What's your gamer pose?
What's your gamer pose?
me IRL
why the fuck does everyone on this shithole wants to be a girl? does anime actually make u gay?
>bell pepper on pizza
Why are Game grills so angry all the time?
Being a girl is life on easy mode
Are people not seeing it?
>panties visible through stockings
This is my fetish and I kindly ask for source.
Life is suffering
It's Nips revenge for 2 nukes.
>does anime actually make u gay?
Not really. However people that enjoy it tend to be.
I see it, that sweet Kongiku statue.
I like when guys call me cute and I'm submissive and I like to dress cutely.
>getting pizza grease on the controller
Fucking mong
>Mozart : L'Opera Rock
How to destroy tv and console: The picture
>Leaving your cases on the floor
>Touching your controller while eating so it gets shiny with grease
>Sitting cross legged. Enjoy that lack of blood flow
>Eating off the floor like an animal
>Being weeb scum
>Being a pony faggot
I got a theory about this user. We've lost touch with the real value of femininity to the point where men are in mass longing to get in touch with it. Like a solid important part of life got lost along the way to the point we're all pining together. It's not wanting to be a girl, it's wanting to embrace the softer fun side of life western civilization turn it's back on.
I want my own boobs and vagina that I can access whenever I want.
>on the floor
>probably plays on a fucking TV
Pleb tier.
>he doesn't put bell pepper on his pizza with jalapenos
I beat you only eat pepperoni or sausage gay boy
I sit cross-legged in a cheap office chair, and when I quit playing I realize my knees have been screaming.
>wants to be
what makes you think I'm not already one
how is it gay wanting to be a cute girl? Mind you, I will not settle for being a tranny abomination
I sit on my bed.
she's playing DARK SOULS man! it's so hard xD so hardcore
I sit upright and erect
But Darks Souls is not hard.
I would be mad as hell, too. No good games to be played.
Multiple Orgasms.
The perspective here, my man
I know you didn't try but fucking still
>does anime actually make u gay
What do you think all the faggots here watch anime put one and one together.
But she's eating pizza at the same time? It's hard to play games like that.
I sit on a couch with a controller in my hand like most people.
For maximum brain power
>become girl
>because your a girl, your selfish state of mind tells you your life is rough and being a girl is oh so hard
either way you can't win
Those cables are taut.
I’m interested
imagine the bed sores
where did you get that picture of me?
This whole place smells so bad I bet
>tissues near the bed
>bin full of tissues
>tfw when you can't make your ass hover
Just kill me now
What a pussy
Those are some long fucking legs.
Virgine pose
wew laddie
its a shareblue psyop
In what?
What do you think? The weather?
that exactly but on a chair
>Latvija written in Konami font
what did they mean by this?
She's got a toilet under there, doesn't she.
The piping is for more than just support
Being a girl is easier.
You wouldn't have to work, since you could just get a guy who'd take care of you, there aren't expectations of you being successful, smart, innovative, strong etc etc.
i want a cute girl and no 3d women ever filled that void
The grass is always greener
and girls are qt
wtf im an anime now
>tfw i sit like this sometimes when i have to shit because my feet pressing against my ass makes the shit retreat back into me
It hurts to shit sometimes but its comfy
Is she BRAAPing?
The position literally straightens the anal canal.
Not everyone wants that, I want to be the last man alive in a world full of anime girls desu
but my feet make the shit logs run away
It's a girl, they don't need jizz rags/socks, she has a cold or something
How the fuck does a gag actually equate to encouraging?
Third wave femininity has destroyed femenity and we want it back.
>you on the left_
>Being a girl is hard, men have it soo easy
>Being a man is hard, girls have it soo easy
These maths makes my head spin
>gamer girl
no one here actually wants one, they just meme it up to fit in.
Yep. Some anons just want to live life on easy mode.
Resting my elbows on my desk, resulting in pain from ripping my ribs from my sternum.
Who is this cartoon cum-spittoon?
To add to the list, most of the personality traits that are seen as weird and creepy in guys will be "fun" and "quirky" for girls.
I had a gamer gf and it was pretty cool tbqh.
>eating pizza while playing
>no tissues or towels in sight
>implying the pizza isn't degreased
>not wiping on your clothes then just changing your clothes