Borderlands 3
given how the games have gotten progressively worse im not even looking forward to it anymore
Never. Gearbox can't fool anyone into giving them money now and they can't fund it alone.
Thats pretty funny bc 2>TPS>1 so
I guess you're wrong
I love the borderlands games (except that boring telltale one). They are great fun in coop with friends.
Never, hopefully. I hope Gearbox burns to the ground.
>tfw I'm not anthony burch
not badass. not badass at all.
shit series for underage tier dumbasses lmao
I agree with the main games (FPS) are the best, but i dont think the telltale game was bad; it added a bit of story and canon
I hate the gameplay though.
After the next skyrim but before the skyrim after that one.
hopefully never
Should I get Claptastic Voyage, bros, or wait for it to go on sale again?
wait for the sale.
it makes TPS actually worthwhile, but it's still TPS so there's no content after Voyage.
>progressively worse
I see what you did there.
I can't even get excited for a BL3 knowing that it'll be loaded up with lootboxes and cut all the massive gameplay improvements TPS made to go back to being trash like 2.
>massive gameplay improvements
Hopefully never, because I know they're going to continue with the model established in 2/TPS instead of the model of 1, the gear calculation system and level/damage scaling and such.
but 1 was shit too. the only way to un-shit the game is remove all the grinding and levelling and just make it a proper co-op shooter
Not him but:
>low grav and slam move was fun
>changed leveling so that you can start specing way earlier, meaning to fully spec a tree you only need to get to about level 21-24 instead of 30
>the Grinder
>enemies actually level with you even in the base difficulty, meaning you can re-grind better gear and level way easier
Just to name a few. TPS's mechanics were fucking GOAT, it's just a shame there's nothing to actual do in the game.
The first Borderlands has the best atmosphere and gunplay. Prove me wrong.
>there's nothing to actually do
what do you mean by this? you just play the game
Hopefully never
Game's linear as hell, and not a lot of the areas or bosses are worth going back to once you beat the story. Also the side-quests are kind of boring and by the numbers, nothing too memorable like in BL2.
Tps had shit tier gameplay to pander to casuals bitching about bl2 endgame being too hard. Oz kits are a shit replacement to relics and the low gravity slows the gameplay down too much. The characters and their abilities and perks are garbage compared to bl2. Everything about tps was a step in the wrong direction, especially the removal of slag.
1 isn't worse than any other RPG, I can get through all three playthroughs by myself with only moderate effort if I've got good gear, the character skills don't even factor in. It isn't like that in the other games, even on just playthrough 2 you'll be going down within three seconds of exposure unless you've got your character set up in a way that they'll be able to get health back easily. There are no inventory medkits or health regenerating shields to even the odds. Slag becomes mandatory on UVHM thanks to the enemies having health regeneration. If TPS did one thing right it was removing that shit and replacing slag with cryo.
i cant. B1 was serious with side of quip when B2 was one big quip with occasional tear jerky moment.
I will only care if they add more than one shitty active ability per char
>not worth doing things you've already done
why would you expect otherwise?
>oh man i love boss scaling that doesn't make sense!
Probably never.
I'd like for the weapon proficiencies to come back.
Also the first game's weapon generation.
And class skill at level 1.
I can't, because you're absolutely correct. There's a difference between being a selfish lonewolf treasure hunter on some shitty backwater planet and being a figurehead of a righteous revolution against an evil sci-fi empire with NPCs chattering in your ear every 5 seconds. The only thing 2 does better than 1 is having cosmetically different weapon parts based on the manufacturer, and even that actually made the gameplay less deep.
weapon proficiencies were stupid though
>+300% recoil reduction, what does that even mean
Am I misreading your post? Or do you honestly not know what recoil reduction is?
the more properly thought out weapons in 2 with each manufacturer having a proper identity was a good idea, but the problem was they fucked it up and most of them were ass
Post yfw you're not Anthony Burch.
if it were up to me, a 100% recoil reduction would mean there is no recoil. shit's all retarded
Have you never played BL1 or BL2, my dude? Going back and fighting the bosses or re-doing the areas for more loot is like half the experience.
farming the same shit over and over for chances of random items means you have brain damage
I can't even think of any cool shit they could add to 3 to make it worth buying another one. I'd like for there to be an actual character creator instead of just having preset characters. Choose how you want to look, pick an action skill, and then pick the shit you want to be in your three skill trees.
BL1 had a loot drop rate that allowed you to consistently find legendaries without resorting to farming a miniboss for the particular one you want.
>I've literally never gotten any good or fun weapons in Borderlands and have not experienced the game at all
What did he mean by this?
Helloooooo badasses, fund our BL3 kickstarter campaign!
Don't you want more meme references and shitty sjw writing?
I had fun in BL2, but noticed the SJW writing and "comedy" emerging.
Then it went all out in the pre-sequel and forever hated the series.
Bandit guns better look like this if they make it back in, they don't have the excuse of
>o-our tech can't handle it
this time.
I hope you get treatment and recover soon