Is there a single RPG game where you don't save the world?
Is there a single RPG game where you don't save the world?
Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lighting Returns.
How's stopping Sleeper not saving the world?
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Dark Souls 2 you just kinda fuck around for a bit then take a nap.
fallout new vegas
Unless if you're doing a Sarranid run, of course.
Suikoden II.
Tales of Legendia.
Witcher 1 & 2.
Because the story ends before you get to save anything lel
Only the majority of RPGs.
Most of the games mentioned in this thread are not RPGs since there needs to be roleplaying for it to be called such.
Making do in a dying world.
early Pokemon games
Yeah. Cause cRPG started with Fallout.
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance you destroy the world instead.
Etrian Odyssey
Atelier Rorona
SMT Nocturne
Cyberpunk 2077.
FlatOut Ultimate Carnage
No, it didn't.
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls III
Shadow Of Chernobyl
Clear Sky
Kingdom Hearts?
Planescape Torment
KOTOR. Because you save the galaxy instead.
Fallout 3 too.
Wouldn't Doom count?
Since doomguy himself is the reason why he had to save the world in Doom II?
>any of these
obligatory faggot(s) that feel the need to explain their special snowflake definition of RPG to everyone else
Should I have said something involving a top-down camera with 2D sprites?
And 4 for that matter cause most of the time, you'd just end up fucking it up even more.
I wish we could have saved him.
>arpeegee need aneemay gurlz
dark souls is literally about saving the world. Fucking retard
>RPG game
From the first Dark Souls there was already doubt about linking the First Flame. The king of kings burned in the kiln for an unknown amount of time, and the world still fell apart. How do you figure an undead warrior will hold up in the First Flame?
And then there's the Dark Lord ending.
Not him, but you're retarded. STALKERs are shooters, not RPGs. And Dark Souls/Bloodborne are action adventure games. You don't make story choices, there's barely any dialogue, thus not an RPG.
The world cannot be saved though. You can only either prolong the suffering or just let it go.
The world in Dark Souls is still getting fucking rekt by undead regardless of what ending you pick, and even the "good" ending just keeps the gods in power for a brief while longer.
>You can't save the world=Never intended to
Alright mate.
>platformers don't need to have platforming
You have to escalate the conflict somehow.
read the OP senpai
No one talked about intention. Scroll up and read the OP again.
well you do try to purify all the water
>You don't make story choices
Linking the fire or not. Releasing Lautrec from his cell or not, which nets you a bonus if you do, but is completely in line with roleplaying if you refuse to release him yourself because of his shifty nature when speaking to you from within the cell. You can also kill Lautrec at Firelink Shrine and acquire his ring.
You can choose to join Alvina's covenant or not. You can choose to join the dragon covenant or not. You can choose to bribe Petrus for information about Rhea and her mission. You can choose to bribe Lautrec for information on Petrus. You can choose to let Patches live. You can choose between speaking to Frampt, or speaking to Kaathe. etc.
There is a shitty DS game called Sands of Destruction where the goal is to destroy the world for some reason.
Etrian Odyssey 1
SaGa Frontier in 6 out of the 7 routes
>Wouldn't Doom count?
Yeah... because anything can count as an "RPG" nowadays, right?
i think one of the hallmarks of a truly great story is that the stakes aren't extremely high
It's easy to write around saving the world, much harder to write around protecting or saving a single person because you need to convince the player that they're worth saving
Kingdom come
Doesn't Breath of Fire 3 end with you kinda dooming the world a little if you kill the last boss? At least if you believe everything she says.
Why not both?
It was so sad to hear that he died, he was a great actor.
Even if you put the FEV into the water supply it would only affect a very small area, not the world.
It's not like the Enclaves original plan of dropping FEV into the jetstream to affect the entire continent and maybe even world.
>Roleplaying game
Well you play the role of Doomguy in a game :^)
Dont you save the world in one of the side quests?
No, just logic and common sense. Please explain how a role-playing game doesn't need to have role-playing. You can't.
You don't save the world, you recreate it and destroy your own world in the process.
Kotor 1 and 2
Only the first 2, tho
role-playing is a subjective term. Platforming isn't
Yeah but as Broken Steel shows, all that really does is that now there's a clean source of water. Shit's still fucked otherwise.
Atelier Rorona
Golf story.
Drakensang: The River of Time
Very comfy unepic little plot.
Dragon Age II has you micromanaging this one city for a decade.
And gen 5
Sands of Destruction had you fighting to END the world
>it's a roleplaying game cause you play a role
In Fallout 2 you save the world from being vastly improved
but most important,why the niggers have deformed skulls?
It can't be saved anymore because the Nameless One started the inevitable destruction of the planes which is why he was sentenced to the Blood War and seeked immortality.
Also you can release Coaxmetal for shits and giggles.
That is just speculation. The beauty of PS:T is that it is never clear exactly why the Nameless One sought immortality, we only know that it was motivated by The Named One's/The Original's regret. During his time as an immortal TNO ended up causing lots of harm and making lots of deals, and the suggestion is one of the incarnations is why TNO is obligated to join the Blood War, while it was his becoming immortal (along with how) that started the inevitable destruction of all planes.
You got it backwards.
He seeked immortality because he was sentenced to the war for the first incarnation's immeasurably heinous crime, but you're right that the crime is never explicitly stated, which is good, but I like to think he started the destruction of the planes or something similar.
Age of Decadence
Daily reminder that Batter did nothing wrong.
KANGdom cum Deliverance
do you think this negro gets embrassed when he puts a pizza on his head in front of people
sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha
Dragon Age 2
first you pull off a risky get rich quick scheme and it works for a few years
then everything goes to shit
and then everything gets fucking worse
and then you get the hell out of dodge
The end
Anachronox because sequel never
walking sim =/= rpg
Euro Truck Simulator
>Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lighting Returns.
I guess you don't save the physical planet but you still save all the people from the impending threat
3 as well.
my nigga
D44M is my favourite JRPG