What's Sup Forums's opinion on Merrill?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Merrill?
>literally transforms into the thing after you shag it
No thanks. Only good elf is a dead elf.
Elves are garbage. She is garbage.
I liked her rivalry route though.
are you from the Fenris thread
or is it just corporate shilling for DA4's immediate(?) announcement
She's a elv.
remove shem
No thanks.
>implying it won't get cancelled after Anthem flop
>inexplicably stupid accent that changed between games
>supposed to be depicted as naive, but ends up coming across as a blithering retard
>worst romance in a game of pretty terrible romance options
>worst mage in a game with Anders
>gets expelled for using blood magic
>i-its just a little blood magic also i summoned a demon LOL im like 12 btw..
>Anthem flop
You're understimate normies.
Anthem is literally TPS Destiny.
Destiny 2 flopped. And after Andromeda (which the normies also hate) I don't know if they still want something with BioWare
>have to kill her tribe because they wanted to prevent her from using blood magic that she couldn't control
Bad desu
I'm still disappointed that she never commented on me choosing the blood mage specialization.
Who is she? What game is she from? She looks pretty cute and would love tenderly unironically.
Wouldn't you like to know?
she is nowhere near this thic in-game
Giggle squee I want to nom her head!
Who cares?
She was so cute. I love when she does blood magic and endangers everyone. Very cute
Merrill is cute and all but she crazy as heck yo
She's Merril, or at least the Merril from Dragon Age 2, as Origins has one and she is very different from that one.
>Who cares?
my dick cares and it's the only reason anyone who isn't mentally ill would give a shit about this sack of garbage with pointy ears
It's the same character, tho
I know, but might as well not be, same shit with Anders. The personality shift was too intense.
Was it ever explained why Anders is such a talented mage?
Transforms into which "thing"?
Clearly not. Even their "sacred tattoos" are different.
My female and male characters married that french token pirate girl
have you seen Origins Isabel? not sure why they bothered connecting them.
>city rpg
interesting concept
whats with this much DA threads right now? leave my DAfu out of this!
There's a new DA in the making and /dag/ is ded.
Used her as a talking Fleshlight, broke up, romanced Isabella.
I like playing Chad.
She was in Origins? Does she only appear if you play as an elf or what? Because I played as a human and as a dwarf but never as an elf.
Dalish elf origin. Never seen again after that.
Only girl worth the time in DA2.
The knight woman was butt ugly, and I never got the pirate slut in my party so I dont know.
Shame Merrill never showed up in Inquisition.
make her rook a chinese
She did literally everything wrong. Also I hate Welsh accents.
Because the party of DA2 was just a bunch of everyday people without greater hints. Merrill was just some elf with the mind of a little girl, Fenris just an angry slave, Isabella a pirate slut, Aveline a guard, Sebastian some noble, your sister was your sister, Varric a Bro with an unhealthy relationship with his Weapon and Anders was gay Osama. Even Hawke himself was "just some guy". That's why I liked DA2 so much, you actually built your own reputation with a bunch of "who's" from point zero over 40 hours. Varric and Hawke only appear in Inquisition because they are somehow responsible for what happened because they helped Anders without knowing what he was in for.
>your sister was your sister
>TFW best girl is your sister and unromancable
>best girl
>fucks off 5 hours in and never see her again
I'm angry
But Hawke shows up in Inquisition.
They should have let him/her come with whoever you romanced in DA2.
I guess they didnt wanna go through the trouble.
ugly and retarded
>years ago play DA2 at a friend's house for the first time
>think the sister is hot as fuck and ask if she can be romanced
>friend just looks at me and asks why I would want that
>fake laugh and tell him I'm joking
I was so disappointed.
I hope we get to genocide elves in DA4.
Damn, why couldn't Isabela look like that in game instead of a gypsy tranny with implants.
>Every other female romance that isn't a huge dyke is just a normal person.
>In a universe where Qunari, Dwarves, and Elves also exist.
>Not even a plot where you dick a demon so good she turns good.
Bioware are shit at fantasy.
Gods, yes.
Canon Hawke is pretty badass and would be bumming around with Isabella. Too bad we never actually got his blood magic summon in the game.
>there's a mod for that
>it just reskins Merrill as her
I wrote that user, Hawke and Varric appear in Inquisition, but only because both were directly involved in all that shit else no one would gave a fuck about both outside of Kirkwall.
It's always elves or humans. I wish they'd let us fuck an amazonian Qunari bitch. At least that way the Nu-Bioware manface could be forgiven.
why not revive it?
Elves are for hugs D:
Stop ;-;
/dag/? It's been tried many times. Only ones keeping it alive is one special one who posts only one thing ever and several bored jackasses who only try to discourage anyone posting there.
Her sidequest was one of the all-time dumbest stories I've ever experienced. The levels of convenience, idiocy, and dissonance are off the fucking charts
They made it very clear that they don't want to play into straight male fetishes. Hence no female Dwarves (CP of all things) or Qunari (Amazons) romance options in DA2 and DA:I.
I wish I was making that up.
i played deagon age 2 at release and liked it. i had to google this bitch to remember her. says a lot about her writing
DA elves are trash tier, though. At least Witcher elves make for good whores and slaves.
says a lot about you too mister STD's.
Elves are for fugs
>tfw no mod to de-uglify the cast in DAI
>getting anywhere NEAR Isabella.
It’s the canon choice though.
Is there a mod to at least remove the oily sheen from the NPCs?
It's not you lived long anyway in those days. Might as well make the most of it.
That shit is one of them things protected by denuvo.
Oh wow.
There are some decent mods to tweak them a bit. Combine it with a good reshade preset, to make the game as a whole look better and you can make them look ok.
Dorian is beautiful and a total bro.
Cassandra is beautiful and cute.
Varric is hot af, and he's also Varric.
Sera is qt after you get to know her, also total bro.
The Iron Bull is ugly af but a bro nonetheless.
Cole is an autistic fuck but he's acceptable after you turn him into full spirit.
Vivienne is a waste of human skin, also ugly af.
Blackwall is a waste of human skin, disgusting hairy fuck. But he can kill darkspawn after joining the Wardens.
Solas is quite pretty and /fit/, a wise friend and guide if you're an elf, dunno about humans.
I really see nothing wrong the companions except for Vivienne and Cuckwall.
I was actually pretty disappointed when she didn't show up in Inquisition when the mirrors became such a big plot point.
Stupid bitch wouldn't listen. I'm glad her tribe is dead.
Worst DA2 waifu.
>Mfw killing both her and Anders in the same run.
Cole is cute af when you dating him. Shame that DA I was such a boring game.
That wasn't in any way her fault. Keeper got what she deserved.
There are separate mods for each companion. I dunno if all are covered, I only remember changing Sera, my waifu Cass and the emoboy who's name I don't remember. I think that was his shtick in the universe too, that he couldn't be remembered, kinda funny now I think about it.
Only virgin in DA2, so the only option.
Yeah the men are the best looking...wow...shocker. Cassandra was hot in DA2, and Kekiana was hot in DAO. Sera has a gross pig face my man dunno what you're smoking.
Date Cole? Wtf
That's not an option is it? I don't think it is. My memory of DA:I is quite fresh.
I found the game fucking amazing, getting almost as near is DA:O in my heart. Def in my top 10 games ever list. I have over 900 played. Sure, the first area can be a tad boring but it quickly picks up. I myself like to explore every tiny bit so the first area took me days.
She was dumb and her mentor was even dumber. Then again Bethany was the only important mage in DA 2, who weren't a retard or a psycho. Templars had Thrask and Cullen at least.
>"Hey, stop fucking around with this demon shit."
>Keeps fucking around with the demon shit.
>Not her fault.
Merril, and by extension DA2, convinced me that mages deserve the Circle at best and extermination at worst.
Siding with the Templars as a mage is the patrician choice.
Because that looks like a poor man's attempt at Druuna.
Solas was a dick to my elf. He disapproves me every time i mention elven people. He was a bro to my human mage, tho.
Nothing bad happened from her fucking around with the demon shit because she knew what she was doing.
As soon as the dumbass Keeper fucked with the demon shit she immediately got her stupid ass possessed.
Oh fuck, sorry I have autism. I was thinking about Cullen.
Anders did nothing wrong.
Not playing this shitty game is a patrician choice. It could have been a decent expansion to DA:O, but EA wanted a sequel here and now, and thanks to them we got this unfinished turd.
Agreed though. Before getting red lyrium, Meredith seemd tough but reasonable.
She's a little quirky, but I liked Merril as a character. After all the one-sided chaos blood mages cause in Origins it was an interesting idea making a moral blood mage who saw dangerous forms of magic as a potential tool rather than some source of pure unfiltered evil. It would have been easy to make her the stoic edgelord or cold calculating pragmatist, but it made her more interesting to make her so genuinely nice.
Also I really really like ladies with Welsh accents.