How did playing Skyrim effect you as a person? How did you feel about that?
How did playing Skyrim effect you as a person? How did you feel about that?
Skyrim is unironically one of the best porn game so I came bucket to it.
I havent played it, ever. And I have no interest to do so.
Played till the ending, realized I wasn't really enjoying it, and left it there.
the copypaste dungeons became such a chore I started listening to music while playing and it infected my vidya experience overall. fortunately I got over it
playing Skyrim made me realize that Bethesda may have never released a good game and only retards fawn over them. I felt pretty good because every game I have played from them is utterly boring shit.
Knitting is such a faggot hobby holy shit.
Is this a dude or an ugly girl?
Skyrim is just a mediocre game that I have long forgotten.
Skyrim is fun. Even vanilla.
I thought it was pretty universial that Skyrim is a great game
I bought it on the switch and I can't make myself play it. It's too boring
My aspie friend from high school took up knitting to help his anger issues.
I don't play games that require modding to be enjoyable by sheer principle.
Made me aware of hype trains and the marketing tactics used game devs. Also made me aware of how mainstream gaming had become and how "gamers" or whatever weren't some unique subculture but a marketing term thrown out to make you feel special for consuming entertainment.
>it took skyrim to realize this
It ruined playing Oblivion for me, the mods are better designed by a fucking mile but there's less story. MALEVOLENT and Midas Magic were the fucking best and even vanilla was good for awhile.
Why is that girl so muscular?
I had more fun with Morrowind. But Skyrim was fun too. Prefer Fallout 3/NV/4 because the map is denser and those content is more concentrated.
Elder Scrolls games are a mile wide (which is awesome) but an inch deep imo.
when it first came out it was a huge influence on what i liked and was interested in, i even considered a vidya tattoo. Thank god i didnt. Ironically i only really grew out of it when my main had a game breaking glitch and i lost interest in playing.
>every game I have played from them is utterly boring shit.
autism detected. What vidyas do you like? I cant wait to hear what isnt boring to you.
>Knitting is such a faggot hobby holy shit.
shes literally a woman you fucking retard
It was the gateway for normies to start playing other games other than CoD. I'd go so far as saying that Skyrim killed any integrity games had.
It taught me to never buy a game before waiting one or two months after it being released.
i like it
>Fallout 3/4 is good
I played the leak and realized that it was not even one step up from Oblivion.
It felt the same, just a bit more grey and colorless and even more flaws.
It made me sad to see one of my favorite franchises stagnate while everyone applauds and celebrates it as the second coming of Christ.
Are you good at making characters? I need helping making my mom. I want her to go on turbo slut adventures.
Well, I suppose it effected me in that before I played Skyrim, I was a person who had yet to play Skyrim, and after I played it, I was a person who had already played Skyrim.
What kind of question is this? Seriously.
Shit along with all the games on this dick engine. 3/NV/4 were garbage. Oblivion was garbage. They're the equivalent of watching some old campy B movie, you get a few chuckles over how bad it is, but then you remember these games have big budgets and generate 9 figure profits.
It made me loose hope in the elder scrolls franchise
It was an outstanding game that literally changed the landscape for the video game genre. It's made all the sweeter by the knowledge that it won too many awards, made too much money (most profitable RPG in history) and got too high of critical and user reviews that Sup Forums will never be able to enjoy it.
skyrim was a mediocre game so it had no impact on me whatsoever
>How did playing Skyrim effect you as a person?
I use it as a modding platform for porn. Don't think it affected me in any way because I've been a pervert prior to playing it.
Really weird that we haven't see by now a complete porn overhaul/conversion mod for skryim.
As much as I'd like one, I can see understand why no one really wants to bother with a complete overhoul. Look at the amount of mods you need just to add in some custom characters and sex animations, then to trigger them properly and so on. Now imagine putting it all into one package, tying it to pretty much most or all quests in the game, rewrite the story and fix all the bugs.
That's a huge ass workload right there.
>implying your virgin ass doesn't have the time
>implying I'm not already working on my own h-game as is
My hands are already full, I don't need additional headache.
Plus I've tried messing around with Skyrim's Creation Kit and it somehow managed to be worse than the one that's used for New Vegas.
I played a bunch of hours without really enjoying it and I just stopped a day and never played again. It's fucking trash. The only part of the game I liked was looking for all the daedra artifacts but they ruined that too by making every quest end in you selling your soul to one of them on top of being the dragonborn.
Fallout 3 is the best new fallout, fight me
its a philosophical one, to get your noggin joggin about Skyrim perhaps?
I agree, with ttw 3.0 I can;t wait to replay it.
Put about 100 hours into it on release and didn't play again, I've recently got SE because it worked out cheaper than base Skyrim+expansions which I haven't played. I'm playing with just the unofficial patch at the moment.
It did things better than Oblivion and things worse.
The dungeons are definitely better overall, there's a lot more variety, quite a few have quests. A downside is there doesn't seem to be much in terms of enemy variety in them, I know Oblivion didn't have much either but I would have liked to see some more variation in dungeon mobs.
The music is good but honestly a lot of it is just variations of Morrowind and Oblivion music. Voice acting is better than Oblivion but still not great, at least there's more than 5 voice actors now but I feel they should have used other nationalities rather than predominately Americans, American accents seem really out of place in a fantasy world.
Combat is better by far, feels more fluid and enjoyable, it's still not perfect and is still clunky in areas but it's better. Lockpicking should have been kept the same as Oblivion, it makes no sense to have a rotating lock in a fantasy world as it's a modern lock. I don't like the lack of attributes, it just makes levelling skills up seem like it's just another bar to help you get more traits points. The good side is that the traits you unlock can be interesting and add combat techniques.
Quests overall are definitely worse than Oblivion and nearly all forgettable. They all consist of 'clear this dungeon' or 'deliver this item', Oblivion had that too but seemed to have many memorable quests that I can still remember to this day.
Overall I would give Skyrim 7/10, it has flaws but is still enjoyable. I am not looking forward to TES6 however as I see it being even more watered down and aimed at more casual players to the point where it kills the game just like Fallout 4.
I would never hit someone who's mentally disabled.
no lifed the game and spent all my weekends playing it. if i had a pc at the time, i would have never stopped playing with all mods
Made me wanting to play a TES game that didnt take place in Skyrim because Skyrim is literally the blandest and most boring land in Tamriel
It put a gaping hole where most activity would've been right in the early months of me being 17.
>no ladders
>bringing back enemy factions that died in the last game just because
>"we'll leave the bugs that we consider are funny and not gamebreaking"
>Speech check 100%
>"let's build our town around a nuclear warhead"
>ghouls dindu nothin wrong
>what do they eat
I thought I was the only person that preferred 3 to NV
You're going to deliberately miss a milestone in gaming history to maintain your Sup Forums status? Like it or not, Skyrim is a big deal. It's not a great game, it's not even the first or second best TES game, but it's a game everyone should experience at some point.
What do they eat?
Am I the only one who saw how much of a watered down mess it was going to be and never played it, instead of just saying I wouldn't?
I played a few hours but found it really borings.
Really seems like generic fantasy for people with no exposure to the genre yet.
Almost every other game outdoes it.
Same for Fallout, this whole Bethesda love seems like normie shit to me.
Remember the giant bug That was funny
I honestly didn't care for it. I never really played more than an hour. It just made me realize that my tastes don't always align with what's popular.
I remember picking it up used for the ps3. Had a decent time with it, it was one of those games that you forget forever after playing, at least for me. First order of business after making my new rig: load the fucking thing with a largest and most depraved collection of porn mods
There are a lot of people in the world, user. It's inevitable that you'll run into someone else just as fucking retarded as you.
I was like 16 or something at the time and wanted to fit in so I played it anyways, it sucks.
It is, Bethesda games are for the mainstream casual market, anyone with a decent amount of experience with the medium can realize how shallow they are.
ya I play it daily still, great world and loads of fun encounters
ahahaa you are trying so hard dude. you're never gonna forget skyrim
never finished it
it was ok, nothing special
Go away Todd, I'm not buying your game not used.
>my tastes don't always align with what's popular
It's okay out of ten I'm a big elder scrolls fan however it's one of those that leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I still have never first hand seen the final battle area because every single time I've had a glitch along the way that stopped main story progression and I can't be fucked to replay it all over
>my tastes always align with what's popular
It's a comfy game unfortunately the gameplay is fucking shite. slash slash slash slash. so boring
>having taste at all
>i need others to validate my tastes
>not imposing new trends and validating other peoples tastes
>implying I need others to validate my tastes
>giving a fuck at all
What the fuck iron glow sights blocked by a laser sight
>being the one getting fucked
Made me lose faith in humanity to see people embrace a second dumbed down FPSlike Elder Scrolls game after the abomination that was Oblivion.
True gaming is dead.
you're not using the right mods then
>weeks of modding and crashes
>literally plastic dolls
>probably a waifufag
No mod can fix melee combat.
Tk dodge + attack commitement are a good start, then add anything that boost damage taken and given
rest is up to you
Porn mods are better when the character is actually cute
Made me think about how it would feel to get blown by a cold blooded reptile; at character creation.
I played it for a few hours at a friend's house.
>Porn mods are better
>when the character is actually cute
That's fucking disgusting dude. unless female on female
>caterpillar eyebrows
It gave me headaches 30 minutes after starting so I dropped it
This game is so fucking unmemorable that I feel like I have wasted 200hours of my life on nothing
I've tried modding, it sucks.
It just lacks way too much stuff, it can't be fixed by modders.
The combat in TES games was built for RPGs, the animations didn't matter, it was the stats that determined the outcome but now that the RPG elements are so watered down the combat is fundamentally fucked as a result, it just doesn't work as an action game. Especially if you've played games with good first person combat like Dark Messiah, Chivalry or even Zeno Clash.
Honestly the best combat mods for me are the ones that add more RPG stuff, I'm not gonna pretend it can be fixed otherwise.
>thread for people who played skyrim
>better pop in and shitpost
I enjoyed it and put 350 hours in. It had no impact on my political views, financial situation or employment.
That is all.
Wheres the recent go to mod list?
Kinda wanna play it with a hot waifu and some new stuff but not like total overhaul animu sex dungeon stuff
I got addicted for about 200+ hours and had a blast.
It's how I usually play Bethesda games, I ignore the shitty things and just have fun for a month or two, then burn out and remain unable to ever return to them.
I also play vanilla only and only sometimes add a couple of mods like better rain or fixed UI.
>never released a good game
>what is Call of Cthulhu: dark corners of the earth
>Porn mods are better when the character is actually cute
>playing as a gook sexdoll
How do you people find it even remotely sexy?
It's creepy / weird at best
nice man in disguise you got there
Kinda had fun, but I was way more a fan of New Vegas and Fallout 3 at the time. If skyrim was my first introduction to that type of game It probably would have affected me more, but then and now it's just "fantasy fallout" and means nothing to me
They didn't make it, they just published it.
This is why I always play mages. Gives you the most variety.
Imperial Or Stormcloak?
lol what?
Skyrim is a huge pile of shit
I felt like an idiot that had wasted his time, thankfully I didn't waste my time, but you know what they say. Time is money. It's only good for porn, scenery or actual porn.