You know you forgot to pick this up.
You know you forgot to pick this up
yo dude if that's your shit you've gotta go see a doc man
blood in your stool, don't be a fool
Nigga it's probably just a hemroid
if it's from tears/haemorrhoids it's usually brighter red
dark red indicates that it came from further inside and that's some bad shit man
like anus cancer indeed
It IS bright red. It looks darker because it's on a fucking dark ass piece of shit, but you can easily tell it's bright red.
I've had blood in my shit for 10 years and I'm alive and kickin
How dark is the blood? If it's a brighter red, then stop clenching so god damn hard when you shit. It's causing hemorrhoids.
I always clench. I like sucking it back up over and over and then shitting it out while also having my legs crossed. Maximum comfy shits
bright red blood like in OP's pic actually isn't something to be too alarmed about, although you should still get it checked anyway.
BLACK tar-like shit is when you wanna go full panic mode.
better luck next time kiddo
can't touch this
>Fags don't respect Card Destruction
quality thread
not sure what is more disgusting the shit or the floor