>you've been banned
>reason: k/d ratio is too high
You've been banned
>you have been banned
>reason: cursing it not allowed
Watch yo profamity
>ITT people greentext lies
Right, I'm sorry
this is a perfectly legitimate reason
>still using a trip
looks like someone is so shit at video games he's never been hack-cused and banned before
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
kys you're self
Curses are basically hacking, its not fair to use majgic to make misfortune happen to others in a video game.
>you have been banned
>reason: anime isn't shit!!!!!!!!!! ur shit!!!!!!!!!!!
>you've been banned
>reason: You picked up my kit, stop stealing my weapons!!!
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have posted COPYPASTA, but your post isn't original at all! Whoops! You should always remember to post high quality in every thread! Posting with a COPYPASTA is poor form. You should always try to post original high quality content!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
>You've been banned
>Stop killing my friend
>you have been banned from this server
>Reason: die brony
>militant, submissive to authority, idolism, and commits adultry
>alpha as fuck, proud, strong, intelligent
At least they are warriors, unlike the opposition. Oh wait...
Get over yourself autist
Wooooah! We got a badass over here
>playing BF4
>characters swear constantly in game
>you kill other people to increase your score
>if you type a swear, you're getting banned
Who is "yourself autist" and who should I get over him/her/xer?
Serious question: why not post on regular forums where having an username is the norm?
Not wrong.
Because I don't circlejerk hard enough and get banned in regular forums.
Let's read some Ryoko!
Holy shit, is that comic serious?
People complaining about somebody using a tripcode are a billion times more annoying then any tripcode user ever could be
>itt tripcode unite
We reddit nao
>Because I don't circlejerk hard enough
Considering we're having this conversation I find that very hard to believe.
Another serious question: Why use a tripcode on Sup Forums?
>"I am autistic and crave attention"
>play Bad Company 2
>take tank
>find good position
>fire once
>explosion at capture point
>perfect, am artillery now
>spend entire round just firing there non-stop
>enemy can't capture it
>KDR off the charts
>permabanned because KDR suspiciously high
>quit, play Diablo 2.
The game is great. The community is not.
Because I'm a high quality poster and you're not.
Do you think its fair for someone who puts thought and care into his posts be placed in the same level as you?
I don't think so.
>accepting tripfags
Not even once. You newfags are almost as bad.
>what is a man without honor
A man.
>take responsibility for their posts
I want to post a little kid (literally underage) with his wiener out and take no responsibility for it.
Does it count as CP?
Disregard all my posts, I love sucking fat horse cocks
Perma virgin
A high quality poster doesn't attention whore. This alone prevents you from ever being a quality poster on an anonymous image board.
>you've been banned
>reason: arguing with respected members of the community
kept killing some chick a lot is all.
I don't attention whore.
I see no point in it nor do I desire it, you all give me attention for some god awful reason which outright sickens me.
Who would want the attention of some losers?
kys tripfag. we all silently resent you
>I don't attention whore.
>you all give me attention for some god awful reason
Dude, you're using a tripcode. Maybe a family member of yours forgot to clear cookies? You should fix that right now.
>all those replies he got
wow, the fgsfds is strong with this thread
If that distracts you maybe stop being ADD.
i miss him
BC2 had some of the best multiplayer shenanigans
>Put 12x scope for sniper rifles on shotgun and use slugs
>Sit up on hill overlooking explosive crate
>One shot anyone who tries to come within 400 yards of it with my apparent laser gun
>Sniper tries to call in artillery on my spot and misses horribly
>I shoot him while he tries to break for cover
>You have been kicked
>Reason: bye hacker :)
>stop being ADD.
Are you retarded?
Name one (1) server that does this
Stop letting something so trivial distract you, I suggest castrating yourself.
This thread is about QA
Mad as fuck
Keep posting user
like the artstyle
I want to protect this smile
Mods delete this thread already pls
I didn't need to know some fag stylizing himself as Oracle existed.
Why? This is what you're craving. You wouldn't use a trip if you hated attention. I'm a nice man with happy feelings so I'm indulging you.
>literally "you're too good" is the reason
I'm too good
>you.ve been banned
>reason: place for a clan member
>when you are on the top of the leaderboard owning like a madman
not yet
I'm craving food and a fap.
What I'm not craving is some degenerate fat fuck replying to me and further killing my brain cells with his incompetence.
>you've been banned
>reason: don't kill my gf
>look up gf's profile
>obvious dude with cute girly anime avatar and hearts in his name
Every fucking time.
>im a high quality poster
This reputation building is meaningless because everyone on Sup Forums hates tripfags