It is a Dog you cuck
I'm thinking of getting metal legs. It's a risky operation but it'll be worth it.
He was lying this whole time
>implying he was wrong
Wish you could off this faggot. Hated his stupid glasses and steampunk attire
>Suffocated His own Wife
and to think that Kojima wanted Huey to be the only "sane" guy in DD
>Gray Wolf
Huey is the embodiment of a modern american liberal.
what did the children do with the metal gear they stole at the end of the game fuck nothing makes sense
A weasely, sociopathic worm? Sounds about right.
Only well written and interesting character in the game.
>Nothing's my fault, it's all YOUR fault
>I mean sure I murdered my wife in cold blood and treated my own son like a science experiment and let mother base get destroyed and got all my comrades killed through my own cowardice
>But it was YOUR fault, Snake
And accuses other people of wrongdoings when he himself murdered his wife and betrayed his friends.
Why the fuck DID he murder Strangelove anyway?
She was against using Hal as Metal Gear's test pilot.
Because she was against Huey using Otacon for his creepy experiments, she sent him away and Huey locked her inside the pod to suffocate in retaliation
Huey's a fucking piece of shit and he deserved far worse than what he got, at least Otacon literally cucked him to death later on
>mercy killing your own men who are suffering from incurable disease?
>that's not the big boss I knew!
That scene where they brought the AI in as a witness against him was unironic kino
Huey is the most realistic character. In real life a person will fuck over everyone else to save themselves. I know I would. I matter more than everyone else because if I'm dead then nothing exists.
>a person will fuck over everyone else to save themselves. I know I would
Just because you're a selfish piece of shit doesn't mean everyone else is. I know I haven't and wouldn't fuck someone over for my own life
>I'm a repulsive scumbag so I just know everyone else is too
There is literally no reason to sacrifice yourself to save others because you won't be around to see them or be praised for sacrificing yourself.
I'm actually very polite and helpful to everyone. But there is zero chance I would sacrifice my life to save someone else. There is no benefit.
>you won't be around to see them or be praised for sacrificing yourself
I don't care about that kind of shit. As long as I'll die with the thought that I helped someone and realize that that was my life goal all along I'm going to be at peace with myself in my final moments, and that's all that has and will matter to me.
My parents raised me to be very nice to everyone but only for the reason that they will like you then and might be useful for something. Doing something helpful for someone with a 0% chance of them repaying you is pointless to me.
very good
>to save themselves
That's not why Huey fucked people over though.
In ground zeroes didn't he fuck over everyone else to save himself?
alright that's just you, but it still doesn't change the fact that you're a piece of shit in my eyes
>you're a piece of shit
Why? I'm not rude or mean to anyone. I just don't want to die for anyone.
Fuck hueys interactions never had any weight.
Then you are not nice. Stop pretending to be.
If you'd willingly cause the deaths of hundreds of people, like Huey did, just to save your own skin you're a pretty big piece of shit dude
He was one of my fav characters in PW...
I've never hurt anyone in my entire life physically or emotionally. I always go to greats lengths to be constantly nice and helpful.
That's such bullshit. Why are they more important than me?
Emmerich was a liar and a murderer. But he wasn't completely wrong. Venom Snake is the 'hero' of the story, but he's not a good guy.
Literally everyone in V is a piece of shit character that are only likeable for its particular voice actor or because you can relate to the revenge plot
Why are you more important than them? You along with everyone else on the planet are no more special than a frozen dog turd.
You are just nice if it's helpful to you. If it would cost you anything to be nice, you wouldn't be nice. Hence you're not nice, you're just pretending to be.
But from my perspective I'm more important than everyone else.
Played through the game 3 times before I realized he'd sabotaged that equipment.
But I've been doing it my whole life.
You've posted these exact posts before.
Well your perspective is wrong and your ideals are wrong.
Nobody is special and everyone is equally terrible. This is the only true objective answer.
its a revenge plot using motif's from Moby Dick (very very heavy handed ones, the game's called the Phantom Pain for Christ's sake)
so of course everyone's a bastard.
Why do you waste your time helping others then?
What plot?
>My parents raised me to be very nice
They didn't do a very good job.
the vague one that was set up and never really goes anywhere because the last 1/4 of the game doesn't exist.
>My parents raised me to be very nice to everyone but only for the reason that they will like you then and might be useful for something
So your parents were scumfucks too?
I thought I was a piece of shit but you really dial the notch up.
>last 1/4
Felt more like 1/3 or even 1/2
>So your parents were scumfucks too?
They both owned their own businesses. They made a huge amount of money so they must have been doing something right.
Huey was always a fuckboi, but that moment made me wish he was killed
Huey did nothing wrong
but he can't, he has to die in a very specific way years from now.
you knew this coming into Peace Walker, come on.
What set-up?
Not even the most relevant missions are useful to advance the plot.
Hospital scape is the only mission that means anything. The rest is disconnected stuff full of "male to female copulation".
Huck Fuey
>Financial success makes you a good person goyim!
>killed his own comrades.
Not a hero, just the protagonist. The game frames Big Boss as a hero though. It's only when you start looking underneath at what's actually going on at Outer Heaven and the shit they not only do there but on a global/national scale do you realize how evil Big Boss and Miller actually are in the game.
>those credits and lens flare
reminder not to argue with moral relativists, or treat them as human for that matter
At least we knew he was going to off himself after Otacon cucked him to death.
why is miller evil?
why wasnt he executed for subjecting strangelove to a slow agonizing death?
Because he was already destined to drown in a pool after Hal fucks his wife.
Nobody knew he did it until just before his trial on Mother Base, and Venom had him exiled instead because "he's not one of us, and it's not our place to judge an enemy"
Because we are not responsible to judge an enemy. He leaves motherbase and thats the end of it.
Because he's the second in charge of a national autocratic organization that makes money off brainwashing captured soldiers into fighting for the organization he started, as well as helping to push drugs on a national scale, as well as arms proliferation. Not to mention training the jihadis which eventually attack america. That's not even getting into how he helped to effectively turn his company into a well oiled grinder that churns soldiers up and spits them back out for the sole purpose of revenge and making money.
Its kinda weird how much of big boss' success is because of miller. It was all millers idea to set up a pmc.
>and it's not our place to judge an enemy
>we are not responsible to judge an enemy
did Justin Trudeau write MGS V's story?
Miller needed his legend status, and expertise in missions to get it off the ground, but miller was the organizational genius behind it. He's really talented at administrative duties.
No, Kojima just wrote himself into a corner and needed Huey to still be alive to raise hal for continuity for mgs2. He's only alive to be cucked by his son and wife 10 years later.
At least he deserves it now.
>and it's not our place to judge an enemy"
But they murder their enemies all the time.
Not to mention they'd been judging people the entire game
They judge quiet
They judge skullface
They judge and torture huey repeatedly
They judge the slave trader
They judge the commander using child soldiers
That moment was kojima flipping the script for convenience, rather than consistency.
Using people like they taught you from the sounds of it. Look I'm not a beacon of morality and I'd send people up shitcreek unless they were close to me my self, but I don't pretend to be some 10/10 great guy while saying I'd sell out a few hundred people to save my ass.
>In real life a person will fuck over everyone else to save themselves.
Sorry, that's called a kike, not a person.
Good parents.
can yo proof anything wrong??
Nah. I hated them. They were shits. Not an ounce of compassion in their bodies. Obsessed with money and what other people think of them. Forced me into a career I hate.
>Nah. I hated them
Good, they sound like kikes.
Tell me you wouldnt with a straight face
Imagine you were paralytic like stephen hawkin, glued to a wheelchair and barely able to move your pinky finger at most
But someone put at the reach of that pinky finger a button, that once you press it, will have some underground society sacrifice their 100 human lab rats to extract some rare brain juice and science it up into a serum with 100% success chance of making you able to wipe your own ass again
Tell me you honestly wouldnt desperately mash it
>complete cuck spawns a kid that so alpha he fucks his sister and has a cool secret handshake
>Tell me you wouldnt with a straight face
I would not.
Dude, you're fucking weird.
>The game frames Big Boss as a hero though.
The game outright tells you that none of the protagonists are heroes and are just doing it for revenge from the very beginning.
>all these Sup Forumsermin getting baited by a 4channer
You guys have to be 18+ to post here.
He didn't
Because she tried to cuck him with a dead woman. Lesbo got what she deserved. He ealistically should have been executed for the whole releasing WOLBACHIA on Mother Base thing, but that would cause a time paradox. Kojimbles is a fucking hack and them finding out about Strangelove's death should have been the banishment point, not the plague release.