Are you ready for disappointment Sup Forums?
Are you ready for disappointment Sup Forums?
yes. the past two generations haven't been all that fun or fresh, personally.
This is 100% real
i love pokemon sun!
I'm ready for another rad gen that blows genwunners the heck out yet again
Good job.
You changed the 6 to an 8 this time around.
>its real
Holy shit finally
This is fake, move on, people.
The only way I can be happy with a pokemon direct is if theres a crossover with fire emblem.
Like a good Pokemon conquest game or sometrhing like that
It is impossible for anyone to be disappointed by this. If you had any intelligence you would have stopped following the series by now and if you're still following the series then you are so far attached to it that it is literally impossible for the series to disappoint you.
>playing Pokemon past the generation that I stopped playing it
Oh boy, time for 4 days of direct "leak" threads nonstop.
Wake me up if Gamefreak can prove they can make a pokemon game that looks better than a ps1 game from 1999
I think you forgot how PS1 games looked. Theyre horrible, Pokemon are at least nicer to look at
Maybe. I'll most likely enjoy it if there's not another Lillie-type character in it. I couldn't stand her. We'll see what happens.
I wonder if they'll finally unveil whatever secret Switch Pokemon game they've hinted at.
I'm hoping it's a radical shift for the series and not just the same bullshit we've been getting since the 90s.
I mean, I know it probably will just be the same shit with new graphics, but I can still hope, even if said hope is very tiny.
I still have hope they are making a full AAA pokemon for Switch and maybe this time they actually put GOOD GAMEPLAY in it. Turn based or real time, I don't care as long it actually takes strategy and/ or skill, instead of the same shitty Dragon Warrior clone.
Sun and Moon were fine, although X and Y are the worst gen.
I don't have high standards for Pokemon because I pirate them since Platinum, when I discovered Xcom and how awful JRPGs are, though.
Stop posting fake shit.
>Good gameplay
Pick one.
Check their twitter faggot it was already announced
I hope it's another Pokemon XD game
>, I don't care as long it actually takes strategy and/ or skill
So... the current battle system?
>he fixes his mistake post from before 3 hours
wow you are such a retarded faggot
literally brainlet
You can beat every single game with just your starter
Sure wasn’t.
what a fag
Holy shit.
Go play Open Xcom, tToTT with mods, Jagged Alliance Series, Wizardry 8 and Divinity OS 1&2 and then play any Pokemon game, or any JRPG for that matter.
You are welcome.
*tToEE* (the temple of elemental evil), my bad.
Please just give me another Mystery Dungeon game
I don't really expect much, probably the next 3DS installment.
I'd be suprised if they actually show thwe Switch game.
My stance doesn't change.
Especially since Pokemon has more depth due to its multiplayer then all of those games.
It’s fake.
>The tutorial's easy
lol try doing battle tower, let along multiplayer with that tactic.
Oh well...
>people reply like this is legit
I'm sure ready for disappointment, seeing as this is completely fake and bullshit.
>Pokemon multiplayer doesn't have any depth
>B-because I said so!
Nice samefag posting, OP.
Wow man, I just hope you are not as ignorant in other matters of life as in vidya, or at least you are not proud of it and actually trying to develop yourself as a human being, because if not, you are literally society's cancer
>Giving you examples of actual deep gameplay
>Completely ignores them