SCP: Secret Lab thread
SCP: Secret Lab thread
Other urls found in this thread:
where get?
Anti-micspammers = filthy redditors
match when
I like mic-spam when it's not extremely low quality to the point where it's just noise over the intercom
we have a general
new eu server?
fuck off soyboy mod
SCP 096 when.
((((We)))) dont have shit. Feel free to move and be alone
>Everyone moves over to /vg/
>Threads are exactly the same as they are on Sup Forums except with a bigger post limit
I don't understand your autism.
Did that request of Ryan gosling as a D-boy with an SCP behind his back.
Decided to go with 173 instead since I already did 106 in the last picture,
Either way I hope you still like it.
I'd sooner eat my own shit than go on /vg/
Neck yourself for using /vg/
and neck yourself for using a trip
>muh sekrit club!
Hello hot pocket. Don't you have some trap treads to jerk off to before ruining another Vidya thread? Or are you enjoying your microwaved ham and cheese sandwich?
Europe servers
Have you never gone to /vg/? The threads get filled with tripfags and autism with very few new discussion or players. Going to /vg/ will kill any chance for the game to grow
midwest na 20 slot ff on
/vg/ and /vr/ were a mistake.
Any new requests by the way?
what the fuck does that even mean in this case?
Thanks for the games Sup Forums had some great fun.
Fuck nerds.
D-boy opening one of the elevators and it being full of grenades.
Mic-spam is best when it's multiple layers of overlapping low quality music rips, and horrible noise clips, such as BEES, MAGIC MISSILE, etc. What are you talking about?
>new game
>stay in one thread discussing game
>other games have multiple threads up
What the fuck is your problem mod.
The doc tossing a small zboi into the air like how dad's do with babies
Watch out for Tristan "S'AraisVanu" Anderson
Why don't you fix the rest of the board while you're here instead of moving a video game thread you faggot cuck mod
So every thread on /vg/ is for a dead game and is filled with tripfags. If I find one that isn't you'll take your statement back yes?
106 doing shiggy diggy face
pic related, replace todd with a D boy and put a SCP behind him
rename to dr ding
No fun allowed, or butt-hurt because they think SCP is stupid
>STILL posting it
God, stop obsessing over me. I'm still not going to fuck you.
These threads are up at all hours of the day, they're a fucking general.
Fucking saved
Fuck off hot-pockets.
>y-you're obsessed w-with me
this is a general in the same way RoR or AoS threads are generals
even your mom suck everyone dick every hours of every day but we don't call her a General
Well that's a relief
>the faggots who are obsessing over /vr/ drama
>mod falseflaggers everywhere
>people giving them (you)
stop please you're ruining it all.
>New game has constant threads
The game was released in 2015.
It's 2018.
You're still posting an extremely autistic image macro with a DA page that isn't even mine, and extremely cherrypicked posts.
Move the fuck on
Yeah just like DBZ threads, Kingdom Come threads, Fortnite threads, Witcher threads, Monster Hunter threads, Fire Emblem threads, and plenty of others im forgetting. Your point?
All I want to do is play video games. tripfag drama and modniggers need to fuck off.
That's rad dude.
Let's be honest
811 > 953
>21 hours
I think it's time I put the game aside until new content is added.
Obviously we're not allowed to have good vidya threads on Sup Forums, what we need is more WHIRRRRRRR, POLITICS and CONSOLE WARS
Why don't you go back to shitting up /vr/ then, faggot?
start moving waifufagging threads and other retarded console war shitpost threads to /vg/ and we'll talk, you asskissing faggot
You're overloading this SCP meme.
If you keep having constant threads about it it's going to die in less than a week.
Wait, who's this guy?
How do I use the intercom?
Who cares? This game has little to no long-lasting appeal. It's only fun to fuck around with people on.
the game is brand fucking new newfaggot
SCP games have been alive and kicking for at least 5 years
It hasn't even been a month yet, we can't have flavor of the month threads anymore? I'll agree to moving to /vg/ only when a month has passed and the game still gets rolling threads.
As if your only mental breakdown was with Evolve
You're just too funny to ignore and you're constantly making a complete ass of yourself
Whatever you say.
Nobody. There's literally no fucking reason for him posting it other than his eternal assmad over my mere existence.
He still posts a shitty image macro from 2015 as if it's factual.
A bad man
Do not let him near your children
What are some non vg, FF enabled servers?
any ff servers with people actually talking? last I joined no one talked.
nobody fucking cares
stop shitting up the threads
>spawn in as ci
>Walk up the stars to the lift
>Get detonated by a furfag grenade because they were camping
EU servers. Get in there and enjoy low ping and d-boi banter. Bullying nerds more than encouraged.
That's NTRfags for you
There have been SCP threads for years you retard
We need this for the next Sup Forums musical I think. There's even an instrumental right there.
Pro-tip: It's the same guy trying to make the threads all about himself, just report and ignore
Which one of you faggots came into my Dota game to fucking ruin it
I know it was one of you niggas and dont pretend youre white you fucking South American
>non vg
what does that even mean?
>ci bois
>find 2 nerds
>shoot one
>keep other one under fire
>squad with dboi comes
>discuss with them if we're going to capture him or just kill him
>we decide to capture him
>nerd goes "you can ask him, I'm a friendly guy"
>dboi goes "no fuck you, you left us to die"
>shoot nerd
what's up with all these i3/i5/i7 CPU names
I'm glad somebody liked my picture.
the game is trash without lasting appeal but fun trash with shitposters. also from what i can tell the scp "lore" has completely gone to shit with le spooky zombie creating witch doctor and literal waifus ever since normies got wind of 173
Daily reminder that Dr. Dick is on Spotify.
that's even better
It's the same faggot trying to get us to move to /vg/
>SCP meme
You make it sound like it's Pressure.
posted before gonna post them again in hopes that someone turns these into webms
I was thinking the same thing, honestly
Any more reaction images for this?
The perfect trap for our d-generate boyz
any open na servers, or do i need to host?
Ironic because Sup Forums continually say they don’t want this game to grow and for it to stay their autistic secret club.