If you had the opportunity to rewrite MGS5, what changes would you make?

If you had the opportunity to rewrite MGS5, what changes would you make?

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remove going back and forth between mother base
make it open world like STALKER where you travel between different large sized maps
bring back survival mechanics like mgs3 (toned down enough so its not like current gen survival shit)

I'd change Skullface completely, instead of just showing up to twirl his evil mustache at Snake he'd instead trick Snake into working with him & sabotaging Mother Base as a double agent

damn that is nice

Nothing, really.

Make it BB's elaborate mass VR Olympics in order to find someone to be his double. Online point competition was simply a method to score potential candidates in the "Big Boss as Leader" phase he had as the MSF's creator in 70s.

Survive is the same but with his 60s phase in Snake Eater as a solo operator concentrated on scavenging and surviving in wilderness.

Kojambo closes servers, announces winner, posts a movie with winner's s ava waking up and big boss saying "in the end were the metal gears that mesh and elaborate analogy", kojima appears and says about the tweets and how he kept everyone waiting as entire fanbase ejaculates spontaneously in blind rage

>you know snake, we really are the metal gears

Remove motherbase, make it a heated search for skullface, the flaming man, and the weird ghost shit, do fucked up stuff (kills kids, take hostages), make it clear that these things are (in snake's opinion) bad but necessary, have light rpg mechanics that make it easier to do these terrible things as the game progresses, change VO lines to reflect his increasingly nihilistic opinion of himself and the mission, have the end cap with a brutal murder suicide with Skull face. Keep the plot twist, but reveal it after snake's death.

Replace skull unit with unique bosses
Salanthropus is replaced with something closer to the TX-55
Cut scenes that were building up to act 3.
Cut reused missions and add in hard mode, Subsistence mode, and European extreme.

Remove Kojima

i wanted to play a baddie dammit

Include a proper fucking boss squad.
Give Skullface some proper presence, motive and satisfying payoff.
Include Chico and either have him be Venom or constantly hunt and harass you like a wandering boss that's extremely annoying and hard to get rid off.
Completely remove Quiet and probably Blind Wolbachia Man
Have the game play over a longer period and Venom actually do questionable shit and slowly slide to being a war criminal.
Include the buildup for Metal Gear
End with a bossfight against Snake that you can't win because he can pause the game and use rations while you have to get by with MGSV mechanics. Have him take Codec calls while you stand their like an idiot too.

Give kojima time to actually finish the game

I'd actually finish making the game.

You'll like this one but it's a bit long

>Turn MGS5 to one big meta-detective game for players like Portopia but with the depth of mindfuck from movies like Inception & Memento

>Fans have to figure out who's Skull Face, Who's Venom, Who's Ishmael, what's the deal with Kaz/Ocelot/Codetalker/Quiet/MB

>Actually have 5 unique chapters rather than one and a half filled with bullshit

>Every chapter, there's a Cyprus hospital level at the end but it each has a different storyboard as well as a GZ flashback but with different contradicting details

>Also a ground zeroes revisit at Chapter 5 of the reality of what happened and a bonus mission in Chapter 4 of BB going to Vietnam before the MSF incident

>Make players believe Venom is BB in Chapter 1 and Skully is a unknown person, and that Ishmael is the avatar

>Make players believe the avatar is Venom in chapter 2 and that Skullface is a unknown person and that Ishmael is BB

>Make players believe that Chico is Venom in Chapter 3 (because Venom also has Chico's memories with BB's; he remembers "give my regards to your boss when you get home" which is only heard by Chico from Skullface, never recorded) and that Skullface is actually BB while Ishmael is the avatar

>Chapter 4 has a unique Vietnam Mission flashback, you play as BB and you save the same generic medic who was on the chopper during the MSF incident, his tag reads "Frank Jaeger"

>By Chapter 4, Kaz seems outrageously shady, unstable, & suspicious. There's an incident where Ocelot's chopper is shot down by Silent Basilisk. Ocelot accuses Kaz, Kaz quarrels with Ocelot. Ocelot leaves DD

>At the end of Chapter 4, reveal that the avatar was the person that died in BB's arms upon returning to MSF. Make players believe Venom is Chico, Skullface is Kaz, Ishmael is BB, and Frank Jaeger the medic died in the crash.

I'll be continuing the chapter 5 climax in my next post

How many years did he have

>implying the writing is the only problem with this game
lol okay fag

Game takes place in Mexico

Not enough judging by the fact that they cut off the entire last quarter of the story

besides rewriting the most campy shit...

the second half of the game is you realizing Big Boss duped you and infiltrating Zanzibar Land to get revenge on him. but slowly realizing he was right and finally joinin him.
maybe Solid Snake Boss?

this would mean reworked gameplay systems so you can't just fly to motherbase whenever or something

and removing Loot containers and fucking crafting

Scrap the entire game and make a true PW2 but improve on literally everything bad in PW and make some more coop shit

Scrap the game and make Ghost Babel remastered

Final boss fight is the Outer Heaven fight against Sold Snake
If he wins, you get a good ending

Change mission 45 to be a final showdown between venom and quiet in a snowy village where you finally kill her
Finish mission 51
Add a mission like ground zeroes but you save Frank Jaeger as real big boss
You take him and sniper wolf to America where Eli and Mantis are waiting. Eli's lust for revenge allows Mantis to transform him into an Adult and you have to face off against him on top of the statue of liberty

Give Kojima 30 fucking years so he could actually deliver a finished product.
Hell, he would probably deliver an unfinished game even with that many years of development.

>Include Chico and either have him be Venom or constantly hunt and harass you like a wandering boss that's extremely annoying and hard to get rid off.
make him Quiet :^)

post will be in 2 parts

>Revealed in Chapter 5 that BB goes to a urgent mission against Kaz's wishes to Vietnam to save an old friend from a mysterious codec call by Zero. He goes and comes back with Frank Jaeger, who's been tortured and was working as a Medic for Foxhound led by Campbell under Zero. Frank joins the team of MSF out of his gratitude; but as he flies back he receives an urgent mission from Kaz that Chico & Paz are missing over Camp Omega. Frank joins him out of loyalty.

During the flight of BB coming to their base, Kaz is actually departing Camp Omega after spending time helping silence Paz. Kaz is in cahoots with Cipher and Skully. He was in the same room where they gave Paz the anaesthesia shot, he's heard saying "GIVE HER THE SHOT ALREADY." By the time he arrives back at MSF, they already put the package inside of Paz.

BB arrives at Camp Omega, he finds helpless Chico. He arrives to where Paz is located, but she's already dead. The body has a sensor switch, he goes near it and she explodes. His face is now injured like shown in the trailers

The guilt eats up at him, but leaves with Chico at the helicopter with Frank. They arrive at MSF where the base is aflames. Kaz is trying to escape with MSF members shouting traitor, BB doesn't know what's going on. BB, Chico, Kaz, and Frank are all on the chopper; they leave. Chico is numb, Kaz is hysterical and worried, BB demands to know what happened and what's going on

Kaz avoids the question and backs up to the door. There's a XOF chopper at the distance. It's SkullFace, he removes his mask to reveal its fucking Ocelot. Ocelot did all of this because his truth was taken away from him. His origin, his history, everything was taken. This whole time, Adamska, was never Joy or Sorrow's kid. He wants revenge against everyone he worked with including BB who was the reason behind Cipher using Adam as a pawn on a loan by Volgin when Russia his country.

TBC next post

MGSV is just fucking unneeded. I know everyone and their mum has said this but MGS3 was the perfect way to say "Hey, Big Boss had a reason for the way he turned out!"

We don't need all this uncessary fluff about Kaz and Venom and a massively OOC and boring Ocelot.

If you have to make an original MGS game after 4? Metal Gear Liquid

>Metal Gear Liquid
Isn't Liquid dead too though? What's the point?

A game to get inside the mind of some of the earliest motivations for a character to turn into a villain. Like Big Boss and MGS3

if i wrote mgs5 it would be even more retarded than the poorly translated script we currently have

No Massive Medic twist.

Make anti-Americanism a central part of the revenge motif (and actually carry through on it).

End with an unambiguously evil Big Boss.

Include this instead of the awkward silent car ride
