>"And here's our son's room, he's quite the Video Game enthusiast."
"And here's our son's room, he's quite the Video Game enthusiast."
Other urls found in this thread:
The solution is to have your room be a pigpen all the time. Parents will be too embarrassed to show it to anyone.
>Shut the door mom. I’m live streaming with all my friends
anime figurines is the bling of poor white bois
>that adams apple
That's a boy? Wow.
What a shitty looking basement
my name jeff
it's not THAT bad
Based Shoopdawoop poster
What is considered bad then?
>That black and white checkered sleeve
Oh shit what's up guys what did you want
Girls have them too.
haha it's fun to make fun of boys
can you imagine how fucking disgusting a female gamer's room is tho
>Viewers: 0
>he talks anyway
This doesn’t even look like a basement. This looks like it is underneath the house itself.
>the floating crown
Um, no sweetie, it's an Adam's apple, not an Eve's apple :)
so the basement
defo. a dude
I don't understand why anyone would need more than I've monitor if they aren't developers or working.
>I need another monitor to see more of my fictitious female children
Weebs are so dense.
my gamer nerd friend has 3 monitors so he can play multiple games and shitpost on Sup Forums simultaneously
delete this
>pretty girl
>make her a fish monster
why do autists do this?
Guys... no... it's another episode, please close the door...
weebe thinks hes the air traffic controller of anime or something
what really throws me off is the tablet
crawl space does not equal basement
>yo am I got me some nikers un jonrdons
um whats going on here
Dunno why this one made me laugh the hardest. He looks so bothered.
>listens to death grips once
>ring a ding ding baby
Cluster Headache attack.
I think its the #1 most painful thing anyone can experience.
It's a headache that's so bad it basically causes people to kill themselves.
Someone inhaling stuff they probably shouldn't and filming it because what else should they be doing with their life?
fishy smell
Someone post the webm of the guy fucking his mattress and his mom opens the door and catches him.
i don't know why i read the posts in that pic. like i knew you guys were nuts, but you still never cease to impress
Least his room is clean.
what is she breathing?
the #1 most painful thing would be to see a tripfag on Sup Forums
It's either some kind of pain killer or pure oxygen so she doesn't pass out.
I read it yesterday and picked up some fish oil best fap of my life
Looks to me like she's inhaling oxygen or something from a tank.
you wish you could pass out when this shit happens
Fuck off, Benny.
Reminder that someone’s probably got it worse than you. Fuck.
If you are capable of sitting and posting on Sup Forums /MOST/ people on Earth have it worse than you
i would kill myself if i had this.
would also never date a girl who had this. that dude is p. desperate
A-At least she's not Anthony Burch?
That’s the thing, but a lot of the fuckers on here feel the need to feel bad for themeselves in tired gamer threads and shit like that.
Living the fucking dream.
Has any parent ever done this, for real? Just shown off their sons room to friends?
>Daddy would you like some sausage? Daddy would you like some sausages?
yeah Sup Forums is also sissy and sheltered, so they feel like they deserve your 'tenties and should feel bad for them cuz they broke a nail
Just take a bunch of opioids or morphine
for some morbid reason I want to experience it, because I feel like it would completely fucking turn me around and let me enjoy life more after such a hellish experience
easier said than done
It a "attic" area of your typical slav block (probably something of more modern build).
I’m the backwards man the backwards man
some do it for the purpose of humiliating the son
Jesus Christ. I almost cried, poor girl.
Mine never did
I can't believe """""people""""" actually live like this