I miss d&d games
I miss d&d games
Me 2
>i miss one of the shittiest RPG systems in existence applied to videogames
Goddamn, AD&D had some great settings. Too bad the faggots killed them all off and kept the generic shit ones.
I always wanted to experience pen and paper D&D, but I guess my friend group wasn't geeky enough.
there's always tabletop sim or Divinity Original Sin 2's Gm mode
>tfw playing through the NWN1 Diablo remake with Tome of Battle classes
Not really the same is it
woah what
Is archery in NWN really as shit as they say? I want to make a cleric using zen archery. And yeah, I'm starting with Shadows of Undrentide.
It sucks really, really badly, but if you want to do it Cleric is your best option.
>"Is archery shit?"
>in a game without reliable frontline
You tell me.
obsidian like basically still makes them
They should have never abandoned the Infinity Engine. They were comfy as fuck. The stale and trist look of NWN really killed it for me.
Fuck me, but now I want to see it through. Who the fuck actually thought that basing a DnD campaign around creating only one character was a good idea? At least in Baldurs Gate you get new companions and in Icewind Dale you have the chance to go nuts with a whole party. This is why I have such a hard time being engaged with the character creator in this game, just playing a normal fighter or mage dude doesn't excite me.
At least as a cleric I won't be compeletly helpless in close combat and I will use the animal domain to summon strong creatures.
Infinity Engine games*
I want /tg/ to leave
how is Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance.
What's a good game to get started with if I'm interested in these types of games, but don't have a background in D&D rulesets?
it should be about role playing not gaming, come on bra
The first Baldurs Gate might be a good starting point, because that game keeps it fairly low-level.
Anything that isn't ToEE or KotC.
pretty good but not really comparable to the other BG games, play with a friend if you can
>play with a friend
I dont have friends
So I heard that NWN: EE will have support for modules from previous versions.
i started with nwn2 when i was like 14. it was overwhelming, but even such retardinho like me back then was able to almost finish this game fucking bug prevented me from leaving certain location and i fucked up with saves and didnt know about commands
and its not really as bad as people say. it may laxk in areas of plot, characters and role-play, but fighting is fun unless overuse rest, then its too easy.
The roleplay in 2 is...interesting. I really liked the Court section where your party members who have a high relation with you and certain skills raised correctly will speak in your defense
So this is how a clinically retarded person writes.
yeah court segment is definitely a highlight of nwn2
the most underrated post in this thread
>tfw dislike baldurs gate 1 and 2 because I find it too hard to manage my party
How tf do you do combat encounters with so many people and some walk slow and others walk fast
Just play with a smaller party? BG2 in particular gets easier the less people you have in your party
Literally the only thing I remember about the game was that some arrogant faggot couldn't keep his mouth shut during the court segment
>send the muscle on the spellcaster
>have cleric do turn undead or spam heals/removals
>mage does the magic
Not that convulted really unless you're fighting some bullshit caster
they are not the same... there is something about systems made by Nu-bsidian that repulses me
pause the game
I fully expect it to not be compatible with anything I actually care about despite that claim.
But that isn't fun
I have much more fun in Planescape torment or the fallouts
2nd Edition D&D had so many video games made using it and the mechanics are pretty bad. They work in pen and paper because there's a DM to balance things, but in a videogame, it's bad.
When will someone make a mod for Baldur's Gate that turns the combat into turn based tactics like FFT/XCOM?
>you'll never play d&d in real life
>tfw no friends
I wouldn't worry about it. Pen and paper games bring out the worst in people. They're almost as bad as mobas.
The first BG is a fucking death trap to anyone playing it for the first time without knowledge of AD&D rule basics, and meta for the game as well
Especially due to being low level, as that only means you get raped by wolves, bears, shit that you'd easily kill in the average RPG
Then there's spiders with per second draining poison, ghasts with paralyze on hit, basilisks and their petrification etc
That's a good thing, you don't want your friend to be your GM because you won't want to call their faggot ass out for pulling
>That DM
tier shit.
Maybe it's you and not the game that brings out the worst in people. The people I play with are fun and friendly.
You're probably an INTP then.
We all do :(
MBTI is based on Jung, cuh.
Jung is a second rate psychologist with a third rate oedipus complex
Freud is a cuck
This. Infinity Engine games had great combat, world design, quests etc but there's nothing special about DnD RPG system itself.
I'm surprised that Obsidian managed to come up with something so much worse (although essentially same) in PoE.
Once I drop my pants youre gonna feel some penis envy faggots
What's a good book on psychoanalysis? Preferably on subconscious and all that shit.
Dark Sun is sick cool
Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure?
>real time with pause
Has there ever been a more terrible combat system?
We'll never get another game set on Athas.
Then again, so much things have changed since the days of 2e, it's probably for the better.
Hamanu > all
pause with no real-time
Yes, see The Witcher 3
you are not alone
Mount & Blade
if you pay i can kinkystart something
it was great in the beginning but as you went through the capital levels it started to drag
>this fucking inn
the first time i got ass fucked
If you have more fun in torment's combat than BG2 then i genuinely don't know what is wrong with you but whatever it is, im sorry.
i was like you 3-4 years ago, i completed BG1 then went str8 up to bg2. DESU SENPAI just play bg2. Bg1 is fun but its really archaic and the writting is subpar compared to bg2
Just play neverwinter :^)
t. /tg/
I just like grabbing all my guys and right clicking on the enemies.
Also the companions in Planescape are a lot more interesting
The QTE-fest that is the 'initiative'-based continuous battle system in some jRPGs.
literal pleb-tier.
NWN/NWN2 aren't bad.
>those fucking custom portraits
Unironically, turn based.
that was my first experience of playing BG
>going south
>fighting ogres and hobgoblins on the way
>the roads have become so dangerous
>it starts raining and thundering
>it slowly gets dark
>finally reach Nashkell by nightfall
>low on health, everybody is exhausted
>good god, an inn, lets rest!
>get assassinated like fuck
my mind was blown on the scope and sheer feeling of adventure of it all. sealed my everylasting for wester crpgs