Has Sup Forums played any gauntlet, like legends or dark legacy
Has Sup Forums played any gauntlet, like legends or dark legacy
Gauntlet is for brainlets, but being a brainlet, that suits me just fine.
Dark Legacy was my shit fuck yeah best 4 player co-op game of its time
Yes. I would always play Dark Legacy with my mom.
I had tons of good times with Dark Legacy back in the day. Good old mindless fun. Watching your character change as they leveled was great too
I'd fuck that elf
I played the first game
>break open a barrel
Having a mom that plays video games.
Im sorry
She doesn't really.
Yellow Wizard is best.
R-remember me!? He don't remember....
>not picking Jester and spastically hopping around the map with that insane movement speed
Legends/Dark Legacy or bust.
Ahh~ Sustenance!
Did I stutter?
Dark Legacy was me and my friend's jam. We eventually got pretty good at it and then stumbled across one of the arcade cabinets by chance. Couldn't do it with one quarter since your HP constantly drains instead of only draining when you're injured.
Started playing Dark Legend yesterday. It's quite good.
Is there anything like Legends/Dark Legacy for PC?
>Black Death drains experience
Now we're talking.
>those tanlines
oh baby
I hated that health drain shit so much..
AHEM! Sorry I got something stuck in my throat.
Here you go, user! Just what you wanted right?
When I was in highschool me and my sister used to fight over the GameCube all the time to play animal crossing or harvest moon, picked up gauntlet dark legacy on a whim and suddenly no more fighting. We must spent actual weeks in that game replaying old levels and shit just for the fun of it and leveling every character
Yeah, Castle of Succession (4) and the new one
hydro thunder was indeed good
This game is definitely gauntlet, in fact its probably truer to original gauntlet than legends of dark legacy but.
>Can't change character colors
>Every character except maybe the elf is slow as fuck
>Attacks don't do a whole lot of damage
>Barely any enemy variety
>No giant fucking mythical beast fights, it's all big skelemen and shit
I remember picking that one boat named "Damn the Torpedoes" as a kid and giggling when it would say damn. That game was great.
this and dark legacy got me into dynasty warriors, though dark legacy remains to be one of my favorite games
the ice stuff in the 64 game was better though and overall the levels in 64 seemed to be a lot more punishing with when you're unable to backtrack
Objectively the best character at max level because of his bullshit fast attackspeed being higher than everyone else's.
I jerked it to blue valkyrie in the manual countless times as a lad
>tfw this guy is the strongest character in dark legacy but you can't stomach how gay he looks at lower levels
arcade, Nes, arcade version of some 90s games.
Name a worse level than the tomb with the mummies in dark legacy. I fucking dare you.
beat that particular gauntlet 100% on every platform I've owned it in. I remember I couldn't get enough of this game and now I can't even remember where the secrets are as well as get bored after the first realm.
>Legends on 64
>Legends on PS1
>Legends on Dreamcast
>Dark Legacy, an expansion of Legends, on PS2
Legends was the peak of the series.
>tfw revisited levels from the n64 gauntlet in dark legacy feel so much shorter
>plays your game completely out of order
Anyone else ever found no reason not to always just throw potions and the potion shield shit to be useless? I know they become screen clearing devices pretty quickly and going into every level making sure you have 9 in stock may as well be cheating, but still.
I had Gauntlet Legends on Nintendo 64. I didn't have many games to play back then, so I overplayed this game to the point of absolute autism. I got every character to the maximum possible level on my save file.
Now I have a billion games but no time to play them.
I remember playing the arcade version of the first game on the PS2 in some kind of collection but I don't remember the name of that collection.
The yellow knight may have literally been just a naked black dude wearing nothing but a yellow jockstrap and boots holding a stick when you start out, but by the time you reach 99 he's a golden god and easily the best looking character in the game, meanwhile the blue knight, while he starts off looking the best, gets JUST'd with gaudy horrific golden chainmail covering up his torso, looking fucking terrible forever.
That was always my favorite part about these games, there was no gear to get but as you leveled up your character started naturally looking so much better. Best way to encourage the exp grinding imo
Desert realm had a lot bad shit
>Hides a guardian off screen in the beginning of the level
What platform should I play dark legacy on?
Midway Arcade Treasures. the second compilation might also have a Gauntlet.
it does
I've only played the so-called "Slayer Edition" which is the one currently available on Steam. Apparently they changed it a lot since the initial release.
In its current form, the game is flawed, but it's still a lot cooler than Legends and Dark Legacy, in some ways. For starters, the characters are actually different, whereas in Gauntlet Legends,
>wizard shoots magic, ok
>elf shoots arrows, ok
>warrior shoots axes... uh, oh, well I guess axe throwing is a thing
>valkyrie shoots swords... wait, what?
Each characters is basically just a skin. Maybe that changed in Dark Legacy. I don't know.
But in the latest Gauntlet reboot, each character is unique, and that's kind of cool. The same is also true of Hammerwatch, which is a great game as well, with more character types.
>those levels in dark legacy where the General is silent for whatever reason and suddenly he charges your ass out of nowhere, knocks you down if you don't react fast enough and often gets a combo in
thank god their damage is deceptive, those things still spook the shit out of me every now and then with how sudden they can be with their dead silent charges
Xbox or GameCube, the ps2 version you can't select any items you pick up or buy, you just use it
Gauntlet 4 on the Genesis was baller
>mfw when I hear the suicide bomber but don't know where its coming from
>when you think the suicide bomber is trapped on level geometry and you're waiting for him to explode so you can open the gate and capitalize on the knocked down enemies but then he suddenly starts going full radical larry and clips right the fuck through to you anyway
Hammerwatch is really good and cheap.
Keep forgetting that one exist, its just so fucking bland by comparing to all the others
>play Gauntlet: Dark Legacy at a friends house
>be fourth player
>friends mom is first player
>friend and his sister are second and third player
>hop in right after they unlocked Minotaur, play him
>friends mom constantly yelling commands
>see pile of gold, head that way
>”who the hell is the Minotaur? What are you doing? Where are you going? Follow me!”
>”b-but there’s gold over here.”
>”No there isn’t!”
>”I swear there is!”
>”If I come over there and there’s no gold you’re not allowed to play with my son again!”
>oh shit
>start sweating as her fatass waddles to me
>gold comes into view
>she is quiet the rest of the night
I never went back.
Instantly became my favorite theme when I first played this level as a kid
>You just cleared a wave of enemies then suddenly you hear a roar out in the distance in the middle of the map
>full panic mode
I tried it again after probably 14 years and it's unbelievably boring now even with 4 player co op. Plus the co op encourages you to fuck over your teammates and steal all the food and loot for yourself
>thought this game was awesome forever
>always rented so i never went that far
>emulate it and get to the end
>the two last levels and bosses are absolute trash requiring you to spam items over and over
only the wizard was good since it was made by the Magicka guys and thought went into his controls and mechanics (and he's pretty damn fun) but all the other classes are boring unless you're playing with friends.
I always thought he would say: "SWEET SUSTENANCE!"
is he? I always went with a warrior and maxed strength since the other stats don't matter as much.
This game fuckin sucks now
Explain further.
i just discovered that series about a month ago
should have rented it as a kid because it seems like a lot of fun. 4 fucking players.
ran through the arcade rom and now dreamcast
Never noticed that elf is topless in both pictures
>all that cut content before release
How's Dark Legacy on a PS2 Emulator I've been trying to run in MAME but it doesn't seem to run,said's I'm missing the CHD despite double checking that they match
Elves are for lewd.
try a different mame version
the current one is real fucking picky and they changed a lot of roms
didn't Dark Legacy invalidate Legends?
>all of the content in Legends
>but more character
>more worlds
>more stages
>more bosses
>the Chads Knight and Warrior
>the Virgins Jester and Wizard
I'm using 141 m8 the version released in 2010
Wizard master race
why were the ports of this series so janky though?
ps1 version of Legends felt like it was built from the ground up, totally different assets compared to the n64/dreamcast
ps2 version of Dark Legacy did not allow item storing and swapping, any item you picked up or even bought except magic potions was used instantly, while the gamecube had the proper system in place
I love legends and still have it packed away with my n64 to pull out every once in a while
ps1 had limitations, dreamcast tried to be a weird inbetween to dark legacy
n64 was arcade+
gamecube is arcade+ as well iirc?
who else level 99 here?
Pretty much.
both GC versions I played has some items being sellable, some not, made no sense
also I know for a fact that the arcade Legends had a egypt world, while the N64 version had a snow world instead (though in Dark Legacy we had both, so whatever)
currently the best way to play the game as far as I know is to emulate Dark Legacy on Dolphin using the processor overclock feature or whatever it's called to get 30 fps (yeah, the game ran at 20~15 fps without that, and it had pratically the same graphics as Legends... and Legends ran at 60 on the N64...)
>not just buying a dirt cheap PS2 for 30 bucks
really m8