>graphics & performance don't matter, its the gameplay that is most important
>the Switch is shit because its underpowered
Which one is it, SonyGAF?
Graphics & performance don't matter, its the gameplay that is most important
they matter to the extent that the games run at reasonable framerates.
whoms'nt are you quoting?
Most do, unless you're the type of autist that considers locked 30FPS for more demanding games unplayable. Doom is the only one that I can actually think of that has any glaring performance problems and even then they've been ironed out some by the various patches.
Most gameplay is dependent on it's performance. There is no way to enjoy Doom on a system that can only run it at 500fps/sub 30fps.
Call me whatever you want but 30fps is undesirable, especially in a first person shooter.
most PS4 games run at 30fps tho
I'm not some 60fps snob but BoTW, a first party launch title for the switch dips below 20 far more frequently than should be acceptable. I imagine it's also annoying for third party developers who have the Xbone and PS4 at reasonably similar specs, and then are faced with the prospect of making their game playable on tablet hardware.
What I'm essentially saying is that nintendo knowingly releases hardware that is underpowered. This is the real reason they don't get multiplats like monster hunter world. (maybe their archaic online system as well)
I love all the Doom shitflinging because it's only giving the console and game more attention.
Doomguy for Smash 5
>I'm not some 60fps snob but
wanting a decent framerate that has been the industry standard for over 20 years is apparently "snobby"
Neither. The Switch is shit because it doesn't have Gamecube VC.
All these ports but no Viewtiful Joe.
FPS games shouldn't play below 60fps.
I can play 30fps games fine, but fighting games and FPS games are where I draw the line.
How is it Nintendo's fault that Capcoms being Capcom?
performance is #1
gameplay is #2
graphics are pretty important
but all these shitty consoles can't even do above 60 frames anyways so who gives...
graphics don't matter when PC is bullying us.
>that has been the industry standard for over 20 years
You're flat-out delusional if you think 60FPS has been an industry standard, or you're just stupid and mixing up consumer standards with industry standards.
there's no way to enjoy Doom because it's a trash game
Switch is underpowered compared to PlayStation
PlayStations are underpowered compared to PCs are underpowered compared to pic related
Who gives a fuck
Buy what you want or wait until you're old enough to get a job
I legit wouldn't mind Doomguy in Smash 5, he could take over Corrin's chainsaw mechanic because fucking nobody wants Corrin
>The wii was underpowered.
>The wii missed the HD train.
>The wii was success is based on a gimmick.
>The wii was marketed for family and kids.
>The wii has full support of specialized and general press.
>The wii sold millions
>The wii was the equivalent of the apocalypse in the industry with an abysal library, shovelware and poor ports swarming every visibility for the rare quality games.
Studio closing like stores in 1929.
>retarded sony and MS tried to emulate that shit by pandering to the same demography.
Worst gen ever with impacts to this days.
>The switch is underpowered.
>The switch missed the 4k train.
>The switch success is based on a gimmick.
>The switch is marketed for family and kids.
>The switch has full support of specialized and general press.
>The switch is selling millions.
You can enjoy your GOTY mario and as many ports as you like.
For me The switch has the potential to be a fuckin cancer nothing else.
At least for now the two others fuckers and 3rd party aren't going full retard.
We will see that 2019.
anonymous trolls from a meme board
>tablet hardware
I say let the children enjoy their switch. This is literally the only way they will ever play Doom, Skyrim, Dark Souls etc.
>performance don't matter
no one says this alongside the graphics part
I just think it's hilarious that Nintendo can get away with selling handheld cartridge games for $60
>performance is #1
You’d rather have a game that runs great but has mediocre gameplay over a game with great gameplay and mediocre performance?
>try out motion aiming
>it's better than aiming with the sticks
but what percentage should I use for both aiming smoothing and motion sensetivity?
Yes, because fapping to 150 fps in 4K is better than a good game.
why does this shitty board insist on doing autistic console wars?
I don't understand why this is different from games on the PS4/Xbone?
I haven't turned mine on in a few months. For me it's about the lack of games rather than anything else.
If a game is good but isn't on hardware that's capable of playing it, then whatever console it's stuck on has failed.
>>The switch missed the 4k train
so did every other console this gen.
this gen started with consoles that didn't even run 1080p most the time, then they reset with new more powerful consoles that run at 1440p and 1600p.
my thoughts exactly
But it's still very playable.
30 FPS is fucking retarded for an FPS but that's the sacrifice for getting it to run on a 9 inch tablet. The artstyle and a good chunk of the fidelity is still there.
Granted, I think EVERY console game should come with a 60 FPS option (basically make the game as potato as possible to achieve it).
Yeah and all consoles use vsync as well which introduces input lag. Consoles in general are trash systems for games. People should just use PCs and mobile phones for games. At least with a mobile phone it's actually useful unlike a console.
graphics arent important but a stable framerate and a clear image (decent resolution, antialiasing etc) are essential.
you haven't played BB.
It has very noticable drops on PS4 slim and bad frame pacing.
On Pro there's no patch but with Boost mode it irons out the fps.
The frame pacing remains though, meaning one of my favorite games that I consider a masterpiece is stuck on a console that will never run it properly.
What's the point of this thread?
chill boy its #1 and #2 but if the game runs like shit who cares if its good?
monster hunter world is justified to be $60
a port of a monster hunter 3DS game shouldnt be $60
Friendly reminder to all of you, with the usual GOTY and sells numbers we had to this day.
"it's a full fledged home console"
"It's a hybrid"
"It's the most powerfull portable console"
"it's comfy to play in my bad"
And now we are in the "it's good enough"
Stay tuned for the next switch arguments trends.
I need to get my hand on a Xbone X to try it but the PS4 pro 4k look really clean on my OLED LS 65 LG.
While the Switch is just horrible with tearing and shittiy picture even more with that 1080p/720p switching in mario.
It really hurt my eyes for the short time I use it.
4k is half the TV market chares this year and it going to sell like hotcake with the fifa world cup this summer.
So don't kid yourself, Each passing year the Switch will become less a home console and more a portable you charge on a deck and connect to your kid tv if they are lucky.
But like I said we are in "the good enough" argument phase now right.
Yeah consoles are shit but that doesn't justify the one with the shiftiest specs of them.
>100+ hour game should be $60
>but OTHER 100+ hour game can’t be $60
>perfomance don't matter
No one says this retard
Take your shit strawman and sore nintentoddler ass elsewhere
Port and remaster on PS4 Xbone retail price range between 39.99 and 19.99.
Mario kart deluxe retail price is 60.
Poor ? nah just fedup with blind Fanboyism bullshit.
It's not trash when played on a Switch™
Mon Hun World is a next gen AAA game and is priced $60 accordingly.
That 3DS MH port for Switch is barely an upgrade from the 3DS version yet it released as the same price as Mon Hun World.
Graphics and performance matter when the lesser version is being sold at an unwarranted premium.
I don't play shooters on consoles, especially not multiplatform ones
False flagging every day i see
>Criticize the Switch
>Must be Sony fans
There in lies your fallacy.
It's both by the way. The switch doesn't have graphics or performance. It's underpowered keeping it from running games the way they're meant to be. Missing lighting, worse models, less objects/models on screen, less particle effects. It all makes the gameplay far less immersive, and some of these aren't even things to do with graphics, they're just overall hinderances caused by Switch's underpowered hardware.
"BUT DA GAMEPLAY" you say, well switch multiplats will chug along at a inferior framerate to other platforms thus sacrificing the gameplay. When that's all your platform has to offer thats quite a hit. Before you say that 30FPS is OK, it's not. It wasn't acceptable when PS4/XBO werent hitting it, and it's not acceptable with the Switch. It directly impacts how the game flows, feels, and controls.
You cant even say that Graphics arent important either. Because of the fact that it will also look nowhere near as impressive as competitors platforms (which to normalfags is important). This means the switch versions sell less, meaning that developers/publishers have less incentive to put games on the Switch. And this means less 3rd party titles leaving Switch dead after 2 years just like the WiiU, which ironically had 3rd party support in its first couple years as well.
Do you understand now or do I have to simplify it as much as Nintendo's simplified and casualized their titles for the modern fanbase who replaced me.
fuck off, console wars are the pinnacle of entertainment, much more fun than playing games.
How PS4/Xbone users see the switch is exactly how us PC users see the PS4/Xbone.
They're all incredibly inferior.
Its a fancy handheld that you can plug into your tv.
I dont know what people expected.
It matters if it supports my agenda. It doesn't need more games and it doesn't need to run games any better.
Everything on it needs to be better and on PS4.
The portable /CONSOLE/ Nintendo advertised. That's their classification, not mine. Me personally I didn't expect much, because if Nintendo's trends are anything to go by I knew it was gonna be a weak gimmick console long before launch.
Their tail tucked between their legs mentality never stops. They're afraid of making a strong console again because THEY fucked over THEMSELVES with the gamecube, and because Wii sold them gold bricks up their ass.
What are some cheap eshop only titles to get? I'm looking at Kof 2000 and Metal Slug 2 for now.