Kingdom Gone: Delivered

Remember when people used to play videogames for weeks and weeks? Why does it last now less than sex?

when moon? long 100x levrage.

>Bitching about how long people play videogames for
I'd ask you I submit real numbers as proof but this is the stupidest thread be seen all week, how about we just let this die?

>Damage Control: Delivered.

Straight up, who gives a shit?

Video games are cheaper than ever before

people got better at videogames

Naturally any anticipated game is going to have higher concurrent numbers on the day it becomes available.

>Remember when people used to play videogames for weeks and weeks
Yeah when there weren't hundreds of them released daily and they cost too much

People addicted to single-player games that last hundreds of hours are the only ones complaining, since they either can't afford more than a single game per month from their parents, or insecure autists that only look for comfort in this one game they know well rather than experiencing new things often

>the TORtanic fag in his natural habitat, unable to comprehend the idea that games are usually at their most popular when they first launch

Remember when people were more interested in discussing games and couldn't give less of a fuck about irrelevant statistics?

Fucking kill yourself OP.

as we all know, every person who bought any game ever, must always play it at all times forever. I am still tormented by the fact i must load up duke nukem forever and play it every day, since i made that mistake.

>game spikes on highs during Saturday and Sunday
>game playership gradually dips throughout work week
>not yet Saturday again

I'm torn between thinking you're shitposting or just a faggot neet that really thinks everyone else lives at home with no real sense of what day of the week it is.


There was less choice.

I didn't have 600 games in my steam library 15 years ago.

KGD was released 10 days ago, and it takes like 50 hours to beat it.

Fuck Dumpf, buy the game. It has no niggers. SJW SJW SJW.

The game was succesfull only because the "new skyrim" meme, when you actually play it for a while and realise its almost linear and doesnt even have a quarter the content of skyrim there is not much to do in it. You can complete it in about 40 hours

Waiting for the mods

>Remember when people used to play videogames for weeks and weeks?
No because we didn't have charts telling us how much people played back then but I assume is was pretty much the same.

Because people found out that there are no little girls in this game. No one wants to play a shitty sjw game that pretends to be a medieval """simulator""".

Reminder that Witcher 3 had a similar all-time peak on steam (~93k) immediately after release and plummeted down to ~20k a little over a month in, but has pretty much stayed there for the last 2.5 years. People are still playing these games "for weeks and weeks".

Steam chart threads, Metacritic threads, sales threads, and literally who Twitter screencap threads should all be banworthy.

>Why does it last now less than sex?

Who talks like this?

nipped attention spans caused by years of shitty, unchallenging and unengaging vidya


ESL third worlders

The 56% face does.

How long does sex last?

>play single player game
>finish content
>stop playing it until dlc comes out

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm I wonder why such a thing occurs HMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm

If the OP image is anything to go by, more than 4 days.

How long does sex last?

Neogaf please go


10 minutes on a good day.

>pay $60 or whatever for a game
>open world game no less
>spend a couple days playing, beat it once and be done with it

Just like any simmiliar game, who would've through?

>Remember when people used to play videogames for weeks and weeks? Why does it last now less than sex?
sounds like youre making shit up to me. we dont have as advanced hourly data on these things as we used to. the same number of people can be playing but if they play a lesser amount, then the peaks get lower.

If you're talking about when you were a kid it's because you rarely ever got new vidya so you just kept replaying them.

*we didnt have as advanced hourly data as we do now*

Yeah, I remember. People used to be stuck on a mission or quest for days or hours, and they couldn't just google it. They had to get gud, and they didn't have 100 other games to play, so they just focused on one game at a time.

Nowadays if you're having trouble with something for 5 minutes, you alt tab, google it, and then solve it.

i love the game, no one gives a shit what you think about it. Nigga i plug in gamecube every now and then, fuck what you think is dead.

>People addicted to single-player games that last hundreds of hours are the only ones complaining, since they either can't afford more than a single game per month from their parents, or insecure autists that only look for comfort in this one game they know well rather than experiencing new things often
people that play strictly online are usually socially awkward retards who lead pathetic lives, single players are usually normal people who play normal vidyas. I dont have time or patience to play with a bunch of 14yo kids who practice 8hr a day. If you enjoy that as an adult you must have autism.

>more than 4 days.