>Want to play Doom
>Have Switch
>Have toaster laptop, can't afford PC due to crypto
>Don't want a PS4
Is the Switch version now respectable? Did the recent update improve performance?
Want to play Doom
>Want to play Doom
So just download the WAD, a modern source port of your choice, and go nuts! Takes like one minute, and runs on some literal calculators these days.
It's fine.
DOOM sucks on switch don't fall for the meme, the port was abandoned, it's a mess, looks awful and worst of all it's full price
better to play it on your toaster, or just buy a PS4 for 150 bucks and pay 15 bucks for the PS4 version of DOOM, it runs 1080p 60fps on the standard PS4
get BloodBorne while you're at it
The port literally just got an update a few days ago.
You're falseflagging, right?
Here's your (You).
It’s “ok”. If you have no other way to play then it’ll suffice but don’t come back here saying “nuDoom looks like shit!”. The switch version is a serious downgrade
is it still sub 720p 25fps?
DOOM would run better on a ps3 or a 360
DigitalFoundry on the port
Switch port is fine for what it is. Not the best version but certainly playable.
>DOOM would run better on a ps3 or a 360
Feels like playing a fast paced halo 1
>DOOM sucks on any system
Fuck Bethesda and Zenimax.
switch is a underpowered piece of shit tablet mate, ps3 is more powerful, you can't tell me with a straight face that god of war 3 or the last of us, or uncharted 3 would run on a switch
I have the switch version and the PC version.
I prefer playing it on switch, especially after this update added motion control aiming.
it's better than any current gen shooter at last
i heard the recent update actually improves performance, they mentioned a CPU optimization in the patch notes and i've also hear from many people who actually play it that the resolution drops less frequently, i'm waiting for DF to revisit the game with this new patch that also adds gyro aiming which is really nice for precision aiming
i mean if you don't mind the 30fps but having it portable get it
PS3 couldn't even do Bayonetta 720p 60fps
Switch does 1280p 60fps.
I own all Sony consoles but you're just a moron, sorry.
Its bad but not too bad, buy used copy and play in docked mode
No source then
Wasn't the PS3 port of Bayonetta kind of under the table and rushed? If I recall correctly it was developed specifically for 360 and then just sort of shat out for PS3 a bit later.
The back of my PS3 Bayo box says 720p, 1080i and 1080p
>The biggest change for the Switch versions of the Bayonetta games is the frame rate, with both games running at 60 fps. They still run at 720p, but the upgrade allows them to reach the better frame rate when the Switch is both docked and in handheld mode. That’s an improvement over the Wii U versions; those failed to run at 60 fps, despite fan expectations.
>last of us
TLOU runs sub 720p and 25fps on PS3.
>it's better than any current gen shooter at last
Nope. Ever heard of Serious Sam 3?
Killing Floor 2 ?
Fucking Dusk ?
Even ignoring all that and many others, it's a terrible Doom game.
> implying muh nostalgia beats an honestly great game
> in 2016 of all times to release games
Don’t listen to this fuck OP.
the switch can't run TLOU friend, you'd be insane to think it could, let's not forget that TLOU runs native 1080p 60FPS locked on the standard PS4 with 4K options on the pro, but the PS4 is too much of a challenge for the switch so let's stick to the 2006 sony console lmao
even your meme post about it running 'sub 720p on the ps3'???? nigga it's 1080p 30fps locked, and it still looks better than any switch game, a fucking ps3 game
PS4 has shit controls. PC version>Switch version>not playing>eating shit>having to aim with analog sticks
Look at how Switch runs Skyrim, Bayo, Resi Evil Revelations, LA Noire, and soon, Dark Souls
compared to PS3
I got zero nostalgia for Doom 1-2, as I was a Nintenkid console peasant up until 2004, and they're now some of my all time favorite games.
2016 was fucking awful game, through and through. I can only imagine what kind of game-starving shithole the current gen consoles must be if that shit is considered "good and revolutionary" now.
Only thing keeping, or rather, trying to keep nuDOOM afloat anymore is Zenimax' aggressive marketing campaigns, that have included censorship of negative criticism.
>if that shit is considered "good and revolutionary"
Cover shooters ruined the genre, Doom came back from dead to nudge them back on right track.
Sonegros honestly believe the switch cant run ps3 games
The switch can run any ps3 game in handheld mode with better performance than the ps3. The switch in handheld mode can run games the ps3 is incapable of running. Despite the fact it's the size of a dvd case.
That's exactly his point. This gen's games are so bad that the most barebones "classic" shooter gets so much universal appraise from critics and people in their early 20s.
For console-peasants, maybe.
And for some bizarre reason the nu-ID's idea of "Doom" seems to be first-person melee-finisher, that is otherwise copying Hard Reset and Painkiller, with greatly downgraded size of conflicts, and forced upgrade-tree menusurfing bullshit to work as a padding for the otherwise very gutted out, linear game.
I feel like I'm on /o/ talking about Toyobaru.
>1080p 30fps locked,
>says "Rendering natively in 720p" in the article posted
>mentions the framerate can drop so it's not locked as you say
Try again shitposter and be sure to read next time.
>"port was abandoned"
>performance patch released this week
It's a good port, OP. The single player is worth it. Just play on the hardest difficulty you can muster.
I’ve only ever played it on the Switch and thought it was pretty enjoyable despite performance chugging when things get really hectic. Despite the framerate dipping it never felt bad to play to me. I’d say the update made things a bit more stable but still leaves a lot to be desired. Given your available options I’d say the Switch version is a fine way to go, especially if you’re a handheld guy.
>Did the recent update improve performance?
Yes, framerate enhancements, visual improvements and gyro aiming. Pic related is Portable Mode before and after the update
Seems like they just wanted to get the game out before Xmas desu. Noticed a number of shops had it on sale in December, all according to Keikaku
The Switch version is now one the best. The PC and Switch versions are the only relevant versions of DOOM. Anything else is pointless.
Bottom image is actually surprisingly good for portable mode.