"it was all a dream"

>"it was all a dream"

Is there a shittier ending than this?

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Link's Awakening ending was good though
Maybe because it wasn't your dream it was someone else's

Becoming a slug or a creep.

I don't think it would be such a bad idea for a scenario where everything you ever loved had been taken from you and you think you're at the pinnacle of despair but you get to wake up and realise everything is ok.

Maybe the sense of relief would override the cheapness the 'it was all a dream' feeling leaves you with.


>it was all a dream
>but that dream's natives brainwashed you into thinking you were one of them
>but they also brainwashed you into thinking an old man was your grandpa, just so he would be killed and you would have a reason to save their world
>but you don't just wake up after everything happens
>you're literally removed from the dream by a vortex, while the dream world resets itself, because you don't belong there
>also your "best friend" knew everything from the start

When it's someone else's dream/nightmare it becomes a lot more interesting for the protagonist.

That would be even worse, it'd feel like the cop out deus ex machina to end all cop outs.

I used to read word up magazine

But maybe the dream was a vision of what was going to happen, the first half of the game could be spent in total despair and the second half could be spent destroying and protecting.

t. idea guy

>YOU were the villain all along xDDD

Yes, there is

Beat me to it

This one is worse because people act like this is a good plot twist. The "it was all a dream" ending is a cliché and everyone knows it.

Maybe it was a dream

What's wrong with it though
'It was just a dream' is shit because it means your actions have absolutely no consequences and everything within the story didn't matter

name one game that does this and isn't kotor

> Good guys win because of the power of "Love" ad "Friendship"

Happens WAY more than it should.

>"it was all fiction"

You mean "you were the villain"? Tales of Phantasia.

the villain from infamous is you from the future

I'm reading the synopsis and I'm not seeing it

Name 500,000 (five hundred thousand) games that god this.

>>"it was all a dream"
>Is there a shittier ending than this?
is there a shittier OP than this?

Penny a qt


this holy shit

>game 1
>save the world but implications of more to come
>game 2
>yeah actually you lost immediately in game 1 eat shit faggot
Thanks xcom

>your friends/allies were bad guys all along

link's awakening, mario bros 2 and twisted metal 2

Used to read word up magazine


Also Link's Awakening gave info during the whole adventure that the world was a dream, but for Link was real as his other adventures.


>super nintendo
>sega genesis

The antagonist is trying to save his world. By killing him, you doomed his world to extinction.
Not that they didn't deserve it (they totally did), and it also gets nicely solved in the end anyway (the antagonist becomes the item that saves his world).

Another example (maybe) is in Tales of Radiant Mythology 1. There are people called Guardians (or something I forgot) that oversee the growth of their world. The antagonist is a Guardian of a world that couldn't sustain itself - everything that grew there quickly died, for the lack of mana. He became mad with despair and devised a plan to "reset" the mana distribution between all the world.
He actually succeeds in the end, although you still had to kill him. He even screams "My...world!" when he dies.

Why is that?

I hate endings that "undo" everything, specially memories and character development.
Unless its a very well crafted story based on time travel from the beginning, any for of reset is cheap and shitty.

that shit done well can be phenomenal but it almost never is done well. makes me feel like i wasted my time

Shadow of the Colossus
Silent Hill 2

>Is there a shittier ending than this?
Buying a PS4 and then seeing the Pro released