>People defend this
People defend this
Wish I didn't have to, but none of my friends want to play ranked.
This map isn't in ranked anymore?
Nope, removed from the rotation for being horribly attack-sided
I used to love this map until the game started to progress more and more. You literally need to run out and spawn kill if you want to have a slim of a chance of winning as defense
who fucking thought the backyard tower was a good idea
at least force a little bit of risk by making them rappel
I can try, but I will fail
>playing military waifu garabge simulator 2018
Go back to /r6g/
siege is one big fucking mistake, from A to Z, from technical to gameplay to """lore""""
of course we all already know about netcode,hitreg horseshit and pretty much the million other bugs, for every fixed bug another one appears, oh, and the shittiest optimization ever, EVER. (and let's not talk about the garbage engine which is the reason we dont have dynamic light, flashlights and night vision)
then you have garbage balancing, both weapon and op wise
and garbage map design (aka OP's pic, favela, and literally every other map except oregon)
and costumes, oh fuck. would it be so fucking hard for them to add a bunch of tacticool outfit shit like escape from tarkov/arma and call it a day? nope, they had to fill it with clown and other theme costumes
as for """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""lore""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
where the fuck are the original ops? not even fucking bishop?
and why do most of them wear retarded clothes?
and why does the bio look like a donutsteel OC?
oh and guess what, dingdong isn't even six anymore.
and of course, e sports, the retarded shit that grabs CS kiddies like flies to a brown shit
i merely wanted a raven shield remake that doesn't have clunky side movements, why must we suffer?
nuke nu-bisoft
Are tactical oldfag FPS fans the worst fanbase to have?
no, CS tryhard esport youtube kiddies are the worst.
Ubisoft wants to make this game the next Overwatch with these retarded operator designs and the inclusion of fucking waifu bait.
Holy shit, did Ubisoft create a female model with a face that's actually attractive?
>cries about donutsteel OC
>wants and likes Bishop and Chavez
Stupid lorefag
>aka OP's pic, favela
>Only actual concrete examples are a map that was straight up removed and one that's only in casual
Is it still active on ps4
I'm very glad it's gone, now if we could just get hostage out of ranked I'd be happy.
>bishop and chavez
>operators with good careers who are very very good at shooting, and because of that they were put in high ranking areas
>meanwhile in post brazil dlc bios
need i remind you that ela is a literal self insert?
>ignores "and literally every other map except oregon"
>operators with good careers who are very very good at shooting, and because of that they were put in high ranking areas
>meanwhile complains about Ela being a self insert
>being this mentally disabled
"Bad" bios started in Brazil.
I actually like a lot of them (Ela's is garbo, Dokka's fits at least) but Caveira's is the first of the downfall.
Okay, stupid Tom and Jerryposter, keep ignoring the fact Chavez had the best stats in the games
well you get the point
>stats are lore
and half of the ops can keep up with him, it's only a matter of 5 point difference, so your point?
Of course I'm ignoring it since obviously they would just use 'every map but Oregon' instead of singling two actual bad maps if they actually believed they could back up all the other maps being bad. Only the actual bad ones were mentioned to give some kind of justification to saying almost all the maps were bad
which operators should i get first
I got this game some time ago but didn't have time till now to play it
Rook is a good defender to get because you can drop down your armor and you're already a benefit to the team
>stats are lore
Sure, why not? Why are they there?
>and half of the ops can keep up with him
No they really can't. It's literally encouraged to the players to use him in literally every mission because he's that perfect
your mental disability has no limits i see
i don't give a fuck what you do, i'm merely stating the factual fact that siege's level design is absolute garbage because they're not designed like real normal houses, it's as if they were SPECIFICALLY MADE to be clusterfucky and garbage
there's the good type of clusterfucky-fun-CQB-reaction-speed-skill-gitgud-level; like swat4, original rainbow six, shit maybe even cod4 (overgrown, vacant for example)
and there's pants on head retarded maps like siege's
>because they're not designed like real normal houses
Wow user, it's like they designed a map around being balanced for gameplay reasons! Shit game obviously, needs more lore attention
>siege levels
Really now
it's like i'm talking to someone who never played the game
I liked this game for being simple at one point. You pick an operator with some cool, quite simple gadgets, and you focus on strategy, tactics. Now it's literally overwatch 2.0 with those fucking things. The new operators (starting right from Caveira, Capitao was great imo) straight up turned this game into a cheap, arcadey, 13yr old fag fest.
Literally every gadget is super simple, it's ONE bonus thing they get, often to counter or set up strategies relying on them.
dokkebi is ugley
Ding and Ela are both good at their jobs, lorefag
>Mfw hanging outside the side staircase window with an SR25 and slaying anybody who dares to move on the upper floor
Shit is easy to defend, just need Mute, Jager, and Mira.
shit is fun, nobody fucking looks to make sure somebody isn't sitting up there.
>tfw you fuze a room and kill everyone, allies as well.
This game's not Rainbow Six. It's just a wannabe Overwatch + CSGO hybrid. Real niggas still play Vegas 2 or Raven Shield.
Hail the Lord
Because of noobs they removed it
all of those games were 5x more about run and gun and strafe spraying than this game, stop posturing like you aren't a retard who barely played them
rogue spear multiplayer was entirely about abusing the strafe bug with the SMGs to spray people at high speeds and long range with near perfect accuracy, this game is 100x more tactical than any previous rainbow game
This is unironically the best map in the game, and the best multiplayer map in any game in at least 10 years.
any post with this shitty image attached can always, always be safely ignored
>dumb animeposter ruins another thread with retarded opinions and awful bait
like pottery