Have you ever heard a video game opinion that actually makes you angry?
>Lootboxes enrich the experience of a video game
Have you ever heard a video game opinion that actually makes you angry?
>Lootboxes enrich the experience of a video game
>2017 was the best year for video games
>It's fun if played with friends!
>I dont like RPGs
>I cant relate to a protagonist who doesnt have a clear backstory and a motivation
>PUBG takes skill
>PUBG is an original concept
>PUBG is the greatest game of 2017
well you get the idea
>It's fun to watch on twitch!
GTA Online
>The microtransactions are only cosmetic, no one is forcing you to buy them!
>the government needs to regulate lootboxes and the gaming industry
I don't get it
>Game looks ok, but since there's no multiplayer with friends I won't buy/play it!
I feel like this statement has exceptions where it's a valid argument since some games are clearly designed around local co-op or versus. Magicka is one such series.
>Western games are good
>people don't like dark souls 2's combat because they don't understand it is more realistic than any of the other souls games. it's supposed to be slow for a reason.
Nothing wrong with that lmao
seppuku yourself retard
You can only get mad at this if you don't have any friends
>Super Paper Mario is a bad game
>The controls on Kid Icarus Uprising are too hard
>Turn based games are outdated and bad
>Majora's Mask is a bad game
>lootboxes are actually good for video games because you can get content without paying for it
>metroidvanias would be better without backtracking
to this day the only thing that keeps me sane is assuming the user was merely pretending despite having a back and forth for 15 minutes about it.
>you can get content without paying for it
What's wrong with that?
It means you are a cheap ass.
>amiibo is not physical DLC!
>it's not dlc because what you're actually paying for is the cool figure
they look like they came out of one of those eggs from a quarter machine outside the grocery store.
no, they don't.
>Games can "age" well or poorly
if you spend more than a few months on Sup Forums you need to be desensitized to retarded opinions
fucking this!!!!
nu-fags are fucking pathetic
>"FPS games are better without sprint and ADS mechanics
how many amiibos do you own user?
>Super Paper Mario is my favorite Paper Mario game
>if *insert game here* came out today people would hate it
>oh come on, all game dungeons are the same anyways, name ONE game with good dungeons
When I told him ME3 and DA2 have terrible dungeons. I responded with Diablo, and the other guy in the room agreed.
>Getting angry over someone's opinion regarding videogames
you have to go back
>"I enjoy games for the cinematic experience"
>You're on Sup Forums
Every single day, multiple times on this board.
>not holding true to your convictions and beliefs in the face of the brain dead masses
I understand you're a gay boy who enjoys letting people walk all over him but you must understand that not everyone is like you
>the witcher 3 is good
I'm a bit mad about this because the only reason the Witcher ever took off is because it had a whole nation of shills from day one. I'm polish, and let me tell you, there's not a single nation more proud than us. When people here heard about a poland-made videogame, everyone flipped their shit and shilled as hard as they could out of sheer pride, totally ignoring that even for what it was, it was pretty shitty - as is TW3.
>you're not allowed to have emotions about anything
you have autism
>I don't like this part of the game, or I think the game is less than perfect
Happens all the time in any type of argument on here
More common than I expected growing up.
>I don't like RPGs with predefined protagonists
>I can't relate to a character that isn't of the exact same gender, race, and background as me
no it doesn't. there's more to this story and you left out the part where you're retarded i'm sure.
>someone taking about a video game on a video game board is clearly shilling
I get it when talking about games from publishers that do demonstrably engage in viral marketing here, like EA, but some retards clearly assume it by default
>any game made after 2007 is worth playing
Been here for more than 10 years, newfaggot
now stop projecting
I also use reddit spacing, frequently. Because it didn't exist back when I came here.
>reguarding rocket league as anything other than the best multiplayer game made in the last decade
i still can't believe how fun car soccer is. it's so simple but with such a high skill ceiling and i'm still so bad at it after 1k hours.
guess which paper mario game is unironically my favorite.
>I also use reddit spacing, frequently. Because it didn't exist back when I came here.
It's called separating paragraphs with an empty space. I find it incredibly hard to believe you're out of fucking high school if you unironically refer to it as Reddit spacing. And, no, the fact that other newfags do it doesn't make it any less retarded.
>Video games are to blame for gun violence! I have heard form several individuals this is the case! SAD!
Good job everyone that voted for Trump like a jackass. Bad enough he leaks intel and Russians were kneedeep in his campaign, but hey, we gotta prove meme magic is real, right guise?
>mobile posting
Anything is fun with friends. That's why you call them your friends.
That's not an argument.
Any game from the mana serie is still kicking today. Some of them even have remakes that look fucking terrible compared to the OG.
Meanwhile many older 3D games don't live up to today's standards.
>DS2 is a good game.
Even though I know it started as shitposting, Im sure by now some retards actually believe it now.
This is totally correct though.
Not the best, that was probably 98 but it was really good.
This is also totally fine.
ADS is garbage that just slows the game down. And you should always move at sprint speed.
that's actually a valid argument if you're a kid
In the pics look good, but when you hold the real think, it looks like a kinder surprise figurine.
>b-but you only need to buy one amiibo!
No you don't. Some games require specific amiibo in order to unlock everything/complete 100%. New Leaf was a fun little game that was completely destroyed by the amiibo jew: not only you need figures, but also cards in order to have the full experience.
>MOBAs are better than RTS games
>30fps is acceptable
>Arena shooters are universally better than 'realistic' or slow-paced and tactical shooters.
>Iron sights have not place in games
>TES games are bearable without mods
>Fallout 3 and 4 were good games
>KB+M is the only acceptable way to play
>Gamepad is the only acceptable way to play
>The Uncharted series had good gameplay
>Console limitations result in a better crafted experience
>Gothic 2 is the best RPG ever made
>Starcraft is the best RTS ever made
And probably a few more
>t. friendless
is this bait? this is perfectly fine, faggot.
It does takes skill, tho.
Just mostly luck.
never once heard this except now.
I think everyone agrees that DS2 was shit.
Go back to playing CoD, fag.
lol, tard
>i-it's a good game, just not a good fallout game!
>Corrin was the best choice for a Smash DLC character
everyone acting like your a faggot is underage user. i agree with you, there's still some of us left. it's like they don't even remember horse armor.
I'm older than you, cosmetics don't matter. Go play with barbies.
>spelling it out for the confused underage
I agree. Faggots will say look doesnt matter. Imagine if you had to pay to change your power suit in metroid. Imagine if you had to pay to change color in paper mario ttyd, imagine if you couldnt play a million character in time splitter. Imagine if you needed to pay in order to have your model change in diablo 2, imagine if you had to pay to get a new car paint in grand turismo 3, imagine if fable didnt let you unlock your evil look unless you payed.
It would be fine in f2p game if skins cost was 30$ and then you can unlock them throughout playing at a decent pace, but they never stop adding shit that could end up costing thousands instead of improving the game.
Imagine if you wanted to pay to change the look of something to a more preferable style but you had to basically gamble to get what you want instead
Thats why I dont play game like that anymore.
Imagine if your gear looked the same way through all of halo or half life or what have you. That would just ruin the whole darn game.
I remember the 300$ horse armor and it never affected me in a negative way because I never bought it.
It's almost like it's your fault when you make the stupid decision to buy 300$ horse armor.
>game is bad
>i'm bad at the game
All of these are true tho
About half of those I think are true statements. Or at least I agree with them.
>Dark Souls is one of the worst RPGs I've played in the last decade
1 Internet for the user that guesses the origin
>people defending stamina gauges/bars
It's literally impossible, yet they still try so hard ti defend literal shit game design.
>Wind Waker is the best Zelda
That game falls apart so hard under scrutiny that I don't know how anyone can actually believe this short of being enamored by sailing and bright colors. At least games like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword had decent dungeon design in spite of their flaws, Wind Waker has little of note but a "comfy" atmosphere. And then there's Breath of the Wild which, while not my favorite, does damn near everything Wind Waker did halfway competently even better so that too blows that game the fuck out. They all blow Wind Waker the fuck out, really.
The only game that changes is Metroid since the different suits have different properties and would be required to beating the game, which would be a problem.
Me having Wario clothes on Mario isn't a big deal.
But it defends itself, sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it doesn't.
>aiming is garbage
That one makes sense, Nintendo's tune on Fire Emblem has shifted hard as fuck in the last 5 years. They actively want to push that franchise now.
third best
Caring about dungeons is pleb as fuck, dungeons are all just various levels of filler to be able to open up more parts of the actually interesting parts of the game which is the overworld.
but if it wasn't for memetransaction it would have either been unlockable in game. both options are superior to paying for cosmetics
I unironically reee at both of these, It's a fucking videogame just play it you shits
Backtracking is dumb tho
what a fucking post, did i delete the whole second half of my sentence? i meant to say
>but if it wasn't for memetransaction it would have either been unlockable in game or not in the game at all
ADS slows your movement to a crawl so shitters can aim better. Play a fast paced game, the aiming is more fun.
>dungeons are all just various levels of filler to be able to open up more parts of the actually interesting parts of the game which is the overworld
We value very, very, VERY different things but
>third best
You didn't say best so I'm not mad at you.
>It's not realistic enough
ops pic looks like me :(
I'm so glad I grew out of the "every game must be an FPS with realistic graphics" phase
Hillary literally wanted to ban vidya for that tho
Not that dude but this shit happens to me irl all the time with certain friends, even if it's as simple as "I don't care much for how it plays." Some people can take it as a personal attack on their taste if you don't like what they like.
[unpopular opinion]
some games need lootboxes