Why are so many gamers white supremacists?
Why are so many gamers white supremacists?
>i take the opinion and actions of a few and apply it to the many.
Aren't you just don't what white supremacists do?
Soys and now white supremacists?
It's funny because even minorities also larp as them
Dude i bet you my dick 99% of all white supremacists would do the same
>claims to be superior to group 'A' by doing the exact same thing that group 'A' does.
t. moron
The whole point is that yeah, everyone fucking makes really fucking dumb generalisations but you know what, i'm going to give you the exact same level of legitimacy as the white supremacists.
You're all fucking retards.
Very few people are actual white supremacists. Liberals like to apply the "white supremacist" label to anyone who isn't overtly anti-white.
>t. moron
what the fuck, just plainly call him a moron if you can't come up with something more creative than that you retarded newfag memespouter
Shut up jerry.
I think it's a lot of just limited life experience (white) teenagers getting exposed to pseudoscience regarding race, gender, etc and cherrypicked immigration/multiculturalism """"""statistics"""""". And they want to fit in on places like here and saying the n word/making jew jokes on the internet is fun, for someone aged like 13-15. And then some unfortunately buy into it and remain ignorant. Not saying it's rampant or anything, but still
>black guy on mic
>admin bans him
>ban reason: banned for racism
Thanks, Partyvan
90% of the black and latino gaming community is composed of obnoxious cringetards pretending to be thugs.
I think it has more to do with disgust. I know quite a lot of ok to cool black/arabs but if I could press a button to make them disapear from my country I'll still do it.
Honestly this,
>ayo wassup muhfuggas dis ya boi bix noods and im her to teech yall punkass kkkrakkkas a lesson
>wtf why was i banned i dindu nuffin you raysis ass honkkkeys this white supremacy
Fuck off, tard.
Why though? You yourself said they're cool. No issues. It's senseless
sounded like he just got memed on 2bh. I go on a few places that does stuff like that but don't care if you rejoin them
That might be part of it. Another part of it is that white people who would otherwise be normal are pushed to that far-right extreme because they're so sick of being told that being a white male is shameful. Personally, I blame cable news. They're so blatantly biased and so obviously powerful (in terms of influence) that it's easy to see them as the bad guy when they continually fuck up. And then Fox News (the one notable conservative outlier in cable news) gets to look like the underdog and thus the good guy, even though they're just the same sensationalist nonsense in another flavor.
Because the majority of them are not cool.
Nice reading comprehension.
for every normal black person I meet, I shuffle through 50 horrible ones.
>hey guys let's play a game
>hahah let's bring gender race and other political nonsense into this game ok?
Or they're exposed to diversity in their daily lives
You forget the Golden Rule of social justice:
It's OK when they do it.
Because of white fragility. It's also why the go on so many school shootings.
Multiculturalism doesn't work. Some differences simply can't be reconciled.
Don't act like it isn't the same for them. You're dishonest if you believe they wouldn't press a button that gives them the same option.
There is nothing wrong with simply wanting to be around people who belong to your group unless you're white you piece of shit.
It's inevitable really if the game you are playing is politically based and politically relevant.
Because I associate them with the ugly part of my town and when I hear one of the fucker speaking in arabic it just make me angry. It's France, not Alger for fuck sake.
Also Islam is shit but that's something else.
Probably because the rest of them bring the total net coolness down. If were friends with one cool asian person, and my neighborhood was filled with asians who mugged people and sold drugs, I'd probably prefer there simply not be any asians.
>but that's something else.
>You're dishonest if you believe they wouldn't press a button that gives them the same option.
I think all liberals would admit this. The thing is, liberals (even white ones) believe that removing white people from the planet would be a good thing. They actually, sincerely believe this. (And they think they're not racist. In fact, they've defined "racist" such that they're not racist, and they think this semantics game makes their prejudice morally justified.)
Liberals won't even try to dispute this because it's true.
>people think race matters
Which country is that?
Speaking as a white supremacist, there's just not that many of us.
>Frenchie wants to complain about foreigners in his country
This is just payback. Europeans have no right to complain.
It shouldn't but it does, due to systematic, institutional shit
Hit the nail on the head
Throw a dart at any western country on the map
>Why are so many gamers white supremacists?
Because gaming, saddly, it's the refugee from the real world and it's consecuences for a lot of antisocial, ignorant rejects who lack any empathy of tact,
>get banned for probably being a faggot
>oh no better say it was about me being black so i look good and i have a reason to bitch about the community
Spoken like someone who has never seen a different race in person his entire life. You want to know where racism breeds? Places where different races exist simultaneously. I know your university had two whole black persons AND an arab, so you're pretty much an expert on multiculturalism, but I guarantee one year of your life spent around a majority of blacks, mexicans, asians, arabs or any of the others will turn you into a vehement racist.
>I think it's a lot of just limited life experience (white) teenagers getting exposed to pseudoscience regarding race, gender, etc and cherrypicked immigration/multiculturalism """"""statistics"""""". And they want to fit in on places like here and saying the n word/making jew jokes on the internet is fun, for someone aged like 13-15. And then some unfortunately buy into it and remain ignorant. Not saying it's rampant or anything, but still
I doubt you even know 50 people in total, faggot.