF LIFE 3. TOTAL WAR RUINED. WARHAMMER DYING. RTS GENRE DEAD. And of course glorious bit coin miners ruining the PC gaming market for years to come, along with expensive RAM / HDD.
Yep. Did you?
I know, but it's literally impossible to find any other information on LA Noire's release. Nobody cared.
UK is mentioned a lot because the only country that tracks physical sales.
Do they still sell Pez dispensers?
>I don't like your sources cos they make me feel bad
>ports sell less than the original version
>Bayonetta is a niche franchise anyway
Makes sense. Fortunately Nintendo sees the cult following and is willing to keep funding these even if they only make slim profits.
I don't like everything Nintendo does, and I stopped being a drone years ago, but I always love seeing companies make decisions like this. Putting their consumers above the profits for once.
The Skyrim article is only talking about UK sales and if LA Noire is such a failure on the Switch then I guess it's a failure in general because it got comparable numbers on PS4 and XBOX.
Let's address the elephant in the room. If Bayonetta games aren't selling very well it's because the franchise isn't very popular. Think about it, Bayonetta 2 wouldn't happen without Nintendo's bail out money and same to the following sequel as well. That means that despite the original game being on both the Microsoft and Sony console the game didn't garner a big enough positive impression on gamers to the point the fanbase simply wasn't able to sustain their franchise. Bayonetta's fanbase is possibly smaller than even say Ratchet and Clank's. Small fanbase? Struggling sales to the point sequels are too much of a gamble. The only fanbase that's smaller than Bayonetta's is Klonoa's fanbase.
Anyway, that's at least ONE good reason for why Bayonetta isn't doing very well. I get the impression that another reason is people don't like Bayonetta's characters. The main heroine is a try hard old bint who is pretending to be sexy and hot, you got a bunch of rather unremarkable characters as well given that the monsters of the series have lousy designs (give me traditional monsters than the samey angels). I bet that if the rumors are true and they do make Crash Bandicoot's Remake Trilogy for the Switch that it will outsell the Bayonetta 1 & 2 Switch bundle simply because more people like Crash.
Love Bayonetta but yeah I already own 1&2 physical on the WiiU, I can't really justify buying the same game twice, waiting for 3 on the Switch though
Source on this?
>Basically they need to release Bayonetta 3 already and make it multiplatform
Ignore all this other shit, this is the point. Supposedly a game no one wants on a system no one wants, but
>pls pls pls release it on my platform of choice!
>Nintendo cares
fuck off
>The Skyrim article is only talking about UK sales
Because the UK is one of the only countries that tracks physical sales like this. The Bayo 2 article in OP is also UK sales..
> if LA Noire is such a failure on the Switch then I guess it's a failure in general because it got comparable numbers on PS4 and XBOX.
>comparable numbers
No,it sold 20% on switch, and 51% on PS3
That's not what he said. He said release it for everyone. Not just for a tiny as fuck small group of nerds on a handheld.
Uncharted 4 has a huge boost because it was bundled for free with PS4s for a while and those still count as a sale.
Because they are, brainlet.
>comparable numbers
Yeah, I'd say 100k, 150k and 240k are pretty fucking comparable, unless of course vgchartz doesn't count anymore.
You'd say that 100k is comparable to 240k?
You'd say that 100k is comparable to nearly 250% of 100k?
its a troll post, poor salty fags.
100k are XBOX numbers and they are very much comparable to the Switch's 150k. As are the 240k on PS4, especially if you account for the much smaller install base.
VGCHARTZ is not as inaccurate as all of you are claiming. There is a video somewhere from an financial firm that demonstrates how VGCHARTZ collects their tracking data. It's done through retailers. It's a very big operation that requires a lot of time and research by VGCHARTZ (which is why their updates are slow). Sometimes retailers will provide inaccurate numbers which lead to over/under tracking. They do get identified and fixed, but it's usually done late.
Even with their occasional tracking discrepancies, VGCHARTZ is widely used by many financial analysts and advisers in our industry; including Michael Pachter.
On Switch, 20% of all copies were sold. PS4 took the top share with 51%, followed by Xbox One with 26%.
20% and 51% are not comparable,and your mental gymnastics are pointless
Yeah, but Nintendies on Sup Forums will cry about it because it makes them look like idiots
So your original source doesn't count anymore then? Great "mental gymnastics".
>On Switch, 20% of all copies were sold. PS4 took the top share with 51%, followed by Xbox One with 26%.
That was literally a quote from the source, btw
every gamestop in America has 10+ used copies of Uncharted 4
Are you illiterate? The first source you posted on the LA Noire sales was from vgchartz. You're arguing about debut sales in the UK while I'm talking about worldwide sales. I wonder which ones are more important.
But i'm arguing both, user. Because they're connected and they're both very low.
Should I just sell my switch and a 3ds?
>gets told off for mental gymnastics
>makes them again
kk, i'm done with you. Enjoy your denial of reality
Hey I'd give my copy away too after finishing it, it's not like the game has much replayability
Why do people bitch at nintendo for funding bayonetta instead of bitching at microsoft and sony for refusing to fund bayonetta?
Because Bayonetta was only idea enough for one game The second one is crap, and the third will be absolute shit
This genre historically doesn't sell well. Bayo 2 and 3 are being made because someone at Nintendo has good taste and is basically commissioning Platinum to keep making the games.
Big if true.
Look at the fucking price. Should be 20$ max
$50 for two games is pretty good, though.
Well now that Iwata is gone, this guy would be saying different things.
>Third party just isn't welcome on Nintendo consoles.
That's just laughable. Third parties did nothing but complain that their games didn't sell as well as Nintendo's games on the Wii, so what does Nintendo do? They release the Wii U and stay out of the way of third parties for months after launch, yet third parties completely squandered that window Nintendo gave them, which ended up damaging the console.
Now the Switch gets 3rd party support out the ass and 3rd party publishers still complain about poor sales. Maybe, just maybe, 3rd parties should actually put good games onto the Switch instead of treating it as a dumping ground for shit that people were tired of 7 years ago. Nintendo's handheld line has always been dominant because Nintendo brings their A game. Is it Nintendo's fault that other developers don't?
>why did it bomb on wii u
>why did it bomb on switch
>Sometimes retailers will provide inaccurate numbers which lead to over/under tracking. They do get identified and fixed, but it's usually done late.
>Even with their occasional tracking discrepancies, VGCHARTZ is widely used by many financial analysts and advisers in our industry; including Michael Pachter.
And Michael Pachter's analysis is always wrong. You aren't lending any credibility to VGChartz.
Yeah, fuck 3rd party devs, wanting their games to sell. Don't they know it's all about Nintendo? Can't they just be happy for them?
>which makes Bayonetta 2 on the Switch just a port with a few upscales.
It's literally the same resolution. I'd have bought it if it was 1080p but it's probably the worst Wii U port yet. I'll just emulate it on Cemu if they're not even going to try, and if the Switch isn't powerful enough to take a 720p Wii U game and run it at 1080p, then that's a much deeper more underlying problem of this whole debacle.
Yep. Everyone that wanted it bought a wiiU.
Not many people wanted it, because it's a campy as shit Niche title.
It's like trying to call "Lollipop chainsaw" a system seller
It's the Wii U all over again. 3rd party titles sell like shit, which leads to 3rd party abandonment, which leads to no one but Nintendo fans adopting the hardware
It's over, RIP Switch
>I'll just emulate it on Cemu if they're not even going to try,
in 4k
at 60FPS
CEMU does what Nintencan't
>It's over, RIP Switch
well, to be fair, this won't KILL the switch. It'll appear to do very well indeed, when pokemon comes out.
But it'll cement Nintendo as a hopeless gaming company that is crippled with Pokemon and Mario.
LOL so mad
Exclusives don't sell consoles anymore.
Because people are fucking stupid.
>Xenoblade 1 over 900k
Like hell it did. Maybe once you combine Wii + N3DS, but the original NA release was gimped as fuck.
>Xenoblade X also over 900k
Nah last confirmed sales were around 770k, and that was around April 2016. By that point the game had stopped selling.
What about digital sales?
You know, I don't want to buy those games again but if the situation is really that bad I might surrender and do it, to support the series.
I love the series and I'm baffled hardcore Switch owners are so snobbish towards the game.
They always repeat how they buy Wii U ports because they didn't own a Wii U and then you see they ignore one of the best Wii U exclusives.
Hopefully, Tropical Funky Mode will sell meh too and Nintendo will focus more on new games than on ports.
This has been true since the 7th gen.
Sorry, I meant crippled WITHOUT
Hope you have a NASA supercomputer because most Wii U games still don't run at all or run like shit with primarily Mario Kart 8, Sm4sh, BOTW and 3D World running acceptably, I can't get Warriors Orochi 3 to run on the fucking thing and Hyrule Warriors is a bit spotty
Nigga, i'm playing BotW right now at 60fps on a laptop with a 960m. CEMU is getting optimised more and more every day.
Odyssey has sold more than any PS4 1st party
>BoTW emulator is getting optimized for BoTW only and breaking other games' compatibility
9.87 million
Imagine this:
No exclusives on the market. All games come on all platforms. Every game. Uncharted on Xbox. Halo on PS4. Both of those on Switch and all of those games also on PC.
If this was the case, software sales would skyrocket. Hardware sales would just simply prefer the best choice for them and people who want portable would go for the Switch. Sadly this isn't the case and it limits software sales as a whole. Because imagine if you only had to buy one platform (PC, Switch, PS4 or Xbox One), you would save a ton of money on games themselves and you wouldn't be so picky about what games to buy. I'd be buying every major hit without a hinch, but because Halo is behind a 400$ console and BOTW is behind a 400$ handheld and Uncharted is behind a 400$ console, I have to pick and choose as a normal consumer. If I want to play amazing PC games I have to pay 3 times that of a console to have the better experience, but even if I pay 1200$ for an amazing PC I'll still will not be able to buy games I'd like.
Exclusives are bad for consumers and they don't even sell consoles anymore.
But it's all they have, otherwise why bother with anything other than PC?
Bayonetta 2 sold infinite percent more copies on the wii u than it did on ps4 and xbone
>posts a video of Bayonetta 2 in 4k at 60FPS running flawlessly
>some moron claims it's a botw emulator
not smart, are you, champ?
>Pokemon SuMo and USUM 15M
>Odyssey 10M
And what about games that are too intensive to run on the switch? Would they just NOT be released because Nintendo isn't up to it? Or would they have to be gimped down to be released?
>no digital
They hyper-optimized the fuck out of the emulator to brute-force acceptable performance for that game and that game only, I take it you didn't keep an eye on their Patreon where they were constantly putting out emulator releases to patch BOTW problems and often nothing but BOTW problems with little regard for other games they were breaking in the process
Their own compatibility lists are 37% of all Wii U games running acceptably or very well with 63% running very badly or not at all
I'm not sure if the 4k graphics-pack even really does anything in particular for Bayo 2, it doesn't look much different from Switch version screenshots to me beyond the obvious anti-aliasing/smoothing associated with upscaling
This is true.
I already played it on Wii U. I'm not gonna pay full price for it again when it barely adds anything new.
>physical copies
imagine being a tard who lugs around a pile of delicate and uninsured cartridges
at least if my switch breaks I can redownload everything
>wanting their games to sell.
Their games years ago. Don't expect launch sales for a seven year old game.
They would just down grade them. They did that for the Wii. Don't see why not for the Switch.
There'd be less competition though. Also, some games wouldn't even exist without companies funding it. Like Bayo 2/3 for example or Bloodborne.
1/10 made me laugh
Because they didn't sell well enough to cover the costs of having a team to downscale them?
user. Mario Odyssey are already over 9 million since january. Stop using vgchartz.
I get most switch games digitally, it's a nuisance to swap carts
This is not apples to apples. The only thing there that is a like to like comparison is bloodborne. You need to think about when a game came out in the life cycle of the machine its on, whether or not it's multiplat (DS3 is fucking cheeky) and such considerations.