Did I do good, Sup Forums?
Did I do good, Sup Forums?
That is an ok photo, but you can do better
seems the game did not surive
>Bought the game
>Broke it
This is some Sup Forums tier logic.
I bet if you put on youtube you can make 20k with advertising
>still bought the game
you're doing it all wrong
>wasting money for petty reactions
my gut tells me this is from r*ddit
Konami still received your money, dumbass.
Unless if you stole it, then good job.
>Breaking a goodngame for reddit points
>I gave this video game company money and smashed their game that will so them!
Absolute state.
Do you even need it to play the game?
You gave money to Konami
Is this some advanced metahumor?
Please explain to the class how it's good.
Breaking the game nullifys paying for it.
>mfw people think buying the game and destroying it is actually helping
Oh well, at least you didnt buy any dlc too
that will teach them, OP
Should have made their gear metal
If you mean 'did I show you how much if a retard I am' then yes. You sure showed us that.
That gave me a brain aneurysm
Gameplay is actually interesting for once, the survival mechanics actually force you to survive unlike most survival games where you can ignore the whole survivsl part most if the time.
Combat takes a lot more planning too.
1000 subs and 4000 hours watch time only , and I use ad block 100% of the time
Anybody else posting even a viral video is doing it for free , youtube stopped paying people and are keeping the money people made if you didn't have 100 bucks , and you can't get to 100 bucks anymore because they stopped paying people
what is this
I was gonna wait to buy this on a sale but seeing a retard buy the game and proceed to destroy it instead of just enjoying it is making me really want to buy it and play it now.
>Combat takes a lot more planning too.
I mean you bought it so now Konami has your money AND you have no game to play.
did you get it for free?
Why does a grown up man breaks a game he paid for? There are easier ways to burn money
>unlike most survival games where you can ignore the whole survivsl part most if the time
Which "survival games" have you even been playing?
>Combat takes a lot more planning too.
Something tells me you've never once played MG going for stealth.
this is a common redditor.
He fears hookers and nobody will sell him cocaine
99% of survival games are more about "hey remember to eat every 30 mins maybe" instead of how survive handles it.
There are less options available in other metal gear games compared to survive.
>buy game
>break game
Good job OP doing us proud.
Ow the edge.
why is she sad
>Buying the game
Why support Konami?
Libtards HATE IT when you give them money.
because she is stuck in some eastern european post communism shithole and probably has to whore herself to make the ends meet.
Being a 2D girl in a former commie block scheme is tough.
$60 for 10 yous? 6 dollars a you? Seems like a good deal to me to be h
NO you didn't because Konami pulled a Super Mario bros 2 ending in Everyone for the secret ending
The secret and true ending is that your soldier is just a hallucinating wandering soldier from TPP, you literally tripped balls while in the desert. Yes, the same wandering soldiers you save in tpp; you are one of them. The ending is you waking up in the desert and walking away with the same weird ass eyes and particles
>Meanwhile at Konami hq
No, it's not. However, speaking of 6...
>99% of survival games are more about "hey remember to eat every 30 mins maybe" instead of how survive handles it.
fucking poser holy shit. And which games have you played that are like this? Name at least one this time.
Well it's all useless if you haven't got a (You) counter on your browser.
But I do have one, so thank you user have one back
I mean, you still bought it
Minecraft. Now name one that isn't like that outside of survive.
A free you? Are you sure? You could sell that to op for $6
Bought and downloaded this piece of shit on Steam and then immediately uninstalled it. That'll show them.
Minecraft? That's your best example from your "99% of all survival games"? You've never played a single one in your entire reddit-filled existence. You can fuck right back off now.
You paid for a product. You paid for a game, that considering everything about it isn't worth 60$ or whateverthe fuck ammount of ameribucks you paid. You gave the company money for an unfinished product.
And then you broke the disc to get (You)s on Sup Forums. Get help.
>giving Konami your money
Name atleast one this time.
I'm with Jim on this one, boys
could be worse
I can name at least six that I've played extensively, you reject.
Let's use ASE as an example though. Your thirst and hunger in that is calorie and weather based. It's directly proportional to the amount of activity you're outputting and also how hot or cold you are. If you're standing perfectly still and doing nothing, both hunger and thirst increases slow to a crawl. Thirst replenishes stamina much more than hunger but both are needed. If you're out gathering, running, and fighting to where you're constantly depleting your stamina, especially in the heat, you're going to need food and water every other minute. And not just any food, stuff that's actually going to sate the hunger. Being in the cold, you burn through your food very quickly as you need to burn the food to shiver to keep the body from freezing.
In other games where fresh water plays a major role and you might be in a position where you have to drink contaminated or salty water, you don't get the freebie chance of successful drinking like you do in MG:S. You get afflicted with disintery, blurry vision and hallucinations in addition to vomiting up what foods you might already have in your belly. MG:S is half-assed as all fuck in everything it attempts to be.
I didn't think it was going to be bad
I didn't know it was going to be great though
So you didn't actually play survive because that's exactly what you get with water in survive.
>you only get infected sometimes so it's shit
No yeah I haven't played it at all. I only just explained why its version is so cheap compared to real survival games. But you're just going to pretend you didn't see that part so you can go back to your reddit chucklefuck delusions.
>let me authoritatively explain this concept I don't understand
Forgot physical games still existed, how boorish and primitive.
>that fucking lighting
I swear to god anyone who doesn't know how to take a picture in proper fucking lighting should be dragged out to the streets and shot
>let me go back to claiming that minecraft = 99% of survival games
I hope he paid for a second save file and some microtransactions. That would REALLY show them.
that's some other guy. At the end of the day, no other survival game is as polished and fun as survive and really that's what counts.
>buy game at fucking gamestop
>get warranty for like 4 bucks
>get home, play a little, destroy it for some easy yous
>return it and get a new copy for free in a day or two
Ez fucking pz
OP here. I got the picture from Twitter and this is what the guy did. Thanks for the yous.
If you game on console exclusively is the only way I can imagine that statement having even a remote validity, but even console has Ark so that throws the entire claim clear out of the window.
how and why?
Having money is great.
damn cuh
>loose 40$ anyway
>instead of take it back and refund/buy new game
That's new level OP... of being dumb.