>2008 was 10 years ago
How do I cope with this?
>2008 was 10 years ago
How do I cope with this?
Read Ecclesiastes.
Why cope? Just kys.
Invent a time machine.
Do something with your life.
Like end it, for example.
>normie family members keep saying things will get better
>life means nothing so you should worship God
That's the whole bible though, not just ecclesiastes
Get a gf and a life
And then be reminded that your gf was 10 in 1998 when you were shitposting about Ron Paul and playing 360 and feel sad again.
Enjoy Bloodborne on your PS4
>woah dude time moves forward woah
fuck off already
2008 even
very subtle
>kids these days don't believe in Ron Paul
>kids these days don't remember life before 9/11 and what freedom tastes like
>kids these days are all turning SJW or alt-right and want to destroy freedom just to silence the opposition
Thanks, I didn't want to kill myself 10 minutes ago.
Leaving your mom's basement.
you wont trick me, fag
is that a girl(male)?
who dis
My Sister
boy do I have some news for you
keep avoiding the issue and shitpost on Sup Forums/play vidya
nothing can go wrong