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they aint having fun they are afk in orgrimmar
Wouldn't it be more accurate if the logos were reversed?
Both Classic and Legion are shit. Legion being shit is a given and classic is nothing but nostalgiafags. You can never go home again.
Legion is more of an action game than RPG now.
>retail baby made this
heh retail is so fun they put fun limiters in the form of dailies.
>an real
honestly by now its 2 different games, both have good sides and bad sides.
action game where everything but super high end mythic is a complete pushover with no mechanics
>it really hard
I'd like legion a whole lot more if it actually was an action game, and I didn't have to grind a million hours to upgrade a single fucking weapon, roll addition rng on top of rng for getting my BiS to fucking drop, and THEN get together an entire group of 20 people to do engaging, relevent content
Fuck Blizzard, Fuck Blizzcunts
>complaining about having to group to endgame in an MMO
kill yourself retard
>finding 19 additional people to all grind the ever increasing blizzard hamster wheel
>dealing with them all one by one to figure out who's good and who's bad
>wasting hours on literal strangers who are probably going to dissapear suddenly one day when they finally realise how terrible the game is
I've got better games to play and better shit to do. Shame I can't bring my friend with me either, the hundred level grind and thousand hour artifact grind sounds REALLY fun for new players. Even better now that they've nerfed both levelling and RaF.
The comic would be more accurate if it was a guy yelling at an empty couch.
While retail WoW sucks, I really don't see a problem with challenging endgame group content in a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE role playing game.
It's shit because I say so, I hate doing things with other people, just give me what I played to the end of your garbage game for faggot.
It's almost like there are games that are meant to be played alone out there. A lot of them too. I think they're called... oh, yeah, single player games!
This is more true than anyone wants to admit.
why not play a single player game instead?
The problem isn't the fact that it's group content, it's that the only relevant content is hard locked to twenty fucking people, and even getting to that point takes hours of spamming brain dead content filled to the brim with shitty RNG. M+ is a shitty excuse for challenging 5 man content, running the same exact shit repeatedly with slightly larger numbers, and extra little pools of shit to avoid is not fun, even when they throw in the extra loot RNG. This shit isn't fun, and it actively drives away anyone who is fun or enjoyable to play with.
>raiding is a hamster wheel now
>opposed to what it was before
>farm AP
>get crucible levels
>get artifact traits to sufficient level
>wizard oil/sharpening stone
>resistance gear grinding old dungeons
>stuck in a spec that sometimes didn't let you kill mobs at anything other than a snail pace(healers/tanks)
Yeah, sure was a fast and streamlined raiding experience back in the day.
Still better than what we have to do today.
>Buy Legion
>Get level 100 boost
What exactly is your complaint? Also getting to 95% of your artifact's power literally takes 5-10 hours at max level.
Vanilla levelling took 100-200 hours depending on the class and how much knowledge you had of the game. Then gearing was yet another slow ass process. So don't go pretending like it was as fast as snapping your fingers. New players still had a fuckton of things to do before being able to play with veterans.
Imagine being a redditor. Imagine this being the "content" you enjoy.
How is it better? A third of raids back then relied on guild funds or actively playing the AH to even have the slightest hope of affording high endgame raiding.
And even then a 4 day raiding guild required atleast 6-8hours of farming to afford it if you weren't flipping the AH.
WoW is trash
It's better because it came first and didn't pander to shitters.
>log on every single day
>do the same exact thing over and over for +1% damage
>spend days farming mats for pots or buy gold to buy them from the incredibly inflated AH
>Group up, do attunement
>Buy shit off AH
>Build your fucking class right like a real RPG
>Buy the boost! Just one character is all you need!
Despite new players possibly not liking the character they boost right? But I guess that's not a problem with all the classes playing exactly the same now, right? Good fucking goy, Real nice "rpg" you got there.
I wasn't even defending vanilla in my original posts, the game has always had flaws, the simple fact is it's just getting worse.
>current endgame way harder than anything in vanilla or the first 2 expacks
>pandering to shitters
Come on son, link that LFR achievement that made you feel so high n mighty.
ftfy fampay
>reddit humour in a nutshell
If you hate the game so much why are you in a thread about it?
>build your class right like a real RPG
Excuse me, but wtf you on about?
Vanilla had the exact same customization as now, only thing different is you could have hybrid builds.
Everyone raiding was using the same cookie cutter, same as now.
>Thing you used to enjoy very much gets ruined beyond recognition, thus attracting a new crowd that will tell you off if you ever criticize it or suggest the new additions aren't worthwhile because they don't know any better
I hate that feeling.
where in that comic did you get that I hate WoW? worst thing I did was make fun of the lore
I did insult the fanbase, but that's another thing
>it's literally the same!
>Except it isn't
Last reply you're getting
How do people still enjoy WoW?
>get into dungeon without any actual preparation like farming potions, having the right enchants, having quest keys that required long (not time gated) quest chains that were as hard as the dungeon itself
>get into dungeon, tank goes ahead and pulls 2 packs of mobs like 10 mobs together, AOE down and spawn spells like a retard
>literally no thinking troughout the dungeon, it's all about ILVL and spamming 4 buttons
>if you lucky you get the + ilvl loot and can go to the next mythic+ dungeon but you actually have to do the same, if you are not you just repeat on same difficulty until you get lucky.
So how do people still enjoy this absolute shit disgusting game?
>except it isn't
>shows no proof or refutes any arguments
>hurr i'm not gonna reply anymore and pretend I have won the argument.
Fuck off.
Can reddit posters leave now?
>in vanilla everyone used the same build
>nowadays people use the same build unless they have a specific legendary or something
this "FREEDOM OF BUILD!" argument is pathetic
Ill reply for that guy to explain how youre a retard. You said that vanilla and legion character building was the same and then in the very next sentence you said they werent the same because vanilla has hybrid builds
I dont know, punk. Youre the one defending a literal reddit screencap *dabs*
>we are now screencaping reddit
>endgames, as their commonly known
Here's the problem, theme parks.
how do you know its reddit?
> Sup Forums isn't the same thing as reddit
You could mix and match stuff from all three trees in Vanilla.
> in the image
hmmm I wonder
For raids, yes. For everything else I am free to go 16/16/17. It is not optimal, but I can do that. Can't do that in WoW since Wotlk to be exact.
It literally says reddit in the picture, are you dumb by any chance?
>hybrid builds
They were unviable in 90% of content or created really broken shit like pom-pyro mages bursting people down and then hiding for 2minutes till PoM and zandalari trinket went off CD.
No one that raided or did serious pvp bothered with those. But sure, lets pretend that hybrid builds were something so major and not only used by retards and people fucking about.
Only people that glorify vanilla are those that didn't play more than 4-5 months of it. After a year of clearing MC, BWL, ZG,AQ20 and progressing AQ40 and naxx every fucking week you'd have grown jaded enough to see it was a shell, because outside of raiding there was absolutely nothing to do for your main char.
Y'all need to go back right now.
and be kicked from any group which inspected you
>lmao, guys take a look at this retard mage, he picked Frost Warding
just because you can do something doesn't mean it's a plus
>if you know how to read, you need to get out of Sup Forums!
i know my enemies too well
>hybrid builds were bad 90% of the time
>heres an example of when they were good
You keep contradicting yourself in your own argument
I also love how you said "after a year of clearing 6 different raids" like thats a bad thing. Meanwhile they give you 3 raids to run over and over in the span of 2 years in modern wow.
>nothing to do outside of raiding
There was also pvp. But i suppose you wouldnt know pvp is even in wow if youre a legion baby.
why are they in a bathtub
>>if you know how to read, you need to get out of Sup Forums!
That means you are too smart for this place, please leave us to our brainlet wojak posting.
How comes WoW players are worse than drug addicts
>1 example means his argument is out
you're a funny man
There are MMO niches beyond grouping up for raids, which even WoW had previously, especially professions.
Warm memo that WoW has about as many basic ores and minerals as EVE, which makes most of its basic ships and modules (for its 90%+ character-produced economy) from 16 ores being refined into 8 minerals:
PS, from some other topic:
An artifact is basically leveling something after maxing the actual character. This is still a problem from the static nature of theme parks.
Yet, it's OK alternatively having multiple talent trees, the purpose being fair playing fields, which is beneficial for re-subs, etc.
>Removing weapons from loot tables was a good thing.
No. Options are helpful; and a lot of the fun procs were previously weapons.
>3 raids in modern wow.
>Emerald Nightmare
>Trial of Valor
>Tomb of Sargeras
I'd rather have 5 raids with proper fights rather than bosses with 1 to 2 abilities no phases.
If his argument is that having the option to make hybrid classes is worst compared to modern wow where youre locked into your spec and then he provides an example of hybrid specs being viable immediatley after making that claim, then yes his argument is out.
>Reddit: anything bad about subreddit game and it's downvoted no matter how right you are
>Sup Forums: anything bad or good about the game will be bashed no matter what, at least there are different opinions
Reddit is just a shittier site other than a few subreddits.
go back there then
He didn't just provide an example, he provided THE ONLY example of a hybrid build that worked.
Arguing with religious classicfags about talents always ends the same way. You would click a 1% to frost spells 5 times and say it's great char customization.
you'll see more spec variation in current WoW than you'd see in vanilla WoW, because in current WoW you'll see people swapping some talents that won't decrease their DPS, while in vanilla WoW they'll use one of the cookie cutter specs, or be called a retarded
why am I even wasting time, you'll just claim that being able to spec Impact or Improved Fire Ward is great design and awesome "RPG character building"
>discussing hybrid builds
>ignoring that 2 out of 3 builds for the majority of classes were useless.
Sure is cherry picking in here, vanillabro.
If you don't like playing with other people don't play games that are designed to be played in groups, like MMOs.
>unironic reddit screencap
Sup Forums has fallen.
Memes aside why would someone who never played classic want to? It seems to have less content and a ton of convenience taken out. The only thing I can see is that due to the loss of certain convenience you are force to interact with other players more.
Has a quote from a dev aged worse than that? I think "we want the Call of Duty audience" isn't even close in terms of sheer arrogance and disconnect
That new allied race looks like shit and is a big reason I want to play classic
Fuck furries
Pretty sure that picture is backwards. I've seen far more butthurt from Legion players at would-be Classic players.
I'm defending Legion's talent (and classes) system in this thread, but I want to play WoW Classic
>no press button to dungeon/raid
>no transmog (this one is actually not exclusively a plus though)
>everything requires effort, even some basic shit like mounts, they're not trivial
>newer raids don't automatically invalidate the older ones
>legendaries are legendaries
>lots of dungeons are ACTUAL DUNGEONS
>no warforged/titanforged bullshit
>I can deal with wonky mechanics
>I won't be playing a fucking hybrid because I know how Vanilla goes
that said, I know what I'll be getting myself into since I did play Vanilla back then, even if not that much
But thats not true. Depending on what gear you have and what attributes you need youll have to pick different talents to compensate. Its not just get to level 60 and use the same talents for the rest of the game. Of course in legion attributes are a joke, they have like 5 of them and they are all do the same thing bar haste.
>The only thing I can see is that due to the loss of certain convenience you are force to interact with other players more.
That's the appeal, yes. A lot of the added convenience in the last few expansions took away from the feel of communities on servers. You don't need to look for an adventuring party, you click group finder, queue up then go through a loot tunnel with 4 other guys you don't know without saying a word. In vanilla going and doing dungeons was an epic experience. You'd find a group in one of the main cities, you'd all fly out and some of them could take 2-4 hours to complete (Maraudon, BRD).
Admittedly it's not for everyone, but current WoW does feel a little bit soulless compared to vanilla. Yes you have to jump through some hoops and give up the instant gratification of the game finding groups for you, but by the same token it feels far more satisfying when you manage to complete content when you need to go through some pain to do it. Old WoW was a lot more of an old school D&D dungeon crawling experience and a lot of people prefer that.
reddit """""""""humor""""""""""
why are the soyim so unfunny?
Yes... you could make a million useless builds given the amount of combinations there are. What kind of argument are you trying to make?
>. Depending on what gear you have and what attributes you need youll have to pick different talents to compensate.
that's not choice, that's being funneled into minmaxing, just like if you get a specific legendary in Legion that buffs a specific skill or talent and being funneled into it
>Of course in legion attributes are a joke, they have like 5 of them and they are all do the same thing bar haste.
agreed, Legion attributes are a joke indeed, the only good thing I can say about it is "well at least they don't have that hit/expertise/weapon skill bullshit we had in the past"
speaking of soy
what happens if i eat soy?
But reddits the place where you get spoonfed every single last ounce of nuance
>Fun in legion
Literally finished the year of missed content in less than a day thank god I got it for free
You might get bitchtits if you're already low on test, other than that, nutrients and energy like all foods.
But according to Sup Forums it builds estrogen up in your body, makes you grow tits and lowers your test.
I got bitchtits for drinking milk but some girls say they look great on me and have eve sucked them.
Yes, you COULD do that. But no one did because it was a fucking terrible idea because you would just make a lackluster build that wasn't good for anything. Despite you having the freedom to pool a certain amount of points into your talent trees, cookie-cutter specs were the way to go to for most people.
Nothing. Youll only have problems if you drink soylent
Its funny you say that dungeons were dungeons im playing for the first time and I did blackrock depths with a group of randoms who as luck would had it also hadnt done that dungeon. It took like 2 hours to complete and we chated quite a bit. Most fun ive had actually. Molten core is the only raid ive done and it was shockingly linear was it always like that?
stop believing shit you read on alt-right forums and reddit, they're lunatics
You are being retarded on purpose right? Most classes had 1 raid spec, very rarely two.
Priests were holy, paladins were holy, shaman were resto, druids resto, warriors prot and sometimes fury, etc.
Being a hybrid dps spec in vanilla was fucking suffering.
Molten Core was whipped together in a week just before release. Hard to believe people were farming it for years for those Thunderfury pieces
>Being a hybrid dps spec in vanilla was fucking suffering.
Good. I'm looking forward to Druids needing to pick a role and stick to it rather than being top tier tanks, DPS and healers.
t. Shitter that has never done anything beyond +15
Ever heard of player versus player?