Any chronic gamers that consistently snack whilst gaming, consistently healthy only!?
I'mmgonna predict: No-
Any chronic gamers that consistently snack whilst gaming, consistently healthy only!?
I'mmgonna predict: No-
Eating anything while playing is stupid as it will make your controller/keyboard dirty.
rice cakes mostly then my dog vacuums the floor after im done
Why mix those two activities? Sounds idiotic
cashews and raw broccoli w/ranch reporting in
Snacking is retarded. You don't have to constantly eat.
...actually yes homemade microwaved vegtable chips, natural peanut butter, brokkoli cheese sauce, carott fries (actually amazing), chicken fries, bunch of fruits, its actually pretty easy to still have healthy and tasty snacks
why go for the nut with the most sugar/carbs
eat pecans
I feel as if carrot fries would be really good. Sometimes I cut carrots into sticks and boil them soft-ish and bit a bit of salt on them. Yum yum.
>snacking on saltless crap
it's like you don't know how to enjoy life
nothing stops you from seasoning the shit out of everything or use a sauce that isn't mayo.
Hell there even exists chees sauces that are healthy lol
This nigga knows his nuts. I’m always snacking on pecans and walnuts.
>eating anything besides water
You know we don't need to consume carbs.
This is full of carbs
If you snack on vedgies and nuts its healthy for you.
poopy stupid doodoo face!
>that first crunch of the day
Is that the hummus stuff I've heard about? Never tried it before.
The preferred Sup Forums gaming drink
depends on the way you make your 'vegetable chips'
Peanut butter is only good for like a spoonfull a day
> brikkoli cheese sauce
lol, bery healthy i'm sure
Actually 5 small meals a day is better for your metabolism
hummus is so good I have to take a bottom-half shower every time I eat it, mike my worse
>lol, bery healthy i'm sure
What's wrong with it? Are you implying that cheese is somehow bad for you when it's full of healthy fats, has shitload of protein and almost no carbs?
I'll usually have one of these bad boys off to the side
I haven't had a frozen dinner since I was a kid. I kind of want to buy a couple different kinds and see what memories come flooding back.
does water count as a snack, soy boy?
I'm pretty sure he's thinking of that melted american """cheese""" shit and not actual cheese.
>uh i heard it somewhere probably a scientist or whatever
>thinking there's such a thing as "healthy food"
nigga just stop eating so much
WHAT you eat is less important as long as it doesn't fuck with your body's functions
Post your favorite snacking veggies/fruits, Sup Forums.
>vegetables are healthy meme
all you need is meat
t. watches alex jones
>thinking there isn't a difference between processed fast food and snack food and homemade ingredients
Clean your room
nigga go to /fit/, they have tons of shit about this
food is not "magic", it does not cause "status effects"
Who the fuck eats raw broccoli? That's fucking nasty.
>food is not "magic"
How come just putting it in my mouth stops me from dying then?
Broccoli is one of the best veggies to eat raw