Memes and janky mechanics aside, it's the best Open World game to date.
>actual natural progression without artificial ways to stop your progress, it all depends on how strong your character is
>game actually rewards creativity (for example instead of trying to get to the city in a conventional way, you can try to jump off a cliff and swim to the port for bonus experience)
>zero repetitive content, i literally never felt something like you always feel in BotW, Witcher 3, Skyrim or literally any other Open World game that is "i've seen this already" every location is hand crafted and unique
>may be smaller but is full of depth and interesting characters
Memes and janky mechanics aside, it's the best Open World game to date
Other urls found in this thread:
all true
Morrowind is better. Keep trying to convince yourself otherwise.
>posting the same video for the gorillionth time
You bore me
>using a shitty graphics mod for Gothic
>not using anything for Morrowing
>not using anything for Morrowind
that's a heavily modded morrowind retard
Seriously L'Hiver is fucking garbage.
Anyone that uses this mod for Gothic has a shit taste and plays an objectively inferior version of the game.
The Valley is supposed to be a burned wasteland but with this mod it's a fucking jungle full of trees that grow even in a FUCKING CASTLE.
>it's actually not bad if you ignore the gameplay
Nice. When I'm in the mood to play a game with terrible gameplay, I'll hit this up.
Not an argument.
>implying that video or a webm is an argument
fuck off todd morrowind was never good and ages like milk
If I wrote out exactly what is happening in the video and describe the same thing but with words would it somehow make it an argument?
The gameplay is not bad though, it is just a bit clunky if you are new to it, especially coming from today's vidya environment. Back in the day most games had their own control scheme because devs would experiment more - these were the early days of 3D after all. So when a game was janky, you would have to play it for a while to settle into it. Nowadays everything either neatly fits into one of two or three existing control schemes, or is ostracized as "dated" or "unresponsive" or whatever. (Just look at what happened to The Last Guardian.)
I mean, sure, everything is much more polished now as a result, but a lot of games also tend to feel much more bland.
That being said, the combat of Gothic 2 is entirely skill based and well put together. It's nothing marvellous, but it is something you can master, and if you are good at it, it's quite satisfying.
No because its someone elses opinion you retards keep parroting because you want to be contrarian and you need to be because if you've fucked off to /vg/ you couldn't hold a thread up for a 4 hours since no one likes your game. Id be glag to keep you busy though. Write me an article on gothic so that i can ignore it and keep shitting on you to waste my time in the shitter.
Not that guy, and I agree that Gothic 2 is much better than any Ellder Scrolls, but describing something is not the same as explaining something. Shouldn't you learn the meaning of these terms in school?
>no because its someone elses opinion
>shows braindead AI in Morrowind
>it's just his opinion bro!
>le bad ai
Contrarians are retarded... Who would have thought.
Even fear has shitty AI you can nitpick. Now come back when you have something interesting to say.
"A number of years ago, I played a game called Morrowind. It was a fairly fun game, and I sunk quite a few hours into it, but was consistently left feeling less than satisfied by the cookie-cutter NPCs, largely empty open-world, and generic writing and quest lines. Then, not long after, I picked up a game called Gothic II, and I thought Ah, this is what Morrowind should have been. Gothic II (along with its expansion) is both the greatest open-world RPG, and the greatest action RPG ever made bar none. The game is unforgivingly difficult, but rarely unfair. You will die a lot, particularly early on, but that only serves to make your eventual progress more satisfying. Unlike most games in its genre, every single bit of the world that you can explore in Gothic II is filled with interesting things to discover and quests to undertake. This is quite an accomplishment given that the game is around 3x-4x larger than the original, and no other game achieves neither this scope nor density of content. Sadly, no game of the genre since has been able to measure up to Gothic II's greatness -- some have made competent attempts (Risen), but none have reached its heights. Play it, and embrace being torn to bits by wildlife when you wander too far."
>making good cheese
Okay, return when you show me Gothic's bad AI you nigger.
Unlike you,my life doesn't revolve around baiting the opposing Sup Forums faction of keyboard warriors.
Imagine how pathetic you need to be in order to play games you hate in for the sole purpose of making webms.
Gothicfags absolute state
Oh no, not the "get a life" argument!
Oh no your thread is already ruined.
I just wish the controls weren't so bad they make Tomb Raider look like the most amazing action game in the world.
Can we just admit we've never had a really solid open world game? With interesting and complex stories/quest/gameplay all around?
Gameplay isn't terrible, it just requires some brain power to comprehend instead of spamming LMB. Don't talk to me.
I've never been able to get into games like Gothic or Risen all too much, the progression just dosn't feel all that engaging for me.
What I love when I open up a new RPG is basically to just run off in a random direction and explore, but in games like these it's like unless you go to the one specific place you are meant to go too for your level you get one shotted by a one legged rat. Like i stop thinking "I wonder what this cave will lead to" and instead just think "I wonder how far I can get into this cave before I have to turn back because this is a high level cave".
>wsad + mouse to move around
>alt to jump, position next to a climbable cliff to automatically climb
>left mouse button + w outside of combat to interact with things
>left mouse button + any of the wsad in combat to execute swings/blocks
You're fucking retarded and I'm fully convinced you'd never be able to leave the first level in the original Tomb Raider.
Just like your life, buddy. You are already here.
>He doesn't know you can get to high level areas and kill any monster on any level just by some skill.
you can defeat every single enemy in the game at lvl 0 with 0 skills and with the starting weapons if you aren't shit at the game
To be fair to him, it would probably take a while.
the video with no rebuttal
Ultima 6, Ultima 7, Ultima Underworld, and maybe the Sega Master System version of Ultima 4, are better.
But Gothic 2 still is awesome.
But what if... I were to create bland sandboxes and disguise them as open world level design?
Delightfully devilish, Todd.
No? I mean, sure, stories, I give you that, but who really cares about the actual plot in a medium where tension and agency derive from interacting mechanics and systems?
I love me some Ultima and Gothic is a great choice too, but Arcanum is where open world RPGs peaked. It's just been downhill from there.
Well, Gothic 2 is not a sandbox. Approaching it like one would lead to frustration. That being said, in the early game there aren't really any particularly hard places, if I remember correctly. There are definitely places to explore, like the goblin cave at that one pond, but that shit is filled with some easily killable goblins.
Later on there are definitely no-go-zones, but they are there for a reason, to give the game a certain structure, and to make the player think about his approach. And also to make you feel overpowered as all fuck when you are endgame and you can just waltz in there and slaughter everyone.
Dunno user, you try putting old rotten 'aged' milk on your cheeseburger
You've pretty much described Dragons Dogma for me, and that game has far less jank. I couldn't get into Gothic 2 at all because of the jankiness
>he doesn't put modly milk on his burgers
Each hit in morrowind is a dice roll. Gothic 2 plays more like an action game than an RPG. Morrowing plays like dungeons a dragons
>Morrowing plays like dungeons a dragons
Without any of the stuff that makes DnD good.
Maybe to you. Morrowind has awesome spell casting and adventure. The only thing it's really lacking is dynamic dialogue but very few games even attempt to get that right.
Dagoth Ur welcomes you my sweet persistent friend. To this place where destiny made, why have you come unprepared? Nerevar, friend or traitor come and look upon the heart. I wait for you countless ages on your next incarnation. What a grand innocence. Did you get the false Sunder? So naive, shame on you. Moon and Star I'm Dagoth Ur and I'm a god there's no escape, so come to me and bring Wraithguard through fire and war where we last met.
Does gothic have shit like this though?