Warcraft film director says it was a 'political minefield'
Is that why the movie was so shit?
No it was shit because there wasnt enough CGI in it.
Thats why garona was a nigress model instead of a real orc?
art with compromize isnt art
Film politics is fueled by ego not white guilt. Tbh I like it better that way at least when someone’s a asshole they can’t hide behind anything
I think it was a mess but the Orc stuff was actually not that bad
probably would of been better as two movies, one from each side.
There was absolutely no way they could do anything good with the movie.
Bribing the director to pretend it was bad for reasons other than "you realize that Blizzard just wanted to do another South Park epsiode and draw in the casuals, right?" doesn't work.
The movie was a complete crock
I went in with no expectations, and got a movie with awesome-looking magic effects the likes of which no western game hasn't had in years and a Gul'dan that was surprisingly heroic even if his voice sounded stupid.
It could be so much worse.
and yet he is a libshit commie sjw lgbpt pushing feminazi. it's fucking ironic how they never question themselves and their mental illness.
>expecting (((((((Hollywood)))))))) not to politicize shit
The movie was going to be abysmal no matter what anyway. Warcraft is garbage. The games are shit. The story and lore and characters and look of everything is just plain cringeworthy. I lament this timeline where Warcraft became such a meme and killed not only RTS but MMO's as well. This movie being an embarassing CG abomination is the only fitting justice.
Yeah it was retarded as fuck and a really shitty way to set a cinematic universe. Should have been first movie about anything but orcs and it end with Blackhand being named warchief of the horde, second movie is about the alliance fighting with them and garona and third movie is about the destruction of SW and the kharazan raid.
>libshit commie sjw lgbpt pushing feminazi
All those buzzwords, and yet they're the ones with a mental illness.
He doesn't mean those politics you fuckwad. He means that the execs, producers and himself were constantly at odds. Can probably blame the awful human plots entirely on producer interference.
It was just an advertisement for WOD, Blizzard don't want to make a film franchise, they want you to sub to WoW
RTS isn't dead. Casuals just prefer mobas because they're easier to get into.
It was obvious pandering in an attempt to get more fans.
The problem is that South Park did it well because it was a funny episode around the game.
The people seeing it either had no interest in the game and thought it might be a good movie and wouldn't actually get the game or else they already pre-ordered the fucking expansion
the reason why video games today are so shit is because everyone is already a marxist.
games don't let you own anything, keep money, or any of that shit. You're literally always just a thing doing things and not allowed to keep anything
>He doesn't mean those politics you fuckwad.
They are one and the same think, you ignorant shitbrain. He is a publicly outspoken libshit sjw commiefuck who is all about political correctness - just follow his twitter to see his brain diarrhea. Ironically the movie was compromised because of all those things.
>The people seeing it either had no interest in the game and thought it might be a good movie and wouldn't actually get the game or else they already pre-ordered the fucking expansion
That's the thing, even if they don't give a fuck about the game they can be fans of the cinematic universe and give their money to blizzard but they fucked it beyond redemption.
probably the same reason why the halo film never came out.
Am I the only one who thought the movie wasn't that bad?
the movie was shit because the humans clashed with the CGI orcs. they should have made the entire movie fully CGI like the Blizzard cinematics but hollywood is too cheap for that.
>It's not my fault the movie was shit!
uh huh
there is no such thing as art without compromise
Its complete shit.
Probably a divide with idiots who think the original warcraft was good and the people who knew that most people only played and liked WC3
Making the movie based off of orcs vs humans bullshit was a mistake.
I mean blizzard ruined their own lore and script, that's not his fault.
>libshit sjw commiefuck
Pretty much. It really was so fucked up. As fans we both know it was bad. But casuals didn't like how a lot wasn't explained. So Blizzard killed both parties' interests.
It wasn't terrible. I liked Gul'dan, even though he was insulting to what Gul'dan was (then again they turned Gul'dan into Sageras' personal bitch).
Still, the mixture of human actors + digital Orcs were what killed it
Did you make sure to fap to her?
A good director can turn a bad script into a good movie. I like Source Code and Moon, though. Nothing against Duncan.
But he's the one complaining. It says in the image it was studio politics. Why do you let SJWs live in your head rent free?
>A good director can turn a bad script into a good movie
I disagree with that. Not a fan of Duncan desu but blizzard destroyed their own product.
can you Sup Forumsfags stay on your board please
Moba trash would not even exist were it not for Warcraft. I rest my case.
What's the difference?
Is Hollywood beyond saving?
Movie was a mess but it was probably one of the better video game related movies made. Mortal Kombat is still the best.
>how do bullet points work?
Aeon of Strife is a Starcraft mod
They should have adapted a story other than Warcraft 1
It's not Warcraft III's fault that casuals preferred custom games over RTS gampeplay.
Yes, keep to series but avoid Netflix.
This. Warcraft 1's story was fucking boring.
The article mentions their studio exchanged owners, this is about literal office politics that happens when management changes. Nothing more.
maybe if she was a proper orc
Becuase she was half Draenei?
It wasn't 100% bad, just the character development was non-existent along with numerous other things
I tried to watch the movie and didnt understand shit.
Although I know the warcraft lore. No idea how avg movie goers must have felt.
>andy chalk
It really didn't have to be a mess.
Why did her being half Orc, half Draenei make her look 100% human and smaller than both of the races she was spawned from?
It didn't but it happens with films like this. Waterworld didn't have to be a mess either.
The Warcraft movie should have been about Arthas. Nobody gives a fuck about Orcs.
To show the dangers of racemixing.
Seeing black people in orcs is actually racist.
Good point, I'll give you that
Orcs aren't real you fucking retard.
I have relatives who work in the film business, not sure what they do exactly but anyway they seem well connected. One time they innocently asked if I wanted a movie to watch while I was staying over, so they brought me a pre-release copy of "Argo" (which wasn't supposed to release for quite a while) marked with all kinds of confidentiality notices.
According to them, the scripts that people in Hollywood are looking for right now are ones with black female protagonists in action-hero roles.
We're waaaay more likely to get a Thrall movie than an Arthas one and you know that
weak bait, apply yourself
Because you and the person you're replying to are both wrong. In the lore garona is half orc half draenei, in the movie this is changed to half orc and half human because the director and blizzard reps are retarded and thought draenei would be confusing to random viewers who don't know shit about WoW.
>Cross fingers hoping for some sideshow quality Warcraft movie figures
>Only get $1,000 statues
The orc parts were literally the only part anyone with half a functioning brain enjoyed.
But she was literally called half orc, half draenei in the movie.
I'm not baiting i am being serious. What do you honestly want or expect? Orcs are not real, either it's going to be a human in makeup/costumes, added CGI etc, or it's going to be fully CGI. What else would you expect to happen?
don't expect libtards to understand such simple things
>$1,000 statues
who the fuck buys this shit
don't answer that
I don't think she explicitly is, furthermore you do realize she was originally half orc half human before their horrible draenei retcon?
>What do you honestly want or expect?
For humanity to start genetically engineering real orcs.
After all those greentexts I always feel strange seeing the Culling cutscene. Would be pretty good on film desu.
>he didn't enjoy Arthas' desperate attempt to save his lands while he spirals into madness
A consistent design with the rest of the orcs, which are more accurate to the source material? Or a more accurate approach to yknow, her own fucking design?
For $200 you can just get one of a chick with big tits and a huge sword.
Orc or Worgen, who would win in a 1 on 1 fight?
No she wasn't, i have no idea where you're getting that from. There's a deleted scene that was released at some point where they blatantly tell you that medivh is garona's father, he fell for and impregnated some orc first time he found draenor.
buzzwords: the post
It would make a nice movie.
Most zombie flicks are SUDDEN ZOMBIES and everything immediately goes to shit. But in WC3 it is more of a gradual thing, so there would be more to show.
kys Sup Forumsnigger
He meant with the terrible movie, you silly person.
And I think that's just because it didn't involve humans acting poorly in the presence of CGI. Whole fucking movie should have just been the same CGI, probably. So long as they don't try to make humans too realistic looking.
>According to them, the scripts that people in Hollywood are looking for right now are ones with black female protagonists in action-hero roles.
I could have told you that without having access to confidential information.. anyway why looking for black protagonist when you can just take a white one and blackwash him
>inb4 black wonder woman
It wouldn't fly in hollywood where the protagonist has to be a loveable good guy, but it would have been nice.
Dwarves would be the strongest warriors on the Alliance side. Maybe pre-retcon Night Elves. Worgen really aint shit.
Fuck hollywood.
What are some movies with Arthas-like protagonists?
they'll make Uther the bad guy who uses reverse psychology on Arthas to cull stratholme
>have I lost my mind Uther?
Actual Orc Girls were superior.
Already seen Greymane one-shot Saurfang with his bare hands.
How were night elves retconned? Pretty sure they're the same in WoW as they were in WC3.
Anyone else really glad they only play Japanese games?
They got shortened down a bit and dont have the warrior culture they originally had. They used to be towering barbaric rape machines. Tauren also got shortened down a little for WoW as well but their culture remained largely the same
I'm not autistic so the answer would be no, i play and enjoy a large variety of games.
I enjoyed it. And I watched it as a camrip on my phone under a bridge surrounded by still water and mosquitoes while guzzling down cheap vodka.
I wish the whole movie was CGI. The real humans were atrocious actors.
Der Untergang
>Don't only play Jap games by choice
>But because they are the only good ones being released
I suppose eventually the west will out grow the open world meme and start making good games again
I find that hard to believe
>Most zombie flicks are SUDDEN ZOMBIES and everything immediately goes to shit. But in WC3 it is more of a gradual thing, so there would be more to show.
this. all zombie movies are so sudden and it misses half the point. we've seen enough post apocalypse already, let us see some mid-apocalypse action, I wanna see how the world slowly turns to shit, how world leaders try to handle the problem, civilian and militant attempts to fight the plague, politics, people abusing the situation, human mistakes, hope slowly being lost etc etc. hell even libtards trying to save zombies believing it can be reversed.. those are the interesting part not another "hurr durr ruined city let's go hide in the mall" flick.
I don't think Warcraft 3 had a lot of info on their culture, unless it was in the manual. The only thing I can remember is Grom calling them more savage than the elves he had seen before.
Also I don't think their warrior culture was toned down in WoW lore.
>There's a deleted scene that was released at some point where they blatantly tell you that medivh is garona's father, he fell for and impregnated some orc first time he found draenor.