What is with all the Half-Life promotion lately?

What are they up to?


why half life and not tf2?
or fucking DOTA?
this is just a sick fucking joke

Because us gamers, huh?

Why not all of them?

No. There's something going on.

...that wasn't a joke image? lmao

valve is too busy

maybe because it was SE's idea and not Valve's, everybody wants Half Life 3 ya know so they've decided to give it a tribute

Half life MOBA

Shouldn't the mascot of PC gayming be a character from a series that isn't deader than Bomberman

Valve is going to make a Half Life 3 VR exclusive

screencap this

Yeah with csgo

Nothing, Square Enix just being the usual asses

It would be a hell of a killer app for Vive.


Ive noticed VR picking up in ownership, now that VRChat has gained popularity. a fucking VR second life/Worlds.com rapebaby is getting people to invest in VR, and Valve, who are the Vive guys, would be real dumb not to capitalize on their two most popular first person franchises as VR "must haves". (the other being Portal) Both of which have always been tech demo games for valve.

Valve always used to pride itself on being technological innovators with their games. And they clearly invested in creating a VR headset, because they believe in the potential of the tech. And that would be a good excuse for another game.

half life is valves most iconic game

This doesn't mean shit about anything, guys

yer I agree that valve will make VR exclusive halflife.

It's sexist. Don't believe me? Then why aren't they using the Portal Girl...

>Portal Girl...

How DARE you assume xher gender?

REMINDER Half Life 2 came out 14 years ago.

HL3 never never never never never never never ever

Stop trying to trick yourself

i just want a new engine for mods and puzzles. wouldnt give two shits if it came from a fps tax accountant game

>portal girl
She have a name you sexist pig. Chell.