3 hours until Season 13.
What class are you playing?
3 hours until Season 13.
What class are you playing?
Uninstall wizard.
I still need to give necro a whirl
Is it possible to speedrun season 12 and get the wings before next season or too late?
season 12 ended some time ago!
>theres already been 12 seasons of this shit
I just got my wd to 70. Just playing for the season reward this time. If they cant even be bothered to patch it...
Is this actually worth playing? I'd rather not play for the necromancer but can I just go pure summoner and hang back and let my summons do work while I crowd control or whatnot like in Diablo 2?
>the season 13 reward is just the RoS pre-order reward
WD's good for that kind of gameplay imo
bravo sir. fpbp
Please go back to reddÃt
I'm gonna play DH. It's the last class I need to do the set dungeons for those wings.
I giggled.
>mfw I've been using the same Monk character since launch
Why would I ever want to switch? Barb was kinda fun at least but I always go back to Monk.
Barb, fucking love Weight of Earth set.
depends. did they change anything?
course maybe the game would be a bit fresher if i didn't level the same character every season
get fucked in the ass you triggered autist
savage friday
I legit don't understand why people are still playing Diablo 3. It's not getting new content anymore, it's relatively braindead, even for this genre, and it was never a stellar example even when it was fresh. I can understand playing through one or two characters, but doing seasonal grind in this? No thank you.
new season already started
>being a dirty european
Crusader or Necro.
Are the top Necro builds still based on that time stop bullshit? I found that very boring to watch.
It takes like all of an evening to get max level then you play for a week blowing up shit having the fun of getting a new character to a strong spot before you abandon it until the next season.
game hasn't changed much for 1~2 seasons.
Looks like you are the triggered autist lol
barb got fucked with so much it isn't even viable anymore
>I legit don't understand why people are still playing Diablo 3
It still has the best animations and audio design of any arpg out at the moment. To me it's the equivalent of a clicker, I just listen to music or a podcast and relax for a couple of hours when I feel like.
>What class are you playing?
the one that has the super innovate and creative set bonuses like skill does 50000000% more damage so i can fight trash mobs with 40 billion hp
sure bud
They overhauled the class sets to make more of them viable to get to GR70. Other than that, you are right. Its the same shit with a few variety options.
>meanwhile in d2
>hurrr my javazon
>durrr my hammerdin
wow such depth
Havent played Diablo since 2.
Why does it suddenly have seasons and why are there 13 of them?
Monk, as always. Has a really good set for starting out too (literally the best set). I dunno all the other classes seem uninteresting. Monk is fast and fun.
>Are the top Necro builds still based on that time stop bullshit?
Land of the dead? The strongest build are stil based around that but there are other really strong build tht are fairly competitive unless you want to go for the top of the leaderboard (and unless you bot or stream you aren't going to ge there anyway). Google "No CD Rathma" or "Poison Scythe Inarius" and you will find them.
seasons are just a name for ladder resets.
D2 has seasons they just aren't numbered.
>playing d3
yep, the minions can do all the work for you. was hard for me to get into because every other class is a lot more spammy while the wd is pretty chill
Sup Forumseddit>reddit
That's basically the gameplay of the Bones of Rathma set for necromancer.
It's fun with friends.
Because esports
I just can't get into this shit anymore. Last time I seriously played was when RoS launched. It was fun at the time but eh. No desire to go back.
Also seasons are fucking retarded and need to stop.
The game gets a huge surge of players during seasons, why do you care if they have them?
This, the devs have even stated they're content with this arrangement.
put me in the screencap r/Sup Forums