Let's get this over with hunters
Bloodborne: The Death of Sleep #1
please don't
Yes OP do it.
w-what's this
do it faggot
Just wait till e3 boys, hope you like westerns.
R-read, faggot, you're not in an anime.
OP, package all that shit in a ZIP/RAR/7Z once you're done posting.
>Nothin personal kid
This is a big comic. Comedy gold though.
>pssssh nothing personal kid
>tfw I want more hats in bb
w-what's a anime?
doctor pavel, i'm healing church
Why does this shit exist?
Did they edit the pupils out of the dog's eyes?
This is a good reaction image user thanks
>they're humans, not beasts
Damnit Jura, we've been over this shit already
Why did I never, until now, realise that the steel armor on the arms of many sets is a fucking bite guard?
Why did this not occur to me? I always thought it was odd to have some parts armored, but mostly thought of it as a stylistic choice.
Fuck me.
why is the hunter so fucking red
am I missing something?
>Uhh, you don't get to bring vilebloods
b l o o d
but why isn't his clothing red
Why does panel 3 have a Reiterpallasch??
>the flail from the concept art
I wish this had been in the game.
More, kind man.
Well, that was fun.
Thanks for storytiming OP
He didn't git so gud
Is that it? How lame
upvote for the thread
if only the game was this good
I'd laugh my ass off if that were the case.
Perhaps he wondering why you would shoot a beast before throwing him into the flames.
Nice edit skill
smug ass gehrman lmao
Where's his peg-leg?
seriously I can't fucking get over it, why the fuck is he red??
Wasn't he sick or something?
hes becoming actual blood
You know those times you make a new game and you decide to make your skin color something ridiculous because you think it'd be funny? It's one of those
he looks like my autistic coop characters with that skin
Look at this panel.
There are bigger issues than color theory
>De ja vu!
>I've been to this place before
nice new hats and weapons
>video game comic from titan comics
>art is actually good
art is sloppy at times but good nonetheless
>Have the power to rerun shit and get gud
>give up, run away, and leave all your friends to die because you don't want to try
Advertising Bloodborne in 2018. If I didn't know any better I'd think something would be announced soon.
poor chewbacca
Perhaps something with shadows.
This is coming out soon, too.
Every hit looks unnatural when they are cut to pieces. I'm not expecting any illustrator to be Miura-tier obsessive with movement but the torso movement is all over the place.
>It's a remake episode
>It's a "Charge 40 dollars for the same old shit" episode
>It's a "How do we squeeze blood from this fucking stone" episode
character creator, this guy fucked with the sliders too much
He wasn't taking it seriously, and he clearly doesn't know the first thing about fromsoftborne games. Look, he's even confused to be doing the same thing again after getting killed. What a scr°b
Big if true
This fucking sucks and has dumb shit that makes no sense within the bloodborne.
And before you say it, yes I know that caring about bloodborne lore is autistic as fuck but i must vent my sperg rage
Kys racist prick.
>art is actually good
The scenery is decent, but the artist has no sense of how to draw figures in motion or how to draw humanoid figures, for that matter.
Shit just look at the last panel of This is a man who clearly has no understanding of what he is doing.
It's not autistic and this is dumb shit.
>its a pro patch episode
>43 to 28 fps unlocked! 1360p
>second page
>it's already garbage
When the fuck are they releasing that Black Knight?
It's not supposed to be the hunter you play as. It's a prequel.