if Sup Forums could live in a video game world, which would it be?
If Sup Forums could live in a video game world, which would it be?
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Honestly Pokemon world seems comfy as fuck, Lots of opportunity for adventure but little actual danger if we go by the game rules.
Even if I lose, I just drop some money and go back to the last pokemon center.
Definitely Pokemon. Comfy as fuck and yeah there are bad guys trying to destroy the world but so long as you have a powerful team or join them then nothing can go wrong.
Elder Scrolls world for maximum adventure
Elder Scrolls. More specifically, Morrowind.
Witch Trainer
As Hermione
Dragon Age. I'd be a Templar and bully Mages all day long.
super mario. I would not exist
pokemon 100%
What would his anime be called?
enjoy getting your pokemon stolen from you and/or killed by team rocket while you're still leveling up, fags
Mario, humans are Olympians in the Mushroom Kingdom.
That's obviously bread
Yes just like the main character from all the games right? Fag.
That's easy. Vana'diel, hands down. Have a nice comfy stone house in the republic, residency in the Duchy of Jeuno and vacation home in Adoulin.
the char is slathered in butter.
I'm a hardcore fan with FF8, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"
This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.
I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
>la creatura
and keeping with that trend probably some version of our current world that was the end result of a Paradox mega campaign would possibly be nice, then again it might be an eternal slavecamp with mandatory alcoholism who knows.
>tfw haven't played FF8 in over a decade but still find myself playing Balamb Garden's music in my head sometimes
Unironically FFXIV. I don't need to be some over the top mary sue, the world itself is comfy enough to enjoy living in. As much as people bitch about it, that is one benefit of having your game be one big theme park.
I want to get isekai'd but meet my own character and have them take care of me considering I made them filthy rich.
Would be nice, but even then it's not like you can't make a name for yourself since hard work pays off there. Or just make friends.
GTA so that even after I get shot by some fucking scumbag I would just walk out of the hospital after paying some small ass bill.
Splatoon or Animal Crossing. Probably the former, it's just so fucking wonderful.
MonHun would be fun, for some reason no one ever dies hunting those things
At least some of good Sup Forums remains
i would go with the pokemon world, try to catch a low-tier rare pokemon and mow down gym leaders for a living.
One of the few games to genuinely depress me knowing I can never live in it.
skyrim, so long as i don't have to be dragonborn. i would crawl around near the elk outside whiterun until i'm a master sneak, then go find some comfy cabin to live in.
sleeping dogs because i hate being white and wish i were a chink
I just want to be alone in the zone.
Anno 2070 living in an underwater base.
>i hate being white
was Tidus Brazilian?
Tamriel seems to be a complete shit place to live when you could die everytime you walk outside because you get eaten by a tick the size of a cow.
Corruption of champions sounds fun.
Does 40k qualify?
Because i want to use a Basilisk soo much
Uh maybe Xenoblade 1 or Xenoblade 2? Shit man running across the Gaur Plains would be dope as fuck.
Same B, although the possibility of getting blasted by Sin doesn't sound too great.
he did love to play water soccer
Spice & Mcdonalds
No video game world can quell my limitless sorrow.
Something D&D related where I have the option to become an immortal lich
Mass Effect.
The Walking Dead
i think certain parts of americas call any form of sliced bread "toast" whether it has been put through a toaster or not.
Monster Musume Online
Living on a space station that's populated by cute short stacks and then going on missions to kill giant Train Hydras with your short stack harem squad would be comfy af
I am gonna live there one day.
shadowrun or deus ex
I wouldn't say this is my first choice, but I reckon it would be alright to live in Runescape. It's reasonably comfortable, there's plenty of things to do which you could occupy yourself with, a lot of places to explore and you are relatively safe as long as you don't go wandering around in the wilderness.
only 90s kids will know this game
Borderlands 2
did this game ever get good? i remember when it originally released it was just pixelart with a few decent images
What the fuck happened to white men
In Gransys desu. I would love exploring places and climbing dragons and shit while having 3 pawns.
>I just drop some money and go back to the last pokemon center.
Enjoy being in poverty.
You become something outside the standard when mixing occurs. Something worse.
first off that's an american, and secondly it TV and the potato culture it promoted
Is it true the catboys are literally actually really gay?
lore wise the sun tribe is a patriarchy society where the head cat gets a fucking harem while the moon tribe is matriarchal where the ladies run shit
haha I wonder what's the toast covered with haha
Have fun turning into an abomination when the mages get their revenge
>white son looks exactly like his white father, fucking handsome
>niglet looks nothing like his daddy, nigger chink lookin faggot
so why are you against BASED racemixing? you know it creates better looking people and better genes, dont you bro?
So what happens with all the cats that aren't "head cats"?
they compete to become head cats or fuck off to build their own harem like lions do
If race mixing produced anything positive than Brazil would be the most advanced and wonderful place on the planet.
Positive mixing is a meme. It doesn't exist. There's no such positivity to be had from it regardless of whoever mixes with whoever else.
He also does look like a complete retard. Pretty good evidence.
Unless the pop is split in a 70/30 for female/male individuals there will be a LOT of cats without a female.
If I lose, I'd just offer my body if I didn't have any money.
>comparing men in makeup and snapchat filters to a candid photo
White people get dumber every day wow...
Sim City. I could be a god.
Animal Crossing for sure. You can go outside for an hour a day to socialize/collect bells/talk to your retarded friends and spend the other 23 in NEETdom with few repercussions. Plus everyone always thinks you’re the coolest motherfucker ever just for talking to them once or twice a day or giving them a fish.
No amount of makeup could fix the abomination on the bottom right that personifies the meme
if I could be a vampire, VtMB
if I were the main character, Fallout (around New Vegas era)
Otherwise probably something comfy like Mass Effect minus Reapers
Also you get to bang a variety of animal girls and force people to move out of your town if you don't like them.
>Wanting to be a vampire in a supernatural setting where vampires are low on the supernatural totem pole
for what porpoise
You know absolutely nothing about the boundless possibilities of cosmetology.
Violated Heroine as a male
This. Most of South American is biggest melting pot in human history. And strangly, most of the continent is shithole.
Why is she selling tabacco
Gotta make that money.
>if Sup Forums could live in a video game world, which would it be?
Mass Effect all the way. ME1 one tho. I had alot more variety of literally everything.
>Pinkies scared of losing their bitches to brown people.
>believing pornography myths
Even if it were true it says a lot shitskins would be like flies celebrating feces.
technically people have died, I think the chief's wide died to a monoblos in the first game or something
was about to say the same even through the deep ocean scares me
I guess I would just stay near the beach
i think everyone saying pokemon needs to keep in mind that you're probably not gonna be one of the gifted savants who ends up saving the world/becoming champion. you'd just be... you. some schmuck. training pokemon would take a lot more time/effort/organization/disclipline/natural affinity than you might think. the majority of "normal folk" trainers only have one or two pokemon, because that's all they can really manage. not everyone in the pokemon universe is as naturally gifted as someone like Red or Gold. most normal people probably don't even have pokemon that can really battle.
not saying it couldn't be comfy tho. there didn't seem to be many signs of poverty that I can remember, or sickness. kids can safely adventure on their own, through caves, forests cities, mountains. see the world.
on the other hand. war, or various pokemon-related calamities. ghost-type pokemon are terrifying, with many of them canonically described as being spirits of dead humans. implying a possibly hellish, eternal afterlife. do you really want to open yourself up to the possibility that when you die, you'll come back as a yamask or gastly or some shit? do you have any way out after that? how does a gastly die?
it's not a simple question, there are a lot of variables to consider
Jak and Daxter
Only Mages can turn into Abominations, retard. The Abominations just mind control / torture / kill the Templars.
>eternal, hellish afterlife
Works for me. Do fun shit, come back as a ghost pokemon that licks on that one hex maniac and scares chilluns.
Beats nothing, anyway.
Some hentai game where I save the world by fucking various big titted anime bimbos.
Probably Mass Effect
As long as I can enjoy the same middle-class quality of life I have now with all the benefits of living in the future with hot space babes
Jak and Daxter world seems super comfy